● Rev 6:7-8 . .When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the
fourth living creature say: Come!
. . I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named Death, and
hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the
earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Those lethal sources are common throughout the world today; but never have they
harvested so many souls as they will in the future. For example:
The current global population is roughly +/- 8,089,368,164 souls. By the time Mr.
Death finishes his work, something like 2.022 billion of those people would be
rubbed out by war, hunger, disease, and the animal kingdom; which consists of a
fair number of poisonous species along with toxic critters like vampire bats and
* In perspective: 2.022 billion people adds up to nearly 6x the USA's current
population of 337,573,164 souls.
We don't usually notice someone's passing unless they're famous or one of our
friends, associates, and relatives. Well; when Mr. Death goes to work, the dead will
be all around and impossible to overlook. I rather suspect funeral homes will be
overwhelmed; if open for business at all.
And ER? Well, it's Mr. Death's intention that people die rather than survive, so I
should think that any and all medical attention the hospitals are able to provide will
be quite inadequate, viz: they'll likely serve as morgues instead of treatment