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These stupid people have gone to far


Why in the world WOULDN'T you "Frisk" a Six-year old - who could carry enough explosives to bring down the airliner if her parents decided to strap 'em on her. IF you give kids a "PASS" they automatically become WEAPONS that folks that don't sing "Kum-Bai-Ya" to each other every morning WILL use to their best advantage. SO the kid cried - big deal. It was probably her immature parents that scared her more than the TSA.

In Germany at Munich, there's the metal detector, and then into a private booth with Machine-gun armed guards outside, and a thorough pat down - for everybody. We're AT WAR with Islam, and with home grown terrorists of our own - ticked off at anything and everything. Deal with it!!

You don't like the TSA

DON'T FLY!!!!!

I've got to run up to Little Rock Monday - Airport Security will be the LEAST irritating event in what's what's gonna be just another lousy day at work.
I am starting to have a change of heart about this. A friend of my on a computer tech forum that I belong to, put it in it's proper perspective. He said if that little girl was of Middle Eastern decent, nobody would have said one mumbling word. And guess what he is right.
Re: Oh GROW UP!!!

Why in the world WOULDN'T you "Frisk" a Six-year old - who could carry enough explosives to bring down the airliner if her parents decided to strap 'em on her. We're AT WAR with Islam, and with home grown terrorists of our own - ticked off at anything and everything. Deal with it!!

If this is about being at "war with islam" then do profiling! This girl and her parents were obviously not muslims, and that is the problem here. This girl was touched like this for no reason. We are avoiding screening muslims to be politically correct so we subject obviously innocent people for no reason. This is plain wrong. If dogs smelled explosive material or drugs on the child then yes she would have to be checked but in this case it was just a random screening. And might I suggest she was selected because she looked like a docile type that would not fight and scream? Isn`t that the type preditors and bullies like to prey upon? If they select a muslim, the muslim can cry prejudice and they don`t want anyone crying that so they irrationally go for the innocent.

And to Lewis, if this had been a muslim child, probably the media and muslim community would have blown it up, but others would have been less upset since muslims are known for arming women and children. But we don`t see muslim children being screened and this is what is more upsetting. Supposedly these screenings are to prevent terrorism but we are not screening the people that are known for terrorism. We are screening people like this child and that is upsetting. It is like someone got shot and all the witnesses said it was a 30ish year old white man that commited the crime, but the police only bring in blacks, hispanics, and Asians for a line up and questioning. They don`t bring in any whites because they`re afraid they`ll hurt a white man`s feelings for being falsely accused. So they just make the obviously innocent go through the initial criminal screenings until they find the real murderer. It makes no sense. Why are they harrassing and really tormenting the obviously innocent? Why are they wasting everyone`s time and money by doing this? What`s the point?
Just a reminder, bombs aren't the only thing they're looking for. Children and children's toys have been used to smuggle drugs, among other things. Also, the video starts after the search began. Has anyone here, besides myself, stopped to think what might have triggered that serach? We aren't told anything abut that. Could it be that something about either the girl's or the parents' behavior made them seem suspicious? Of course, if we do stop to think about such things, it makes it much harder to be good Christians and condemn these people without knowing all the facts.
I am starting to have a change of heart about this. A friend of my on a computer tech forum that I belong to, put it in it's proper perspective. He said if that little girl was of Middle Eastern decent, nobody would have said one mumbling word. And guess what he is right.
point taken, besides the sick reality is the Govt really cant do much, it can only make us feel save and reduce the possibility of the attacks that way.

one that note then i have a change of heart.
Just a reminder, bombs aren't the only thing they're looking for. Children and children's toys have been used to smuggle drugs, among other things. Also, the video starts after the search began. Has anyone here, besides myself, stopped to think what might have triggered that serach? We aren't told anything abut that. Could it be that something about either the girl's or the parents' behavior made them seem suspicious? Of course, if we do stop to think about such things, it makes it much harder to be good Christians and condemn these people without knowing all the facts.

Theo, I read it was a random search which we know TSA does all the time, and I believe that must be the case since as far as I know no drugs were found on anyone in this family. However, if the child had been suspected of having drugs, I think they should have let a drug dog sniff her first. If the dog indicated there were drugs, then she should have been taken to a private location with her parents since the charges for drug smuggling certainly would have fallen on the parents rather than the child and letting all that unravel in public would have been even harder on the child than letting it be done in private. Also, I think if she had been suspected of drug smuggling it would have automatically have moved up a notch in security and handled differently. It was handled like a routine search.
And the child that is sexually molested but does not scream and fight is not traumatized either? Many times a sexually molested child does not fight because it is family or an authority figure that touches them and they feel obligated to stand there and take it just like this child. If a teacher or parent touched a child like this, they`d be charged with sexual molestation. Even a police can`t touch a child like this.

As for just driving, I live overseas so I don`t have that choice, but I don`t want to put my children through stuff like this either. So does that mean, my children should be denied seeing their grandparents, cousins, and other relatives if they don`t want to be all felt up?

There was absolutely no reason to seach this child like this. And they even did a drug test on the child! Do you think that was a good use of tax payer money? This stuff has to end.

