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I am very disturbed because I read an article that sent me to this link that gives the ingrediants of vaccines and some vaccines like the common childhood vaccine MMR contains "human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue". I wonder if anyone knows how to confirm if this is true or not. If it is true, my heart sinks because I just finished the 3rd round of MMR shots with my daughter and my son finished all 4 of them years ago. If this is true, I feel many people are committing sins unknowingly, myself included my injecting human parts into our children. I have heard a lot of debate about vaccines lately about them not being good due to the metal in them or the increase in altisim, but I have dismissed these arguments because I grew up with my neighbor's mother having polio before the polio vaccine so I saw for myself the benefit of vaccines, but if murdered baby parts are being injected into children, I don't think it is worth it. It sickens me and makes me wonder why every food and medicine package has to list the ingredients but government thinks we should not be informed that aborted baby parts are being injected into our children. And some governments even make vaccines mandatory. Anyway, here is the link. If anyone knows how to confirm if this is true or not, I would REALLY appreciate hearing back from you.
There are some who say that my son's and other's children autism may have been caused by a vaccinations.
Vaccinations are beneficial if made correctly. Maybe we should get the government to post the "ingredients" of these vaccinations before we let out children used them.
WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells. (6-8). The fetal tissues that eventually became WI-38 and the MRC-5 cell cultures were removed from fetuses that were dead. The cellular biologists who made the cell cultures did not induce the abortions.

These two cell strains have been growing under laboratory conditions for more than 35 years. The cells are merely the biological system in which the viruses are grown. These cell strains do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being. The cells reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itself.

Some vaccine components have been derived from human fetuses. The abortions were not conducted for the purpose of vaccine discovery or vaccine production. Additional abortions are not needed for the production of these vaccines. In the case of rubella vaccine, abortions are prevented by the use of the vaccine. ... .cfv?id=32

People honestly are objecting to imunizations?

*rest of post deleted by Mod*
Hi Paisley,

I am sorry to hear that you are so upset. It gets harder, and more complicated, to do the right thing, especially where our children are concerned. My late husband was firmly against vaccinations, but I was not. We spent a lot of time informing ourselves, and opted to do some, but not all. Our pediatrician, at that time, didn't say much about it at first, but by the time I became pregnant with our second son, he told us he was uncomfortable with our decision to only do some, and asked us to seek another doctor. I still haven't found a medical doctor, that will do only some. There are other doctors that I have encountered that will not do any! Another problem is that now with all the combo vaccinations, it's difficult to find them separate in a pediatric dose anyway. I have tried.

At this point, my oldest son ( 9.5) has had two years worth of selected vaccines, and my other two children haven't had any. This is not my preference, to be honest, because there are some that I desire for them to have, but so far it has been impossible to do. I have had an ongoing discussion with a nurse in my county seat who has tried to help me locate a doctor, and she has been the only one in the past 7+ years, that I have encountered, who has not tried to guilt me into doing all...or, with some more of the alternative types, guilt me into not giving them any. I really believe the parents should have more of a role in what their children have injected into their bodies, without judgement from those who think they should be allowed to make the decision for us. I understand that you can request a list of ingredients for each vaccine, if you like. You should ask your doctor about it.

Christine, I am sorry about your son, but who can know if this is caused by a vaccine. I suppose it could have been. I was encouraged that you do not have a negative outlook about them because of it. I read recently that they were attributing autism in some children to MMR, but now they think they may have been mistaken. Who really knows. It's good to be informed, but what can we do if the information is wrong. :sad

Anyway, I am praying that God lead you, and give you peace, paisley. The Lord bless you.
This is so sad and disturbing to me. I never would have thought to ask for ingredients in a vaccine. I trusted the vaccine to be basically just a weak sample of the actual virus being injected into a person to build up immunity. That is what I learned in school that vaccines were. It is apalling that cells and albumin of aborted fetuses are in the common vaccines, and parents are not even informed. No informed parent would ever put that in their child unless they were really sick in the mind. It is sickening! I wish I could take it out of my children and I suppose it is in me too since I was vaccinated as a child. It just feels like cannibalism to me. I wonder why people are making such a fuss about some trace metals being in the vaccine when it seems to me the real uproar should be over human remains being in the vaccines. It is as bad as the Nazis making lamp shades out of human skin and using the lamp shades in their homes. I feel such shock and horror as to what I have done to my children and millions of others are doing to their children unknowingly around the world. WHY!?!?
I chose to vaccinate my kids because I thought the risk of NOT vaccinating them was higher.

