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Growth Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You will SOAR in your PURPOSE

Bible Verse of the Day
Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

When I was 7 years old I had my first full-blown panic attack. It felt like my heart was literally compressing in my chest. Like there was no way I could take a full breath even if my life depended on it.

It happened again when I was 24 years old, the moment I found out that the business venture I’d sunk my entire savings into, the product I’d maxed out all my credit cards and used up all my savings on –

Had failed.
Didn’t work.
Had taken me in and spit me out with a vengeance so strong I didn’t understand it.

As I stared at my bank account while the bill collector calmly asked for payment over the phone, I couldn’t take a breath. Once again my heart felt like it was swelling in my chest, overwhelming me to the point that my breath came out in short little pants that wouldn’t reach maternity.

I curled into a ball and willed everything to go away. I blocked out my passion for my work, my reason and my purpose, and replaced it with a hopeless anxiety that would never let anything be okay.

In that moment I decided to quit.

I’d known what God had told me. That He’d called me at 14 years old, told me to make Christian products for His children, promised me I’d find success beyond anything I had ever imagined. But in that moment I didn’t care about that promise. Instead I let the despair of the moment overwhelm me to the point I decided to quit.

And thank the Lord almighty –
The moment passed.
I got my breath back.

Literally 10 minutes later, I laughed at my disbelief and decided to replace it with faith. There was a reason this had happened. There was a reason failure had come. But here’s the secret about living with purpose.

Failure isn’t about falling. Failure is about not getting up again. And I decided to continue living in my purpose and get up again.

Just a few short months later I went to another tradeshow and sold out of my products the first few hours of the show. My debt was paid off, my purpose was confirmed, and I learned that it didn’t matter that I decided to quit for 10 minutes. What matters is that I changed my mind and picked my purpose up again.

It takes a strong spirit to keep flying when your wings are hurting. It takes a strong spirit to keep running even when exhaustion runs deep through your bones. It takes a strong spirit to keep pressing forward, moving onward, and never giving up no matter how impossible the fight seems.

But when you have hope in the Lord, that’s exactly what your spirit does. It continues to press onward because your strength is miraculously renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit. You will succeed.


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the strength to believe. Thank You for the strength to succeed. And even if I’ve quit in the past, I change my mind now. I WILL live Your purpose for my life. I pray that today You grant me the wisdom to take the first step.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,

When we fail is it Gods fault, no. It's our fault as we lose sight of that which God has called us to do. We do not walk by the things we can see, we walk by those things of God we haven't seen yet. We walk by faith.
When we fail is it Gods fault, no. It's our fault as we lose sight of that which God has called us to do. We do not walk by the things we can see, we walk by those things of God we haven't seen yet. We walk by faith.
It's not God's fault, no. He only wants the best for us. Failure -- or the true definition -- a "temporary defeat" -- is just a result of the sinful nature of this world we live in. What matters is having enough faith to understand there's a big picture God designed us to see, and that temporary defeat is just another opportunity to stop wasting time on a plan that doesn't work so we can move on to the blessing God has in store. God bless you always!
It's when we let go and let God that we are never defeated when we submit and trust all to Him. We might not understand His ways, but know they are better than our way.
Amen. God sees the big picture and knows what He has in store for our lives. Just a few years back I made a really bad business decision that nearly bankrupt my entire company. I was heart broken, but it was MY bad decision that placed me in that situation. Nevertheless, God used that heartbreak to inspire me to start encouraging other women through daily devotionals. And in that my passion and purpose was awakened. We never know what God has in store at the end of the line. But what I DO know is that if we trust Him, let go and let God do HIs thing, we'll always get to the promise land.
Amen. God sees the big picture and knows what He has in store for our lives. Just a few years back I made a really bad business decision that nearly bankrupt my entire company. I was heart broken, but it was MY bad decision that placed me in that situation. Nevertheless, God used that heartbreak to inspire me to start encouraging other women through daily devotionals. And in that my passion and purpose was awakened. We never know what God has in store at the end of the line. But what I DO know is that if we trust Him, let go and let God do HIs thing, we'll always get to the promise land.
Exactly, let go, let God
Amen. Hello godlyworldgirl. Your post intrigued me. I am living and breathing the topic of meaning and purpose in life with my dissertation right now and just created a course on this topic. Praying 4 u. Be blessed.