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Bible Study Vital spiritual gifts - & why



http://www.God.TV will soon repeat a powerful International House of Prayer Conference @ 'equipping the saints to do the work of ministry' in the power of the Holy Spirit

Notes on today's helpful insights into 1 Corinthians 12-14 are @

See details of upcoming schools of ministry conferences @

See also:-

1 - 10 of about 942,000 for Bible 'gifts of administration & service'


Gifts of the Holy Spirit - In Touch Ministries

... outlines the various gifts and where to find their ... Service Gifts. Administration. Exhortation. Faith. Giving. Service. Mercy. Leadership. Sign Gifts ... ... 52795.html - 28k - Cached - More pages from this site

Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit posessed today?

What the Bible says about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, both in Biblical times and today ... gifts; working of miracles, healing, administration, speaking ... - 21k - Cached - More pages from this site

University Church at Purdue

Explore Bible teaching on Gifts and take a self-assessment quiz to discover your ... Administration, Discernment, Giving, Helps/Service, Leadership, Wisdom ... ... ojects.htm - 32k - Cached - More pages from this site

Must go

C U Sunday pm, DV

As IHoP link just failed

Click today's Mike B talk @ Pursuing gifts in love @:- - this public PC can't play audio/video but you'll see the printed notes & can download

I think the http://www.God.TV repeat is 4pm today - but it might be Sun pm

Must go

Anyone see the Sat 8pm repeat?

Here's the READ options:-

As the oriental hostess said, you go to home page, then hit media, then read & choose from sessions menu to get the notes

Timely Word 4 Today @ heart motive for max anointing:-


We must walk in His Light.

Now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

1 John 3:2,3 NIV


For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Titus 2:11-14 KJV


Jesus, being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Hebrews 1:3,4 KJV


If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:8,9 NASB


Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.

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Through the Bible in a Year - Readings for February 11

February 11: Hebrews 8, Exodus 5:1-6:27, Proverbs 1

Click Here for the complete schedule

Or Copy and paste this link into your browser:

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Meditation 2/11 - 2/17: Romans 8:5-9 KJV

Be Spiritually Minded

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Romans 8:5-9 KJV

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Yahoo gift of prophecy..

Gift of Prophecy Research

Bibliographic and other resources for those researching New Testament Prophecy ... I have been researching the Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament for since early 2001 ... prophecy. Cessationism. Pentecost and Joel's 'prophecy about prophecy' Prophecy: Gift or office ... - 3k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Prophecy - Gift of the Holy Spirit

... The gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3); helps us build up or strengthen ... the Spirit of God. The gift of prophecy operates when there is ... ... ophecy.htm - 17k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Understanding the Gift of Prophecy: II. The Purpose of Prophecy Today - Christian Articles Archive

Understanding the Gift of Prophecy. II. The Purpose of Prophecy Today. Prophecy is largely despised by the church. It has been surrounded by misunderstanding, confusion, and fear. ... Yet, from the standpoint of the Scriptures, the gift of prophecy is the most important spiritual gift ... to the conclusion that the gift of prophecy is indispensable to the church ... - 38k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Top priority gifts. per 1 Corinthians 12 are words of wisdom & words of knowledge

7Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9to another faith by the same Spirit,
Spiritual Wisdom

What Is Spiritual Wisdom? Contents. Links to other studies on aspects of wisdom. Introduction. What is wisdom? How does God's wisdom differ from ours? What does is mean to be wise in God's eyes? How do I get wisdom? Why do I want wisdom? ... In other words, Spiritual wisdom is knowledge and understanding of the person and the will of God ... ... notes.html - 37k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Christian Tracts: Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge and Wisdom

... and use of the spiritual gifts of knowledge (words of knowledge) and wisdom (words of wisdom ... While many Christians treat prophecy as though it was a source of information to ... ... sku=PSS038
City Church, Jubilee Drive, Kensington, Liverpool L6 is by the Kensington Library traffic lights & is best known for its sign, boldly declaring, "Miracles happen here!" - on 8, 9 & 10 bus routes - from stand 4, Queens Square

We have "Encounter" Conference, Sunday 25th - Tuesday 27th February - "Releasing the Holy Spirit in the Church" - with Les Johnson of Live Link, Rugby, Warks leading all sessions

Sun 10.30am & 7pm is @ The activity of the Holy Spirit in the Church
Monday 7pm is Receiving the baptism & infilling of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday 7pm is Releasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church

All Liverpool area churches have been invited

All Liverpool area evangelical churches are linked at

C U there?

Must go get ready for tonight's Housegroup @ Knowing The Will of God

See Know God's will??