That being said, I believe that vaccines are the cause of a lot of problems with kids today. Especially Autism, ADD and ADHD to name a few. Kids just aren't the same that they used to be and while I believe a lot of it has to do with the actual parenting (or should I say lack of), I believe that a lot of the problems are cause by vaccines.

ADD, Autism, etc don't cause death.....whereas Measles, Mumps, Hepatitis, etc CAN. I had to just weigh the pros and cons of vaccinations.

I'm not sure about the truth of the things you've heard regarding unborn babies. I have never heard that....but it wouldn't surprise me. I also wonder what is in our foods, products we use and other OTC medications.
"I chose to vaccinate my kids because I thought the risk of NOT vaccinating them was higher. "

This is exactly why I chose to vaccinate as well. However, if I had known about aborted baby cells in the vaccine, I would not have done it. At some point we have to draw the line on how far is too far to go for our health. I mean, what if our children needed a heart transplant and there there was another child that was a perfect match for our child? This child had no arms or legs and was mentally retarded. So by the world's standards this child could contribute little to life, but our children were mentally and physically strong other than a bad heart. Would we think it okay to take that "worthless" handicapped child's heart and let our child live and be a great contributer to society rather than letting our child "needlessly" die? What is the right thing to do? Of course, in such a case, any logical person would accept their child had to die. No one would take the heart of another living person. Or what if a child is dying? Would we think it okay to speed up the death by going ahead and taking the heart to keep our child alive since that child was dying anyway? At some point we have to say right is right and wrong is wrong even if there is a negative consequence for ourselves. I think it is better to have the measles than to use aborted baby parts. Just as I think it is better to starve than to resort to cannabalism.
Well, it's not like you're the one choosing to abort the babies (and I'm still not sure if it's even TRUE that there are aborted baby cells in vaccines...I had never heard that until you posted). I am totally against abortion, but it happens. I also don't believe that people are having abortions just so vaccines can be made.

I ended up doing research and did just find this:

Merck & Co. has a measles only vaccine available that does not use aborted babies. The name is AttenuVax and can be ordered by your physician from Merck in a pack of 10 single use vials by calling 1-800-637-2579. The catalogue number for the AttenuVax is 458900. The AttenuVax would be administered at the normal times recommended for the MMR.

Merck & Co. also produces a mumps vaccine that does not use aborted babies. The name is MumpsVax and can be ordered by your physician from Merck in a pack of 10 single use vials by calling 1-800-637-2579. The catalogue number is 458400. There is an error at several websites that state that this product is made with aborted babies. This is not true and the product information for AttenuVax and MumpsVax can be downloaded here: Measles/Mumps Vaccine Product information: word | pdf

There is no currently available vaccine against rubella that is not propagated on human diploid cells [aborted babies].
Rubella is a mild childhood disease that is primarily vaccinated for due to the Congenital Rubella Syndrome [CRS]. CRS causes birth defects in babies of mothers who become infected during their first trimester. Approximately 25% of infected mothers will have a baby with some congenital abnormality. The World Health Organization has recommended one of two ways to prevent CRS:

"For countries wishing to prevent the occurrence of congenital rubella infection including CRS, two approaches are recommended:
1) prevention of CRS only, through immunization of adolescent girls and/or women of childbearing age; or
2) elimination of rubella as well as CRS through universal vaccination of infants, surveillance and assuring immunity in women of childbearing age."
Report of a meeting on preventing congenital rubella syndrome: immunization strategies, surveillance needs. Geneva, 12-14 January 2000

This means that prevention of CRS can be done with a single vaccination done at least one month prior to conception. Male children could permanently forego the vaccination according to the first strategy outlined by the WHO. Female children could wait until they are of childbearing age. At that time, a Rubella IgG blood antibody level could be drawn because she may have contracted a sub-clinical/mild case of rubella in childhood and have antibodies and never need the vaccination. Hopefully by that time there will be a commercially available rubella vaccine that does not use human fetal tissue. At the time of this writing, the author has learned that the rubella vaccine available in China does use human fetal tissue, and several rubella vaccines are available in Japan and I am unaware of the cell medium used for these vaccines. We will keep you up to date.

