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This Tithing Thing ~ what do you say?


Hello Everyone,

I truly love and respect my Pastor/Leader of the church I attend. I believethat God uses him to reveal and confirm situations in my life that I have nottold anyone but God which I believe to be a sign of confirmation. I've beentaught in my former church to give until one Sunday I wanted to move to anotherlevel within myself in hearing about tithing and that it was biblical but notunderstanding fully of (OT) 10%. I read that Jesus came to do away with the Law(NT). The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were togive 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). The New Testamentnowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistictithe system. Paul states that believers should set aside a portion of theirincome in order to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).
My former pastor taught and called two offering He was very clear about sacrificegiving (giving your last to trust God to give back) and tithing to make sacrificecoming from your heart every week. How do you approach your Leader that he maybe wrong when it comes to tithing about 10%
How do you approach your Leader that he maybe wrong when it comes to tithing about 10%[/FONT]
I don't. It does no good.

One of the hardest and most dangerous things to do is correct a leader in the church. I recommend you not do it and just move on in the name of peace.

But a small group setting may give you more room to share openly about things like this when it's shared from the view point of an opinion. Truth gets shared (if what you're sharing is truth), other people hear it, and the dignity of the leaders present is preserved. That's sounds like a win-win situation to me.
It is interesting how tithing as commanded in the law does not resemble tithing as it is taught in the church today. And not because we live in a monetary system of trade and not an agricultural one like the Israelites did.
...oh, don't want to be misunderstood here. The promise connected with tithing is a very real blessing. You will be hard pressed to out give God.
Brother Jethro,
On my way to the House this blessed Sunday morning. I truly thank you for your response this helps a whole lot:yes

I read in acts where everything was common to the church, there was no tithe. Strangely this church disappeared from history and I see three hundred years later a church back to the tithe which was just like the synagogues.
Sorry about the length,

Paul in Galatians 2:19 did not say the law was dead; he said he was dead to the law. In other words the law had no authority over him because he was under grace and law and grace cannot mix, Galatians 2:21. The law is not dead as some teach. You can live under the Law if you choose, but Galatians 3:10-13 states the law is very much alive, so alive that it carries a curse with it if violated trying to live by it.

Paul never taught tithing, in truth he taught against it. Tithing is not for the born-again believer today. Tithing was incorporated into the law given to Moses, Leviticus 27:26-34. The same law where circumcision was incorporated into, Lev. 12:1-8. We do not circumcise or sacrifice animals according to the law, so why do we tithe. Romans 10:4 For Christ are the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes. Galatians 3:10-13 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse and man is not justified by the law in the sight of God, but Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.

When you tithe, if you do not tithe correctly according to the law you will be cursed with a curse, Malachi 3:8, 9. If you tithe correctly you will get blessings poured out upon you, Malachi 3:10. The blessings are not just all about money for there are many different types of blessings. In truth, if you tithe correctly the blessings of God would be overflowing in your life. Some of you, like myself, have been tithing and tithing and nothing has changed in your life. If the way tithing has been taught by man than all the ministries that have been teaching tithing for years should have so much money they would not have enough room to store it all and the banks would be overflowing with all the money you should be receiving by the way man has taught us for years.

Tithing has never been taught to be money in the scriptures. Tithing has put people under bondage and a lot of people need to be set free from the bondage law of 10%. Most people cannot afford to give 10% of their paycheck. They would not have time to count out 10% of all their perishable and nonperishable food items and bring them into Gods storehouse. The laws given to Moses in Leviticus 27 required all this. The storehouses that God was talking about was storing up food to feed the priest and scribes in the temple so they could be about those things of the Lord and not have to worry about what they should eat or how to provide food for themselves.

You can give 10% when you know the truth. When you do not know the truth and you are tithing because you are told to tithe this is called tithing under the Old Testament law. God does not honor this today. Just because we do not know the truth, this does not change God's word. We have all tithed. To this day has anybody ever showed you in the Bible where tithing is money? You have just taken mans word for it all these years.

The God I serve and read about in the Bible is not a God that would expect you to give the babies milk money to him. He would not expect your family to go without twenty dollars worth of food so you can give the last 20 to the church. Even the women with the two mites gave her last from the heart and not because she had to, but because she wanted to. If tithing meant money in today's world we would need ten or twelve banks just to hold our money. See, the over abundance is not happening. Tithing is nothing more than good intentions and good intentions do not get you your blessings. The only thing that is going to set you free is the truth of the word of God. Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith; these ought to have been done and not to leave the other undone. See, the hypocrites do these things for show, but they do not give out of love. They give because they were told to do so.

The laws that were given to Moses were for the Israelites (not the born again believer) consisted of 613 Levtical laws and they were given and changed throughout all generations for their disobedience of Gods word. These laws also included the Ten Commandments which man has separated from the 613 laws and decided to simplify the laws. Jesus left us with but only two laws to follow in Matthew 22:36-40 and that was to love. Love is what gets our blessings from God. The 613 laws have absolutely no saving power in them. In James 2:10 if you are going to follow the law and violate one part of the law you are guilty of breaking all the laws and in Galatians 3:10-14 Jesus was made an end to the curse of the law and was made the fulfillment of the law through love. When we start loving one another and be quick to forgive one another than the blessings will come pouring in and you will be giving from the heart in all the areas of your life. Give from your heart and not from bondage of what man tells you to give and then you will see the blessings of God work in your life.
Sorry about the length,

Paul in Galatians 2:19 did not say the law was dead; he said he was dead to the law.
Maybe so, but in Galatians 3 he clearly argues that the Law is like a tutor who has completed his teaching, and that the Jew is no longer under the tutor.

