I was watchin a few things about quantum physics. And it made me think of the trinity when they talked about entanglement.
Or did God create the mechanics of quantum physics, and is beyond even that?
I'm not sure if God is beyond even that, or may just be allowing us to discover aspects of our universe and even the spiritual realm (Kingdom of God)? Either way, what's come out of quantum physics is, in short, that science is proving the existence of God.
I get two big things out of quantum physics. One is that they have scientifically proven that we live in an electrical hologram (the matrix). That consequently proves that matter is illusory, and that alternate dimensions (kingdom realm) is real.
The second thing is that, at the sub-atomic level it is energy, it is structured, and can be influenced by it's environment (us). It has memory, and knows if we are observing it or not, and responds to our spoken words and intentions!
Since matter is illusory, this means that real substance is consciousness itself. They have proven that our thoughts, words and intentions can directly affect our environment. This would suggest that our thoughts words and intentions have profound effects within the kingdom realm...moreso than we ever dreamed possible.
The spoken word has creative properties because we are plugged into the matrix, and are vibrational beings, and emit vibrations through electromagnetic energy. Whether we emit negative vibes or positive vibes depends entirely upon our thoughts and words (as well as the intentions of the heart) will have effects upon our immediate environment, and perhaps have further reaching effects upon the rest of the world and/or the kingdom realm.
Yeah brother, the rabbit hole goes deep. I find it fascinating, and so far, seems to be backed up by scripture also.