Varicella [chickenpox]:
There is no currently available chickenpox vaccine that does not use human diploid cells [aborted babies] to propagate the cells. The varicella vaccine is recommended by the CDC, but due to origin of the vaccine, there is a need for a varicella vaccine that is not derived from aborted babies.

What you can do:
We recommend that you let your doctor know that you don't want vaccines made from aborted babies. Call Merck & Co. [1-800-MERCK-Rx] and tell them that you would like a varicella and rubella vaccine that isn't propagated on human diploid cells. Call and write your Senators and Representative to discuss this issue with them. Finally, live by your convictions. Of what benefit are convictions if one is not willing to live by them? It is possible to properly protect your children from serious childhood illnesses and at the same time not promote abortion by using products made from aborted babies.
Im unsure if anyone at all read what I wrote.

babies are not, and NEVER were aborted, to be used for vaccines. 2 aborted fetus's, 35 years ago,(that wernt aborted for vaccines) are what the diploid cells come from today, and helps us fight Rubella (which causes women to be forced into abortions) and other diseases.

Fetuses are NOT aborted and used for vaccines.
"Im unsure if anyone at all read what I wrote.

babies are not, and NEVER were aborted, to be used for vaccines. 2 aborted fetus's, 35 years ago,(that wernt aborted for vaccines) are what the diploid cells come from today"

Peaceforall, I read, understood, and appreciated your post. However, my feelings remain the same whether the vaccines are coming from one or every aborted baby. The fact is parts of 2 murdered human babies are being injected in humans is horrendous to me. It just seems so sick and evil. Whether the babies were aborted for this reason or not makes no difference either. I mean it seems to me just as bad to abort a baby and then scientists using the aborted baby to make vaccines. I miscarried twice. Once I delivered my tiny baby in my hand. I then wrapped up my baby. I did not take my baby to the doctor because I knew the doctor would want to cut up my baby to try and find out why I miscarried. The thought of my baby just being squooshed, mashed and cut up like it was merely a messy glob was too much for me. The doctor did ask for my baby but I refused to take my baby to him. Instead, I have my baby a proper burial.
Did the scientists do this without the mothers' consents? I don't know. It would be terrible if they did, but if the mothers consented I would not be surprised either since they chose to kill their babies. It just seems to me these babies had it hard enough as it was, why could they not have had a proper burial?!?! I think there is something very wrong with using aborted babies to make vaccines and then not informing the population of what has been done. It is wrong plain and simple to me.
they used real life living humans, with or with out their consent, to test tons of vaccines and medicines and therapys (in the past mainly, 500 to 80 years ago). Should we now not use any of that, due to the fact that at one point, it was tested or used through humans?

The funny thing is, I am 99% sure that the aborted fetus's used for the rubella vaccine, are babies that had to be aborted DUE to rubella

Rubella  commonly known as German measles or 3-day measles  is an infection that primarily affects the skin and lymph nodes. It is caused by the rubella virus (not the same virus that causes measles), which is usually transmitted by droplets from the nose or throat that others breathe in. It can also pass through a pregnant woman's bloodstream to infect her unborn child. As this is a generally mild disease in children, the primary medical danger of rubella is the infection of pregnant women, which may cause congenital rubella syndrome in developing babies.

Before a vaccine against rubella became available in 1969, rubella epidemics occurred every 6 to 9 years. Kids ages 5 to 9 were primarily affected, and many cases of congenital rubella occurred as well. Now, due to immunization of children, there are much fewer cases of rubella and congenital rubella.