Ian :-D
Must yahoo gift of discernment

Guide to the Scriptures: Discernment, Gift of

English Español. Search for: GUIDE TO THE SCRIPTURES. Discernment, Gift of. To understand or know something through the power of the Spirit. The gift of discernment is one of the gifts of the Spirit. - 7k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Gift of Discernment

... Gift of Discernment. When I was in a deep fog ... as we pray for the gift of discernment. and follow the promptings of a discerning spirit ... - 18k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

The Gift of Discernment

The Gift of Discernment. by Leon R. Hartshorn. The gift of discernment consists of the spiritual quality or skill of being able to see or understand, especially that which is hidden or obscure. ... nment.html - 4k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save


... DISCERNMENT : Finding God's Will In A Sea Of Nonsense ... "The mystery of Pentecost is that the gift of discernment is breathed into the world, enabling us to see the ... - 27k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save

Acts 17:11 Archive: Teaching on the Spiritual Gift of Discernment

Teaching on the Gift of Discernment. Answers, considerations, and experiential observations by Dean VanDruff. "Tell me more about the problem of assuming natural abilities are spiritual gifts." ... and I both have the gift of discernment, and struggle with the natural ... - 15k - Cached - More pages from this site - Save
See mod-defends-psychic-powers-study

Praise God they failed professional investigation miserably

In several similar situations - inc recent Suffolk slayer - I've urged prayer for Christian detectives/security agents etc to seek God's supernatural gifts of words of wisdom & knowledge, prophecy & discernment, etc - as in 1 Corinthians 12 ... ... highlight=

1 - 10 of about 678,000 for gifts of healing & miracles


Adrian's Blog: Blogging the Gifts - Miracles

... gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to ... So far in my series on 1 Corinthians 12, I've got as far as "Gifts of healing" ... ... racles.htm - 40k - Cached - More pages from this site

Gifts of Healings and Workings of Miracles :: Desiring God

... gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to ... when we say that gifts of healing and miracles were given to other Christians ... ... f_Miracles - 28k - Cached - More pages from this site

A Place of Prophecy - How to handle prophecy in the local church, Christian, Church, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts

... and wonders and with divers miracles, and with gifts of the Holy Ghost according ... the position that the gifts of healing are in every respect supernatural. ... - 6k - Cached - More pages from this site


... describes Gifts of the Spirit, including those associated with healing (see ... The inclusion of both the gift of miracles and gifts of healing in the 1 Cor 12 ... - 13k - Cached - More pages from this site

Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit possessed today?

What the Bible says about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, both in ... come the other gifts; working of miracles, healing, administration, speaking in tongues. ... - 21k - Cached - More pages from this site

Gifts of Healing

... discussion for January 17, 2001 - Gifts of Healing - Why people don't stay healed? ... 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another ... - 20k - Cached - More pages from this site

The Gifts and Power of the Holy Spirit

... and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed ... special work of the Holy Spirit in the gifts of healing,' miracles and the like, ... - 15k - Cached - More pages from this site


Yahoo proven healing & miracles 8-)

& healing & miracles testimonies :P :multi:


Ian :-D
1 - 10 of about 277,000 for proven healing & miracles


Pranic Healing UK - Miracles by Doctors

PRANIC HEALING. Doctors Perform Miracles. Dr. Eric Robins ... It has proven to be an excellent complement to my standard practice of allopathic medicine. ... ... acles.html - 42k - Cached - More pages from this site

Jesus Healing Miracles Quiz and Healing Prayers

Jesus healing miracles quiz and healing prayers including spiritual, divine and ... Popular Financing. Proven Weight Loss. Jesus' Healing Miracles Quiz (25 Questions) ... - 8k - Cached - More pages from this site

Abiding In The Word: GIFT OF HEALING

Spiritual Gift Of Healing. MIRACLES OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE APOSTLES ... None Proven. Miracles were permanent. Permanency unverifiable. Money never an issue ... - 20k - Cached - More pages from this site
1 - 10 of about 170,000 for healing & miracles testimonies - 0.18 sec. | SafeSearch is OFF


Testimonies about Miracles and Faith Healing

Testimonies and stories about God doing miracles and working healing miracles ... The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the ... ... racles.htm - 7k - Cached - More pages from this site

Divine Healing Ministry in Romania, India and Around the World

... the power of His Kingdom through salvation and divine healing. ... Confirmed miracles Paraplegic healed! Ministry Testimonies: China revival. Healing in Romania ... ... mania.html - 12k - Cached - More pages from this site

volle evangelie gemeente rehoboth

Activities and tasks. Testimonies. Healing Miracles. Word of healing. Studies. Worshipteam Blessing. How to support us. Contact. Friends and several links ... - 32k - Cached - More pages from this site

Miracles Healing: Required Reading and Links

Links to other Healing Stories and Testimonies. Miracles Healing Center ... Christian testimonies - stories of amazing miracles and transformations through ... - 11k - Cached - More pages from this site

Missionaries testify of God's miracles

Christian testimonies - stories of amazing miracles and ... Healing Testimonies. Latin American Testimonies. Miracles on Mission. Other Testimonies ... ... acles.html - 12k - Cached - More pages from this site

Miracles Healing Faith: Testimonies from Miracle Day

... and our focus on miracles, healing and faith, the church ... HOME. SUBJECTS. Miracles. Healing. Life Changing. Men Who Obeyed God ... Miracles Healing ... - 16k - Cached - More pages from this site

Healing and Miracles - Homepage

Do you need healing? Does someone you know need a ... Homepage "Touch" Us at Healing Miracle. Prayers for Healing. Healing Testimonies. Healing Scriptures ... - 24k - Cached - More pages from this site