Is it just America that is doing this? I don`t think even North Korea does this in its airports!
you ever heard of a boat.
you ever heard of a boat.
let me ask you this, have you ever heard of the idea of a tactful search, you do realise the tsa cant even arrest you and AREN't even law enforcement officers! i know a tsa agent, at all . i have talked to him in length on this matter. He said theres no academy like the cops get for them. They want to change that.

and what if the searches came to your car? yup.lets say evertime you got in them or walked you got searched as you had to go the search area. that is possible, and i could see that happen if someone used a car to for another 9-11 on a large scale and home grown terrorism.i was uniform on leave from combat! and they searched me! where am i going to get a bomb?!i came in from a military base where we do the searches.

personally the tsa doesnt bother me but the the way the search is what causes this, would you appreciate if i as a cop did a strip search in broad daylight of your person simple because i pulled you over and you had a tail light out and were otherwise clean?
One of my main beefs is that a cop cannot search you without probable cause or permission. TSA can search you without probable cause or permission and if you say know they can have you detained. :grumpy

Taking an art class, it's considered a humanities class for my grad. requirements, and one of the guys in there is a TSA agent and is working on his Criminal Justice major (wants to be a local law enforcement). Ever class he talks to me about all the things the TSA can do that cops cannot. It's some ridiculous stuff!
The government is trying to get our dander up. Also, they are preparing children to accept these things as normal. They've got to get the children or their mumbo jumbo will never take off.

Don't worry about it. Jesus is getting ready to close the curtain on all of this soon. And the villans are gonna get what's coming to them.
How have some of the worst world leaders gains control...

a little bit at a time.........yup get the world to accept this as the norm......

I would not fly i would not subject my kid to this.
One of my main beefs is that a cop cannot search you without probable cause or permission. TSA can search you without probable cause or permission and if you say know they can have you detained. :grumpy

Taking an art class, it's considered a humanities class for my grad. requirements, and one of the guys in there is a TSA agent and is working on his Criminal Justice major (wants to be a local law enforcement). Ever class he talks to me about all the things the TSA can do that cops cannot. It's some ridiculous stuff!
yup pushes the limits on the 4th amendment doesnt it. unlawful seizures and searches. since you will be trained on that law and miranda rights.

lets discuss implied consent and how the tsa uses that.
by taking an aircraft to travel you consent to that search.i dont like how they search and not so much the fact they they do. i think they should at least be trained as law enforcement or enlarge the dod police to handle this other fed law enforcement agency.or some court rule on this and a better way is set up.
The idea of consenting by simply being somewhere is such a gross exaggeration of the laws that be.
The idea of consenting by simply being somewhere is such a gross exaggeration of the laws that be.
i dont like but...

theres a sign on every military installation that says by entering this military instalation you are subject to search and seisure. so when anyone goes to nasa or the cape that is the fact for them.

and its been like that since 1950.
theres a sign on every military installation that says by entering this military instalation you are subject to search and seisure. so when anyone goes to nasa or the cape that is the fact for them.

Oh I know! I was the receiver of a search while on a military base once. Luckily my cousin came along and shooed the MPs away before they had to waste their time searching me and my truck and ending up finding nothing at all.
Oh I know! I was the receiver of a search while on a military base once. Luckily my cousin came along and shooed the MPs away before they had to waste their time searching me and my truck and ending up finding nothing at all.
look i dont like the tsa means of searching but nobody complains of that do they yet the same "rights" are being violated.
The problem is political correctness. See, we look for bombs, but what we SHOULD be looking for is TERRORISTS. A middle aged (barely) white couple with their little girl are NOT going to bring down an airplane that they, themselves, are flying on - we in the west don't do that.
So they should make sure they are from the middle east before they look for a bomb?
We Do -

If this is about being at "war with islam" then do profiling!

And we do just that. Ironically one of the Government inspectors on our latest munitions project is Middle eastern (Pakistani) and when we asked him if he wanted to take a munitions container we were manufacturing for the Army with him, his answer was: "Look at me!! are you crazy??!!"

"This girl and her parents were obviously not muslims,"

And neither were Timothy McVey, or the "New Years gang".

"This girl was touched like this for no reason."

Big Hairy deal - a Child was "touched" in a non-sexual manner, and her over-sensitive parents made a big stink about it. YOU don't know the entire set of circumstances that led up to this, and neither do I. But I do expect that you'd just as soon not fall 6 or 7 miles to your death when YOUR plane blows up, or disintegrates in mid flight. I'd just as soon make it to Little Rock, and back tomorrow in one piece, thank you very much.

No question but that the TSA "Rent-A-Cops" are probably pretty ineffective in the grand scale of things, but HEY - this was no big deal, and we all know it.
The idea of consenting by simply being somewhere is such a gross exaggeration of the laws that be.

They are certainly a perversion to the intent of the bill of rights, but we essentially let the government take away the 4th amendment to target unpopular groups. We can be stopped at sobriety check points at any time if we refuse it is grounds for arrest and grounds to lose the "privilege" to drive. If someone is caught with a prostitute their car or home can be taken by the state with no trial. In Arizona you have to have papers to prove you are a citizen and be ave to produce them on demand. We gave up our rights to get unpopular people.