Most rubella infections today appear in young, non-immunized adults rather than children. In fact, experts estimate that 10% of young adults are currently susceptible to rubella, which could pose a danger to any children they might have someday. ... asles.html



Maternal infection during pregnancy may result in:

Spontaneous abortion

Congenital rubella syndrome:

Eye defects (cataract, retinopathy, microphthalmia, glaucoma), heart defects, ear defects leading to deafness, fetal and neonatal growth retardation, psychomoter retardation, hepato-spleno-megaly, thrombocytopenia, meningoencephalitis, microcephaly, brain calcification, hepatitis, myocardial necrosis, radiolucency of long bones.


Late onset features of the syndrome include:

Chronic rubella - like rash

Interstitial pneumonitis

Chronic diarrhea


Diabetes mellitus

Progressive central nervous system impairment.


Late sequelae of in utero rubella infection:



Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Would the use of 1 fetus, that died of this horrible disease (miscairaged) be worse than the possibility of TONS of miscairages? they still happen today to people nto vaccinated.

I am sure you mean well, but I think that you view it so very differently, that can not understand he depth of paisley's upset...especially the fact that she wasn't informed by the doctor about it.

We believe that abortion is murder of innocent babies. If you saw a mother killing her baby, wouldn't you stop her? We feel that about mothers who are doing this to their babies still in the womb. It's not because we want to control anyone, but because these little babies are being murdered...ripped apart in their mother's womb...and other worse things everyday...and who is standing up for them to try and stop this horrific torture, and murder? We can only do limited things to try and help them, and those who condone it do not care because they do not see them as children at all, and only care about the political side of the this, and reduce our belief to theirs...when it is nothing about politics for us. We want to have nothing to do with such things, and not be part of you see this? Please try to see if from that perspective just for a moment, even though you do not agree. Paisley is grieving that she has done something that she would morally have never done had she known, can you understand that? She wants no connection to the murder of innocent children, much less to gain from it. None of us do.

Anyway, I hope you can understand this some, even though I know you don't have children, and do not agree with abortion being murder.

Paisely, I am sorry for the loss of your two children. I have lost two as well, and we didn't have a funeral...I felt like no one even cared, or understood my loss at all. The hospital acted as if I had my apendix removed or something. I think you were brave to not take the baby in, and let them discard it as if it were nothing. I wish that I would have had that same courage. The Lord bless you.
Thank you Lovely for your post. You summed up my feelings well when you wrote, "Paisley is grieving that she has done something that she would morally have never done had she known, can you understand that? She wants no connection to the murder of innocent children, much less to gain from it. None of us do." This is so true. I don't want to gain off the murder of another but it even goes further than that for me. There is something very evil to me about injecting baby parts into another human being without informing them. The not informing is wrong, but the injecting human parts into another human seems evil to me. It seems so basic to me and it astounds me that others don't see and understand this as well. I can not believe I did this to my children!!!!!

" I have lost two as well, and we didn't have a funeral...I felt like no one even cared, or understood my loss at all."

I understand you feelings. The majority of people, even professed pro-lifers and other mothers whom one would think would understand the value of life, gave well intentioned but hurtful comments like "you can still have another" or "at least you have one child", which for a grieving mother minimizes the life lost. Our babies are not little pet fish that can easily be replaced. I suppose sometimes it is not until one loses a baby that one can fully understand and appreciate the life of a baby regardless of that baby's age; otherwise I don't think anyone would take this matter of vaccines so carefreely.

"they used real life living humans, with or with out their consent, to test tons of vaccines and medicines and therapys (in the past mainly, 500 to 80 years ago). Should we now not use any of that, due to the fact that at one point, it was tested or used through humans? "

There is a HUGE difference between doing experimental treatments and testing medicines on humans and injecting parts of aborted babies in humans. If I had a terminal illness that had no cure and someone offered an experimental drug or treatment for me to use that might make me better, I might agree to taking it because I would have nothing to lose. However, if someone told me they could 100% restore my life and health if all I needed was to injected some aborted baby parts in me, I would say "let me die". Some things are just clearly right and some things are clearly wrong. I think the government knew it was wrong otherwise they would have disclosed this information to the public long ago. Most things that are wrong, people try to hide and this is no different.

