destiny said:
McArthur doesn't believe the gifts of the spirit are for today, nor does he believe in modern day miracles.
Those people in the video are in error.. as is McArthur. The scales have no balance either way.
We have to read the Bible for ourselves through the lens of the Holy Spirit, instead of allowing man to cloud and distort the truth.
MacArthur believes God still performs miracles today, he just does not believe that the "sign gifts" are for today. He believes that because the Bible teaches they were mainly signs to the unbelieving Jews, because the Jews required signs, Gentiles do not. The signs were more or less a warning to the unbelieving Jews that judgment was coming. Some believe that in 70 AD when Jerusalem was destroyed, the sign gifts ceased. All signs point to something. In this case, the sign gifts were pointing to unbelieving Israel that judgment was coming. When we drive to a destination we see signs along the way that will tell us how many more miles we have to go. But once we get to our destination, there are no more signs. So, once the judgement came upon Israel, the signs stopped. I could be wrong but it would make sense.
People today seem to rely more on miracles than they do faith.
Perhaps MacArthur is wrong in his interpretations, but who is to say we are right? John did the best he could with interpreting the scriptures as do any of us. It just may be that God will look at us in the face someday and tell us we all were way off on our interpretations. :P
Does God perform miracles today? Absolutely. However, the only ones in the Bible that could perform miracles were Jesus, the Apostles, and a few that the Apostles laid hands on. Not every believer could perform miracles. The fact that the Apostles could perform miracles was because it was a sign they were Apostles. If every believer could do it, then that would make everyone an Apostle. Every Apostle was hand picked by Christ, even Paul.
As Christians, none of us will ever agree 100% with scripture interpretation. I just don't like it when some people get on a high horse and act as if they know it all. We should never accuse other believers of being right or wrong. We can do our best to study the scriptures the best ways we know how and leave it at that. We can 'believe" someone has the wrong interpretation, but we should never have the attitude "I am right and you are wrong". Every believer reads from the same Bible but many arrive at differing conclusions. They all believe they are right, but we know they can't be all right.
I have listened to many preachers over the years and I happen to find John MacArthur to be one of the best. I don't agree with him on everything he teaches, but I believe he is on point when it comes to the subject of tongues. He has did a lot of historical background in his studies and he always tries his best to understand the proper context. He even admits at times that he has trouble interpreting certain passages, but who doesn't?
I have been involved in a couple charismatic Churches and I can say that it was more harmful in my walk with God than it has been helpful. I have been a Christian for 13 years now and never once spoke in tongues. I pray to God in English and He understands me just fine. When I pray, I want to know what I am saying.