Healing and Miracles - Healing Testimonies

Do you need healing? Does someone you know need a touch from God? ... Friendly Children's Church - Grow Your Midweek. Healing and Miracles. Healing Testimonies ... - 23k - Cached - More pages from this site

Healed Through the Grace of Forgiving Love - Miracle Healing Stories and Testimonies - Come Tell Your Story

Come tell your stories of healing and miracles. ... stories, their Miracles and their Love to aid us all in the healing of our mind. ... - 13k - Cached - More pages from this site

See - click alphabetical index of topics & see @ 70 stories each @ healing & miracles
1 - 10 of about 1,700,000 for power to cast out demons


True Power to Cast Out Demons -- Luke 11:24-26

THE REFORMED WITNESS HOUR "True Power to Cast Out Demons" Rev. Carl Haak ... When the other power cast out the demon, the house (the person) was left empty, ... - 18k - Cached - More pages from this site

... disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, ... When he begin to cast them out, demons beg Him: Don't sent us into the pit, but ... ... emons.html - 27k - Cached - More pages from this site

Jesus' Power over the Supernatural - John MacArthur

So the demons besought him, saying, If Thou cast us out, permit us to go away ... though the Lord had given them power to cast out demons (Mt. 10:1), they had to ... - 33k - Cached - More pages from this site

How to Cast Out Demons

How to Cast Out Demons. by Tom Brown ... the power of God before, but today you're going to see God's power deliver your ... - 40k - Cached - More pages from this site


10. Cast Out Demons. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free ... your friends to Rebuke every evil work, commanding every evil power to go and ... - 16k - Cached - More pages from this site

Daily Bible Study - Who Is Able To Cast Out Demons?

... others) was given the same power to cast out demons, by the authority that God had given. ... to the Scripture record were never harmed when they cast out ... - 15k - Cached - More pages from this site

Casting Out Demons!

... gave a clear command that they were to cast out demons. ... The Pharisees held the preposterous idea that Jesus could cast out demons by the power of Satan. ... - 35k - Cached - More pages from this site

"The Power of God's Holy Spirit ~The Spiritual Dimension"

Power Given to Cast Out Unclean Spirits & Heal All Manner of ... Speak Out Against The Holy Spirit and HIS Power to Cast Out Demons, Devils and to Heal. ... - 11k - Cached - More pages from this site

Power and Authority over Demons

Shows what the Bible says about having power and authority over demons. ... Any Christian who learns to cast out demons will be far more effective in their ... ... emons.html - 16k - Cached - More pages from this site
Don't miss...

the miraculous element...

from your talent & character development..

C U @ City Church, Jubilee Drive, by Kensington Park lights, L6...

7pm Mon & Tues, OK?

*8, 9 & 10 buses

Must go!

Ian :-D
Any in or near Liverpool are invited to mighty demo of God's miraculous powers at 7pm @ City Church, Jubilee Drive, by Kensington Park lights, L6 - 8, 9 & 10 bus routes - as I just Town-Cried in Bootle en route here, & plan to do all around Liverpool centre after I reach my post *3000

You may even want to email/ring the Roger Philips lunchtime phone-in @ & tell the many thousands of listeners that we had a prophecy on Sun am that City Church will soon be too small for the crowds that will flock there when God visits Liverpool in a mighty way

Remind them that Colin Urquhart prophesied, decades ago, that there will one day be mega churches - with 1000+ members each - in Liverpool

Watch Frontline Church

& Anfield Lighthouse Temple of Praise too, OK?

Temple of Praise, Anfield, Liverpool

Search. Temple of Praise. Anfield, Liverpool ... Liverpool Lighthouse. 131 Oakfield Road. Anfield. Liverpool. L4 0UH. Travel & Parking: ... ... ndex2.html - 13k - Cached - More pages from this site


Email ready for their March month on air

Tell other media that Christians demand the end of unjust discrimination in broadcasting law & that the next election is less than 70 days away

Remind them what Daniel did when he read Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years in Babylon exile & realised that 70 years was nearly up

Remind them what Nehemiah & Ezra did to rebuild Jerusalem & the Temple

Details later, DV :wink:

God bless!

Ian :-D Mighty Manifestations: Books: Reinhard Bonnke Mighty Manifestations: Books: Reinhard Bonnke by Reinhard Bonnke ... Mighty Manifestations: The Gifts and Power of the Holy Spirit by Reinhard Bonnke ... ... 0884193861 - 90k - Cached - More pages from this site

Family Christian Stores - Mighty Manifestations - Reinhard Bonnke

'Mighty Manifestations' challenges every believer to use the 'power tools' of ... Reinhard Bonnke shows how we can be effective in using the gifts we have been given. ... ... odID=12786 - 26k - Cached - More pages from this site Bonnke: Books

... to Do Great Things for God by Reinhard Bonnke (Paperback - Jan 2005) ... Mighty Manifestations: The Gifts and Power of the Holy Spirit by Reinhard Bonnke ... ... =qs&page=1