7-8 In these verses Paul elaborates the two sides of v. 6. V. 7 explains the nature of God's wisdom that made it impossible for the wise of this age to grasp it; v. 8 repeats the failure of the "rulers" in terms of their responsibility for the crucifixion.
He begins with a sharp contrast to the negative side of v. 6. "No," he says, "we speak God's wisdom," which he immediately qualifies in four ways. The first three describe its nature, so as to distinguish it from the wisdom of this age. First, it is wisdom "in mystery" (NIV, "secret wisdom").[2] One cannot be certain whether this phrase modifies "wisdom" as an adjective (hence the NIV's "secret wisdom") or the verb "we speak" as an adverb. The former seems preferable. God's wisdom is not some inaccessible teaching, spoken in secret. As Paul will develop more fully in Colossians and Ephesians [see Col. 1:26-27; 2:2: 4:3; Eph. 1:9; 3:3, 4, 9: 6:19], in the singular the term "mystery" ordinarily refers to something formerly hidden in God from all human eyes but how revealed in history through Christ and made understandable to his people through the Spirit. The seeds of this idea are sown here for the first time in Paul; in particular it embraces the paradox of the crucifixion of "the Lord of glory" (v. 8).
Second, and to clarify the phrase "in mystery," God's wisdom - salvation through a crucified Messiah - "has been hidden." The perfect tense, plus the phrase that follows ("before time began"), indicates that such wisdom has been hidden in God from eternity until such a time ("now") as he was ready to reveal it. What follows in v. 8 suggests further that God's "secret"remains hidden from the "rulers, " the representatives of the "wise" of this age.
Third, God's secret wisdom, long hidden - and still hidden to some - was "destined" by God himself "for our glory before time began." This is the clause that begins to clarify both the content of "wisdom" and the identity of the "mature" in v. 6. The verb "destined" is an intensified form of the ordinary verb for "determining." The emphasis lies on "deciding upon beforehand" (BAGD) [3]; therefore, to "predestine." As in [1 Cor] 1:1, God's call is the expression of his prior will, which in this case is further intensified by the phrase "before time began" (lit. "before the ages"). What God determined "before the ages" has been worked out in the present age, which is being brought to its conclusion as the final glorious age has dawned and is awaiting its consummation - "for our glory." What has been predestined technically is God's wisdom; the larger context indicates that Paul has in view God's gracious activity in Christ, whereby through the crucifixion he determined eternal salvation for his people - including especially the Corinthian believers. Just as God chose the foolish and weak for salvation and thereby "shamed" the wise and powerful, who are being brought to nothing (1:26-28), so now Paul repeats that God "destined" his people for glory (not shame), and has done so in contrast to the rulers of this age who are "coming to nothing." "For our glory" is eschatological language, referring to the final goal of salvation, namely that God's people should share in his own glory. Hence the crucified one is in this context also called "the Lord of glory" (v. 8).
Fourth (v. 8a), God's wisdom is something that "none of the rulers of this age understood." With this clause Paul elaborates the negative side of v. 6, but now in light of the preceding description of God's wisdom. The reason for their failure is that it was "hidden in God" and could only be grasped by revelation of the Spirit (v. 10). The reason for repeating the idea seems twofold: first, to reestablish the contrast between "us" and "them" that is crucial to his argument; and second, to confirm their part in the historical event itself, which both demonstrated their "ignorance" of God's ways and implicated them in the carrying out of his plan. What they did not understand was the nature of true wisdom - God's wisdom, as spelled out in 1:18-2:5 - which stands in contradiction to human understanding; and because they were thus "ignorant" they did what human "wisdom" demanded - they crucified the one who for them was one more messianic pretender. Thus the divine irony: The very ones who were trying to do away with Jesus by crucifying him were in fact carrying out God's prior will - "destined for our glory before time began." Instead of crucifying a messianic pretender, they killed "the Lord of glory" himself, the one who, as Lord of all the ages, is therefore Lord of the final glory that is both his and his people's ultimate destiny. The Pauline irony, of course, is that the Corinthians in pursuing sophia [i.e. wisdom] are pursuing what belongs to this age, which is passing away and whose rulers were implicated in the divine irony (Fee 1987:104-107, underlined emphasis in original; bold emphasis added)