Brandon Bozarth said:"2. Seperation of Church & State....the state should truly have not much, if any part in what defines the written word....makes it....or how a Christian should live in terms of marriage, etc."
Lostlamb: Just to clarify, by "defines the written word" are you speaking about the word of God? How do you think the state does this? Do you see the state allowing Gay marriage as an infringement on your rights to marriage. I suppose I am just confused by what you mean when you say that the state shouldn't tell Christian's how to live when it seems to me that marriage being only between a man and woman because it is biblical is sort of the opposite of that?
To clarify and summarize to separate church and state would mean that there would be zero interference between the two. If the state passes a law that says gays can marry then that is the state creating a law free of theology- in a sense- however it now requires Christians to live in a country that endorses sin, which many laws already do. (i.e abortion, prostitution, drug use.) On the other hand if Christians wish for the state to ban gay marriage based on homosexuality being immoral then that is Christianity imposing itself in the form of law on the rights of others. Now believe me I am not trying to argue with you. I am just wondering if you can see it that way. I do respect your opinion and especially your right to fight against something you do not stand for, I would be ashamed if you did not. However my goal with this project I am working on is to bridge gaps not create converts.
With gay marriage, is it just the word marriage? What if a civil union gave a gay couple the same exact rights? What would be the difference in your opinion, please?
The church is who marries people yes? What I am basically implying here is that the State should not force or make the church marry two men or two women when their beliefs are clearly against it. No doubt, I do feel that those who are intimate and have such interest in living those sort of lifestyles should not be persecuted because of it and treated unequally. But...sometimes I have to far is too far?
Another big issue I have with the church and state is the church cannot enter into a number of state controlled things such as school systems and the like...yet somehow the state can sometimes seem to impede on what is acceptable in terms of the church. Such as the whole growing issue of civil union and marriage between same gender couples.
I apologize should I not be making much sense or still come across as vague.