YouTube Channel Video Devo
“This Is Too Hard”
Matthew 26:39 NLT
He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
I don’t know how many times I’ve used the phrase, “This is too hard” through my life. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve found myself either thinking this or saying it to someone because of a challenging situation I was in. I’m sure many of us have said this multiple times as we’ve found ourselves in unwanted, uncomfortable and challenging times.
Who really wants to wake up each day and look forward to challenging times that make life hard? No one! I think it’s so important for all of us to take time to focus on this moment in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is so close to His death and He is honestly pleading with His Father to possibly get Him out of the situation. This is one of the most human situations in all of Scripture. Jesus knows what He has to do, but He wrestles with this and agonizes over it.
Friends, when we go through hard situations, Jesus knows how it feels. No matter what pain or agony you are feeling, He is right there with you. As I pondered this Scripture and scene today, it just made me think of all the times we have all said, “This is too hard” as we experience challenging situations. There are times we just don’t want to be in and don’t want to deal with. We’d rather walk away and not deal with the situation in front of us. We plead with God to remove the hard times so that we don’t have to suffer anymore.
As much as we want to avoid pain, sometimes God needs to use the painful situations to help us grow. Whatever painful situation you might be experiencing right now in our life, have a real heart to heart conversation with God and tell Him everything you are feeling. He’s not surprised that you might be pleading with Him. He wants to hear your agony and your pain and for you to be real with Him. It doesn’t mean He’s going to take the pain away, but it will bring you much closer to Him.
There are many situations in life I wish that I could just steer clear from, but I know that God challenges me and wants me to grow through these to become stronger. I also know He will be with me through all of it. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety through the past months in various ways and learning about myself in ways I never considered before. I know that God is teaching me to deal with what I’m experiencing and He is showing me nothing is too hard to get through with Him.
Every time I think something is too hard for me, I just need to remember what Jesus experienced and I know that I’m not alone. Whatever your painful time is, know God is with you also.
“This Is Too Hard”
Matthew 26:39 NLT
He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
I don’t know how many times I’ve used the phrase, “This is too hard” through my life. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve found myself either thinking this or saying it to someone because of a challenging situation I was in. I’m sure many of us have said this multiple times as we’ve found ourselves in unwanted, uncomfortable and challenging times.
Who really wants to wake up each day and look forward to challenging times that make life hard? No one! I think it’s so important for all of us to take time to focus on this moment in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is so close to His death and He is honestly pleading with His Father to possibly get Him out of the situation. This is one of the most human situations in all of Scripture. Jesus knows what He has to do, but He wrestles with this and agonizes over it.
Friends, when we go through hard situations, Jesus knows how it feels. No matter what pain or agony you are feeling, He is right there with you. As I pondered this Scripture and scene today, it just made me think of all the times we have all said, “This is too hard” as we experience challenging situations. There are times we just don’t want to be in and don’t want to deal with. We’d rather walk away and not deal with the situation in front of us. We plead with God to remove the hard times so that we don’t have to suffer anymore.
As much as we want to avoid pain, sometimes God needs to use the painful situations to help us grow. Whatever painful situation you might be experiencing right now in our life, have a real heart to heart conversation with God and tell Him everything you are feeling. He’s not surprised that you might be pleading with Him. He wants to hear your agony and your pain and for you to be real with Him. It doesn’t mean He’s going to take the pain away, but it will bring you much closer to Him.
There are many situations in life I wish that I could just steer clear from, but I know that God challenges me and wants me to grow through these to become stronger. I also know He will be with me through all of it. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety through the past months in various ways and learning about myself in ways I never considered before. I know that God is teaching me to deal with what I’m experiencing and He is showing me nothing is too hard to get through with Him.
Every time I think something is too hard for me, I just need to remember what Jesus experienced and I know that I’m not alone. Whatever your painful time is, know God is with you also.