Cornelius said:
Perhaps you should become a Catholic, because if you, through your studies have missed the meaning of the word church, then I do not know what to tell you.
Where do you get the idea from the Bible that "church" is some invisible and vaguely defined set of ideals that people choose or not choose to believe in? The Church is called out, it is visible. People know where they can find it. Jesus tells us to GO TO IT when there are serious issues. It is a particular community of people on the earth journeying towards eternal life in Christ. It is not an ideal secretly held "under a bushel". There is no definition of "church" that speaks of someone merely agreeing in a moral lifestyle. The Church has particular beliefs (as defined by the Creed) and those who do not hold to them are outside.
Cornelius said:
At this stage you can basically join anything you want, it would be the same.The Catholics will welcome you with open arms, I promise you.
It is quite fortunate that Cornelius has given permission on this matter...
We always welcome people with open arms, we are the universal church, open to all.
Cornelius said:
As for the "golden age" of the church, well all I can say is that what they are teaching you is obviously from a human point of view and has not real teaching from the spiritual side. Golden age, from a human point maybe, but a spiritual desert.
As usual, you don't have a clue about what you are talking about when speaking about church history. It is quite interesting how you judge the spiritual well-being of an entire culture without knowing much of anything about them but the tired stereotypes taught by "Jack-chick" types...
I am sure your knowledge comes from the typical stereotypes perpetrated by the Reformers. This continues today. A few months ago, some girls came to my door trying to sell me a book on Church history. Naturally, I was interested, since I enjoy reading history. I opened the book and thumbed through it. I kid you not, the book went from chapter one, ancient history before Constantine, chapter two, Constantine, chapter three, the events leading to the Reformation, c. 1500... From my experience in dealing with converts and those open to Catholicism, I find that my separated brothers have not been taught much history of the Church from 350-1500. It is as if the period of time never existed, or was unworthy of discussion. Naturally, I told the young ladies that their book was missing over 1000 years of Christian history, and thus, had little use on my book shelf, being a ridiculous summation of things Christian...
I find that most of my separated brothers know very little of the Golden Age of Christiandom. If we compare how things were, spiritually, to today, I think Cornelius would have to eat his words... Our culture is far and away more spiritually declining than the period of time from 600-1200.
Cornelius said:
So my view will not be reflected in your studies at Marian University in Indianapolis
you have to go sit alone somewhere with you Bible and then ask the Lord to show you what His heart is. Ask Him to show you the church as He sees it. Then wait and listen.
Naturally. What would the University know compared to you... Being that you are almighty and know all, how could a university possibly compare with your vast wisdom...
This is the big problem with the "church of one" group. Since they think they understand the Scriptures through and through - their interpretations are infallible, of course (being a popette...) - naturally, their wisdom and knowledge of things religious spills over into the secular realm. See how their infallibility and supreme knowledge even moves into knowing about non-biblical matters. Oh, the pride and vanity of the "church of one" people... This is one of the best reasons of remaining within a community of worshippers who follow the Scriptural paradigm of followers of Christ. Being fed by men given the gift of the Spirit for the purposes of our spiritual advancement.
Cornelius said:
Or, you can join the Catholic Church. After all they say they are THE Church and we all know they cannot be wrong, the Pope is infallible .
Your infalliblilty is more broad than even the Pope's, so look to the log in your own eye, C...
The Pope's infallibility is recognized by the Church, OTHER people. YOUR "infallibility" is self-proclaimed...