I know this is a pretty unpopular opinion, but all the sins of all humanity, of all who've ever been born and all who will ever be born, were placed on Jesus at the Cross. Every sin you have ever committed or ever WILL commit in the future has already been paid for. The reason 1 John 1:9 says that God is faithful and JUST to forgive our sins when we confess them is that He would be UNJUST if He held something against us that has already been paid for!!! He is NOT keeping score!!! If you die immediately after sinning, you are still forgiven, period. And I know it is popularly taught that God is faithful and just to forgive us when we REPENT of sin, but that is totally unscriptural. The Word says He is faithful and just to forgive us when we CONFESS our sin, big difference. Repentence means you have made the 180-degree turn from that sin and it is out of your life entirely. But it doesn't always work that way. Take for instance you're addicted to porn. You are doing your best but still give in 3 or 4 times a week. EVERY TIME you give in, no matter how often you do and how long you struggle with it, you are forgiven THE MOMENT you confess it to God. That's what the scripture says, I didn't write it. That doesn't mean you can go ahead and live in sin just b/c all your sins are forgiven past, present and future. On the contrary, in Romans Paul says "How can we who DIED to sin live any longer in it?" We must understand the GRACE of God to be freed from sin. Most people think you have to bawl and squal and beg for forgiveness and feel bad about it for X amount of days in order to get right with God. It's simply untrue and totally contrary to scripture. You were made righteous the moment you were born again and that is your positional standing, it is NOT conditional. Yes, conviction and godly sorrow are very appropriate, but condemnation is NOT. We have passed from death unto life and will NOT see condemnation ever again (John 5:24). Conviction will draw you closer to God, whereas condemnation makes you want to hide from God. That is how you know the difference. If you are feeling condemned, cast those imaginations out IMMEDIATELY. Its actually an insult to the Cross of our Lord to allow satan to keep you in condemnation when the Word declares we are FREE from it and that there is NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST JESUS. The 2nd part of that verse (Romans 8:1) which says there is no condemnation "to those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit" is not even part of the original text. It was added by translators, as anyone who uses the KJV or NKJV will see b/c it is italicized. There's no condemnation in Christ PERIOD. Everyone quotes Romans 6:14 that sin no longer has dominion over us, but they fail to quote the rest of the verse which tells us why. The reason sin has no more dominion over us is b/c we are not under LAW but under GRACE!! Understanding the super-abundance of God's Grace that has abounded toward us in Christ Jesus does NOT encourage us to sin!! Paul said it was the LAW that aroused the desire for sin!!! Not b/c it was unholy but b/c it was weak through the flesh. But Grace is NOT!! Truly understanding and RECEIVING the gift of GRACE that God has so freely bestowed upon us will so overwhelm our hearts with His exceedingly great love for us that sin begins to lose it's power entirely!! Don't blame me...THAT'S WHAT THE BOOK SAYS!!!!