You said it all right here...

I think the government knew it was wrong otherwise they would have disclosed this information to the public long ago. Most things that are wrong, people try to hide and this is no different.

So, true.

The Lord bless you.
I would understand if the babies were being aborted now, and being used for it.

I would understand if the aborted babies were aborted solely for this purpose.

But these were fetus's that were miscarried due to Rubella, and, then using these miscarried diploid cells, they have been able to stop rubella, and stop the miscarriages caused by it.

it wasnt until 1979 that the human diploid cell was used, (in teh US) because before that, dog kidneys had been used, BUT that was shown to cause increases in diseases and defects, so it was stopped.

Your nto really sticking human tissue into children

Regarding the fetal tissue issue, Dr. James R. Laidler, of Portland, Oregon, writes:

"The question of vaccines being made from "...aborted fetuses..." is both simple and complex to answer. A few vaccines (rabies, hepatitis A and rubella come to mind) are made in human diploid cell cultures using cell lines MRC-5 and WI-38 (and FRhL-2 recently for rabies). The MRC-5 and WI-38 cell lines derive from two aborted fetuses, one aborted in the 1960's (WI-38) and one in the 1970's (MRC-5). The newer cell line for the rabies vaccine, FRhL-2, is derived from a rhesus monkey fetus.

So, while it's true that the cells used are the descendants of cells taken from an aborted fetus, a continuous supply of aborted fetuses is not needed (or used) - the cells reproduce themselves. Interestingly, some of the websites also insist that polio vaccine is grown on fetal cells. There was, I recall, a short trial of human diploid cell culture for the polio vaccine, but the vaccine is (and was) grown on green monkey kidney cells (Vero cells).

Finally, the idea of fetal tissue being in vaccines is ridiculous. The
vaccine manufacturing process include steps to remove cells. In addition, the cell culture could hardly be called "fetal tissue" at this stage - these are cells that are thousands (if not millions, by now) of generations removed from the original fetal tissue their so-distant ancestors were removed from.

I understand that you are against abortion, and I would agree with you, if these babies, or MORE babies, were aborted for this reason. However, they were not aborted to make vaccines, and more babies are not being aborted to make them.

Not vaccinating your children, and putting their health at risk, is in my opinion, much more horrible than using a vaccine that was derived from a fetus 30+ years ago, and now, isn't really grown on "fetus" tissue. There are tons of mothers in the world now, that were luckily able to have a baby, due to this vaccine. Is it unfair to end the lives of all of those babies?
"But these were fetus's that were miscarried due to Rubella, and, then using these miscarried diploid cells, they have been able to stop rubella, and stop the miscarriages caused by it. "

Peaceforall, here lies a problem. You previously posted a link that said "Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells." Your link says they were INTENTIONALLY ABORTED, but now you are calling these abortions "miscarriages". I am very saddened that you do not make a distinction between a natural death and a man made death. Most mothers that lose a baby due to a miscarriage grieve terribly and I can assure most will NEVER forget their babies because they WANTED their babies. The miscarriage was not a result of an intentional abortion. We did not intentionally set out to kill our babies. If you can not see the distinction between a miscarried baby and an aborted baby then I can understand now how you can not understand my feelings on this issue. If only one lamp shade made from human skin was made by the Nazis, and now it has been over 50 years since it has been made so the skin is really dead and the person was not killed specifically for the purpose of making that lampshade, does it make it okay to have that lampshade in your home? I don't want it in my home even if this lampshade offered healing properties to the eyes. I would prefer to be blind than to accept the benefits of the lampshade to my eyes. At some point we have to distinguish how far is too far to go for our own personal gain and comfort. Maybe someday when you have children of your own, you will see things a little differently. I know having children has made me reexamine myself and my prior thoughts many times.

v. a·bort·ed, a·bort·ing, a·borts
v. intr.

1. To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry.

Aborted, in medical terms, often means "miscarried" Because it is defined as so. I keep saying miscairage, because, other artilcles I have read, have stated it was a miscairage, not just an abortion.