I am convinced that Paul believes that the Law of Moses, having accomplished its objective, has been "retired".

Besides, the Law of Moses was only ever delivered to Jews and it is clearly understood (certainly by Paul) that it is something only Jews were subject to. I am surprised this is not generally understood, given that, in my view, the case is so clear. I will bet that very few Biblical scholars would agree that the Law of Moses was intended for universal application.

I am not saying we should not tithe - I am saying we should not tithe for the specific reason that the Law of Moses instructs us to.
This is how tithing is taught in the law:

22 Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year. 23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the LORD your God always. 24 But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the LORD your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the LORD will choose to put his Name is so far away), 25 then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the LORD your God will choose. 26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice. 27 And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own.

28 At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. (Deut. 14:22-29 NIV1984)

Interesting, huh? Most pastors would stroke out if they knew we are to eat our own tithe.

Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving, even if it's in accordance with a tithe. If you have the faith to make a tenth of your income a personal guideline for giving, and you're giving really is for the purpose of giving (not getting), then I say go for it...and be blessed. God's not a slot machine that gives instant returns on your giving, but in the end, God will remember your giving and return a blessing to you.
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Tithing Is not a practice of the Church that is founded on the Old Testament Law. It is base on the fact that as a seeds of Abraham in Christ, we as believers, are of the Abrahamic covenant in which Abraham paid tithe unto God (as expressed in the Book of Hebrews). No other giving is mandatory. It is permissible to give other than your tithes , but you should do so according to your level of your financial blessings and faith, and not by the demands of your Pastor.
Tithing is also something I have a problem with. I don't make much money, due to a garnishment for student loans my take home pay is less than what the average person on minimum wage makes. I truly struggle just to make ends meet, tithing is simply a burden I can't afford. I used to make decent money when I was agnostic and I gave to people on the street constantly, not out of obligation but because my moral center told me it was right for those that have to give to those that have not. I find it frustrating that as a Christian I can no longer afford to do so.
Tithing Is not a practice of the Church that is founded on the Old Testament Law. It is base on the fact that as a seeds of Abraham in Christ, we as believers, are of the Abrahamic covenant in which Abraham paid tithe unto God (as expressed in the Book of Hebrews). No other giving is mandatory.
Are you saying tithing is mandatory? And if you are saying it is, is it mandatory to do it the way the law commanded it be done?
Im inclined to agree with you on some points here.

Nowhere in the bible does it state that you must give 2 times on any given sunday,etc.This sounds like personal interjection on the part of your preacher,and I really dont see the sense in a regular tithe as well as an additional sacrificial offering.A offering is in itself sacrificial,anything further is redundant at best.

As for Jesus coming to do away with the law..consider Matthew 5:17..He states that Hes not coming to do away with the law or prophets,but to fulfill.In short,yes some things from the old school were changed when the new testament took effect but not everything is to be ignored or cast aside.

I fully believe in giving back to God,and there is a very real need for cheerful givers.Donations are what runs the church.This pays the light bill,provides furniture and provides for our other needs that we may in turn be equipped to do our ultimate job..bringing people to God.

As for the amount..10% is a solid way to go,but I dont think that this number should be the last word.Its also stated in the new testament that were to give as weve been prospered.In other words,our giving should be proportionate to our ability to give.If youre poor,give what you can.If you happen to be blessed with more,then obviously you have a responsibility to give a bit more.By nature,the 10% rule walks hand-in-hand with this,but if I had 10mil sitting in the bank,why choke the flow down to 10%?Obviously giving more at that point wouldnt hurt.

Just my 2 cents.
In short, reserve a tenth of your increase and eat it in the presence of the Lord. Every third year put your tithes in the Temple storehouse for the Levites and the poor.

Almost, there are three tithes. 1st was to the Levites for the temple, 2nd was for the Feast Days and the third was 2 years in seven (3rd and 6th) that was for the poor and the Priests.

Tithing was on the increase not gross...

Lev 27:32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.
Lev 27:33 He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.

Q: Suppose one had a crop of 17 lambs, what is the tithe?
A: One. The twentieth had not passed under the rod, because there was no twentieth.

Actual tithing according to God's way is not burdensome.
I have noticed that each time I pay my tithe God responds in a unique way. Tithing is very essential and in fact is in the new testament. If you want the blessings of God and His direction, Pay your tithe.

Christ healed ten lepers, but only one came to thank Him Lk 17: 12-19
I have noticed that each time I pay my tithe God responds in a unique way. Tithing is very essential and in fact is in the new testament. If you want the blessings of God and His direction, Pay your tithe.
Would your church be okay with someone eating their tithe in accordance with the way tithing is taught in the Bible? And only being required to store it up for the ministers of the gospel and the poor every three years? I'm curious.
We encourage people to pay tithe, as it is biblical. No one is forced to do so. And when they refuse to do's their own business. And people who pay are usually the happier ones.

I worship in a church that is not money conscious - no prosperity preachers thing.