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Ugly Vs Beautiful

I guess to some extent it can be a matter of style and preference, too.

For example, some people like thick, Goth-style make up, while others don't like the look of it at all. Some people like black nail polish, while others prefer to limit it to pinks and reds. Some people will say that pink polish and the smokey eye look is 'pretty', but then if thick, black mascara is added, and black nail polish, it looks 'ugly', while others might like the look quite a lot.

So to some extent, at least, it's a bit subjective.
One thing about this life is that you can't look like that person you admire alot. God has made us all completely unique!!!

People who destroy their body in the name of 'making it look better' should think twice.

A black skin can't turn white; a white skin can't turn black. Celine Dion can't sing like Mariah Carey and Maria Carey can't sing like Celine Dion. Americans only love American Football (which trully doesn't make sense to me....., Mike and Elijah will disagree); the rest of the world loves soccer:)

There is something unique in you that another person doesn't have - no one else has that in this whole world - in this entire universe.
The Bible never gives a physical description of Jesus, but the verse above hints that He was rather ordinary looking. It seems Jesus’ human form was de-emphasized on purpose. God didn’t want people attracted to Him because of His looks, but rather, His message and who He was.

Not really. Bible does give us a clear description on how Jesus would look like (or atleast to some extent).

(Rev 4:3) And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and [there was] a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.

Has anyone really seen how a jasper or a sardius stone will look like?

(1Cor 11:14) Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?

Jesus wasn't a nazirite to have long hair and as per Paul, it is unnatural to grow long hair. So, he should have short hair.

(Matt 5:36) Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black.

His hair color is black because if He is in a group of people with different hair color, he would have used that color instead of black, but He referred only black and white.

Bible does describe a color as beautiful: e.g, David - ruddy
(1Sam 16:12) So he sent and brought him in. Now he [was] ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking. And the LORD said, "Arise, anoint him; for this [is] the one!"

(Gen 1:26) Then God said, "Let Us make man [H120 אָדָם 'adam] in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

[H120 אָדָם 'adam] - means ruddy often translated as man for clarity has its root word from [H119 אָדַם 'adam] which means - be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).

"Adam" (Hebrew אָדָם comes from the trilateral root אָדַם ( 'ADM ), meaning "red", "fair", "handsome". In the Book of Genesis, Adam occurs as a proper name in chapters 2-5. As a masculine noun, 'adam means "man", "mankind" usually in a collective context as in humankind, and may also refer to the individual human. The noun 'adam is also the masculine form of the word adamah which means "ground" or "earth". It is related to the words: adom (red), admoni (ruddy), and dam (blood).

It's interesting to note that Adam was ruddy, David was ruddy and Jesus Christ was also ruddy (the color of Jasper and sardius).
Beauty is of course subjective, but to pretend we aren't swayed by it is ridiculous. Especially odd to me was a comment earlier in the thread that if you consider someone to be ugly you're hateful, that makes no sense to me. If you think someone is ugly and let that change your treatment of them that is sinful, but the ability to recognize someone is not physically attractive is not. If that was the case every single person would be a sinner, nobody would ever make it to heaven. I flat out won't believe anyone who says they don't think anyone is ugly any more than I believe Stephen Colbert when he says he doesn't see race. It's ridiculous to the point of humor.

And both sexes have to deal with it; women have Cosmo and men have Men's Health. It's equally unfair for me to expect a woman to look like Mila Kunis and a woman to expect me to look like Mel Gibson. Just stop worrying about it.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , isn't that that case?
It's such a pity that we judge by looks but unfortunately there is no getting away from it. wherever we look, from movies to magazines it's all about beauty. I for one am fed up of the way the world views beauty and it's importance!
In my experience so called ugly/average people are always more interesting and turn out to be nicer then beautiful people.
Time we look at what's within and not what's on the out side, after all as we get older we all lose our looks.
It seems Jesus’ human form was de-emphasized on purpose. God didn’t want people attracted to Him because of His looks, but rather, His message and who He was.

I also disagree with you referring to Isaiah 53:2 on describing about Jesus without mentioning the context.

Isaiah 53:2 mentions about the moment when He was carrying our sins upon Him. As scripture itself describes, it was a moment when He became sin for us, a moment when Father Himself had to hide His face from the Son.

Scripture describes Christ as fairer than all the sons of men:
(Ps 45:2) You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.
You said that Isaiah 53:2
mentions about the moment when He was carrying our sins upon Him. As scripture itself describes, it was a moment when He became sin for us, a moment when Father Himself had to hide His face from the Son.
It actually says Isaiah 53:2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground.
He has no form or comeliness;
And when we see Him,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him.

The "we" that the Bible is talking about is "Men" not God. Do you really think that God couldn't take looking at Jesus, when Jesus needed Him the most? My God can handle anything.

I think that Jesus became a man to experience all things man experiences. I believe when He was tempted in every single thing man is tempted with, including lying, cheating, even homosexuality, and pedophilia. Just because you are tempted doesn’t mean you have sinned, it’s the second thought that makes it sin.

Even though Jesus is God, I believe it was the plan that He would not know all things. I believe He had to learn His purpose through the Word, just as we do. I believe He had perfect understanding of the Bible, but I don’t believe he automatically knew all things. I come to this conclusion because Jesus Himself said He was not all knowing, when He said in Mark 13:32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

When He cried out, “God why have you forsaken me?â€, I don’t believe God had really forsaken Him, I believe Jesus felt forsaken, just as sometimes we feel forsaken when we are waiting for God to do something and He doesn’t show up when we expect Him. Jesus was waiting to die, and felt betrayed when He had to wait for an answer. That’s why we must do what Jesus did; and follow His example. When you have those times of struggle, get alone with him, fall to the ground, pour out your heart to Him. He may not take the pain away, but He will strengthen you for it, as He did Jesus. Let Him do His work; don’t try to do it for Him. He knows exactly how you feel. He has experienced it to the maximum degree. Fall on your face before Him when you are in a struggle, trust Him, it will not always be easy, but if you follow God’s will it will be what’s best. Give Him all He asks, die to self, be a living sacrifice. Die to ego, Die to desires, die to phobias, and die to yourself first.

I get upset when people are flip about physical appearance, because even on this forum there have been so many sad post about somebody that feels like they are ugly, or have a disfigurement. We Christians are supposed to be a haven, all accepting, and full of love. I am not finding this on this thread. I know that some are trying to say that it's your soul that is beautiful, but most of this thread seems over concerned about what a person looks like physically.

The following quote annoys me...
but to pretend we aren't swayed by it is ridiculous.
Please don't assume that because you feel something that others are "pretending" if they don't feel the same.

Love, Kelli
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