The problem with doing ltos and lots of research on this, is 50% of the articles come from "catholic life this" or "vaccines kill" and are useless, because information on those sites, is incredibly off. (claiming that the vaccine from dog kidneys was 100% safe, and that this vaccine was developed by atheist doctors to try to force religous people into horrible things, and that its not a cell strain, but an actual fetus with arms and legs that is kept alive in a tube to take this vaccine from) its sorta ridiculous.

Ther eis a hgue diffrence between a human lampshade, and a vaccine from diploid cells, from what was most likely a miscairage. THis was obtained for the sole purpose of curing the disease the child died from, where as teh lamp, was made because of a sick freak.

I wanted to check the Center for Disease Control about this matter, and I came across this.

Center For Disease Control

Vaccine Safety
Use of Human Cell Cultures
in Vaccine Manufacturing

CDC's responsibility is to ensure that the U.S. population is adequately vaccinated with safe and effective vaccines to prevent sickness, disability and death. The CDC does not manufacture vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration licenses vaccines for use in the United States.

CDC is aware that some, but not all, vaccines are made from human cell-line cultures, and some of these cell lines originated from aborted fetal tissue, obtained from legal abortions in the 1960's. No new fetal tissue is needed to produce cell lines to make these vaccines, now or in the future. Fetal tissue is not used to produce vaccines; cell lines generated from a single fetal tissue source are used--vaccine manufacturers obtain human cell lines from FDA-certified cell banks.

Vaccines work in preventing disease, disability and death, but only when children and adults in a community are adequately vaccinated. In the United States, disease incidence, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases have declined dramatically since the development and widespread use of vaccines. For example, in 1964, there were an estimated 20,000 babies born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in the United States. When women contract rubella during early pregnancy, this often causes neurological damage to the unborn child, resulting in the child suffering blindness, deafness and retardation. In 1993, the number of CRS cases was seven, reflecting a 99.9% reduction in this preventable disease since 1964.

In January 1996, CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians jointly recommended routine use of varicella vaccine to protect children from chicken pox. In March 1995, this vaccine was licensed for use in the United States by the FDA and was shown to be safe and effective. Widespread use of varicella vaccine--which took more than 20 years for the development, testing, and licensing--can help prevent thousands of children from being hospitalized each year because of complications from chicken pox. Complications include secondary infections such as group A streptococcal infections that can lead to necrotizing fasciitis, multiple organ failure, shock and death. Approximately 100 people in the United States each year die from complications associated with their chicken pox illness.

here's a link to the page
CDC Immunization Safety
peace4all, technically a miscarriage may be considered abortion under medical terminology, but that is old terminology that needs to be changed. Gay used to just mean happy, now it has another meaning and people generally do not use the original meaning anymore because of the association with the new meaning. Abortion is the same way. Abortion used to be illegal and not a widely and openly practiced like today so calling a miscarriage an abortion at that time was appropriate because abortion in the other sense of the word just really was not used, but now a distinction needs to be made between the two. If you tell a Christian woman that just miscarried a baby, "I am sorry to hear about your abortion", I think you would hurt her greatly. In fact, I was just talking a friend whose doctor wrote down her miscarriage as a "preterm abortion" and that has stuck with her and hurt her so much that her miscarried baby went down in medical files as aborted. It is very insensitive for doctors and others to continue using this terminology. Thus, I think it is wise to make a clear distinction when using these words even though technically you are correct.
As for whether it was an actual abortion or miscarriage, I don't know, but I tend to believe it must have been an abortion because it is much more likely to get living cells from a baby being aborted than an already dead miscarried baby. I think living cells are needed which would need to come from a living baby before it dies or is killed.
Lovely confirmed through a reliable source that this was an actual abortion, but her post did give me a little hope because after reading it, it occurred to me that perhaps only America is doing this evil thing and no other country is. I live in Asia so maybe our ingredients are different. I am going to try and coax my doctor to give me the ingredient list to hopefully put my mind at ease as to what I did to my children, but my heart will remain troubled for the American mothers and children who are unknowingly receiving these horrendous vaccines. I pray this practice of using parts of aborted babies will end ASAP.


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