Turbulento says hello


Oct 28, 2024
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Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.
Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.
Welcome Turbulento,

Im really happy for you and your descision :)
I pray you find the answers you need !!
God bless !
Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.

Welcome e to the forum.

May I say there are No wrong questions.
2nd if you want to ex0lore Christianity then one needs to live Christianity, to be regular in attending the same church, involved with those attending that church.

In daily life it helps to have a daily reading plan. Books like ' Everyday with Jesus ' are a us daily worship act as well as getting one use to regularly reading the Bible.

Chec, out the church's Web sites in your area, watch/listen to online service/summons and when you find a church that challenges you, contact the minister about attending on Sunday.
Contact him to sort out any spec needs you may have, re noise, lights or explanations.

One way into a church is to explore the christianityexploredweb siteforchurches in your area that run this course and sign up.
This would enable you to discuss aspects of Christianity and together to know thechurch members running the course which would ma,e walking into the church less daunting.
Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.

Greetings Turbulento, and welcome to our forum!

I would agree with Who Me that there are no "wrong" questions for those who are sincerely seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and attempting to draw closer to Him.

If you have questions, please feel free to post them here. Unless there is anything inappropriate we will be more than glad to answer whatever questions you have:

- H
Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.
The only that comes to mind in regard to your dilemma is this. Remember that God is Always Present (good, bad or anything in between). No reason to doubt. Ever. imo Please know that whether you feel His Presence or not, He is there and He hears every single prayer you make, whenever you make it and for however long you make it.
Hi Turbulento and welcome to CF :wave2

We are here to help lift you up and try to guide you as you can ask anything. Please feel free to use the Q&A forum and remember, there are no stupid questions for by asking we learn. Also when you read your Bible pray first and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding

God bless :)
Hello all. My story is unfortunately not so much different from many others. Faith has come and gone throughout the years. I have mostly only turned towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit when life has been tough and everything feels like complete darkness. But I want to devote myself full time for the rest of my life, anything less does not feel genuine nor true.

Beeing diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 has had its impact on me. Life has given me many blows, twists and turns the past 51 years. When I turn to faith, everything is much easier as I really can feel the warmth and love flooding all over me. I feel I am not alone.

So now I am trying to explore the Bible and Christianity to a much deeper extent. I need guidance on my journey, many questions need answers and I need to get a good strong foundation in my faith to move forward.

With that said, I will probably "ask the wrong questions" along the way - not yet really knowing which the right ones are. But I am here to learn more about the power of God. He is truly the light. Amen.
Its good you are trying to get closer to God
Hi Turbulento and welcome to CF :wave2

We are here to help lift you up and try to guide you as you can ask anything. Please feel free to use the Q&A forum and remember, there are no stupid questions for by asking we learn. Also when you read your Bible pray first and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding

God bless :)