DivineNames said:What I think, however, is that you may be reading something into the Bible which simply isn't there. Perhaps to try and explain away morally dubious material in your scripture?
"isn't there?"
"dubious material?"
First off, please excuse the redundancy of thoughts in my writings and the length of this post. It is a fault of mine that I have not yet conquered but yet, I am working on improving. My most humble apologies for that. :-?
This post is directed towards Divine Names so anyone who is agitated with my long posts can just move on without mean retorts. If you want to comment then please do so without personal insults. Thanks.
And please do excuse the long post, I couldn't relay the message any other way.
Now, for the reply to the above quote:
Please do be more precise in pointing out exactly what you say is dubious and not there.
And I see many loaded questions from you to me. Why not just get to the point?
DivineNames said:Are there any Bible verses, which talk about Pharaoh being "hardened", that support your spiritual "cause and effect" theory?
Awe, now you are going to provoke me to explain to you how the spirit of God is operative in observing and acting upon and reacting to the behaviors of man?
Well, If you observe to know God as a close relation to you, instead of some type of tyrant form of a bully, then you would have a personal relationship with the Spirit of God as you would with your best friends spirit. You would understand the wrath of God as you would understand your own reasons for your bouts of wrath/anger with those who oppose you in your reasoning and logical way of thinking. Yes?
And now you are asking me to show you how the scripture reveals cause and effect?
Well, right from the start of it, the book of Genesis reveals cause and effect. and as far as cause and effect in regards to the stubbornness of Pharaoh.... Well, I have to take the time to go over the verses and point out to you in what way the Spirit of God is operating "in this case". Prepositions are always revealed in the scripture, and are clues to what will be in accordance to the blessings of God or not. God uses us for His Glory. meaning no matter what evil comes into the picture, it all turns out for HIS PEOPLE, those that are called according to his purpose.
This is why we pray that God's will be done, not our own. because if our carnal minded will interferes with the heavenly calling of God, then we are fallen from the heavenly will to the earthly carnality, being subject to the whiles of the devil. Not the "good will" of God. There lies the differences of choice. It was clearly shown to us in the first few chapters of Genesis, this fall of the state of man, to being vulnerable to temptation. Free will. God knew how he created us, that once we lost focus on Him that we would be like a child run away from home. Read the above article: Why Was God Sorry He Made Man? Written by Michael Gleghorn. It clearly shows what it is for the spirit of God to be grieved because of our choices. Divine Names, Do you have children?
Yes, God created all things, but it is of our own choice. God said he will harden Pharaohs' heart, but remember, He said that after the fact that he saw Pharaoh being so stubborn. You might want to argue that God knew us even before we were born, but that does not eliminate our freedom of choice, it only states that God knows the carnal and the heavenly natures that are instilled in man according to the choices they make. Even Jesus, as he was in the fleshly body, was tempted. BUT it was his choices that proved the Spirit of God the Father is the power that prevails and it is in those wise Godly choices that we find the everlasting life and light of God. It is in the foolishness of man (carnal ) that we fall to subjection of Demonic influence. Jesus came to show us HOW TO "resist" that temptation, (Adam and Eve's fall) and how to "overcome" (sin) evil.
I may be wrong here but, it appears to me that you think God might "perhaps" have something to do with, but you are not quite willing to say that He is indeed, being the One and ONLY ONE who sets all of the Laws or Order into place.
And correct me if I am in error, but it appears to me that you think it is just a matter of fact that is totally outside of some 'Omniscient" Omnipotent" "Omnipresent" Spirit that "we Christians" call God.
Is that right? Hence: Thread titled: Obvious Existence of God
Have you changed your mind since then? I don't know, I haven't had time to go through all your messages. Over 1000 of them. :-?
Are you now trying to prove that God uses us all like puppets on a string? But if you don't beleive in God, (I don't know if you do) the what's your point? If there is not God according to you, then why even bicker about something you don't beleive in? :-?
I happen to believe that God gives freedom as well as taking control of behaviors when need be. All for the interest of our Well Being and for the Glory, from glory to glory. Victorious in overcoming evil.
I remember you telling BibleBerean to stop showing scripture and to just tell you his mind in the matter. And now you are telling me to give you scripture to back up what I am telling you?
Hmmmmm, curious. :roll: :
If you don't believe the first few verses in the bible then how can we even continue on in conversation without butting heads incessantly?
If you are atheist, you wouldn't believe the very first few verses in the bible, and that would be like two aliens trying to speak to each other with different tongues groping to learn each others lanuage from two different platforms. Debates! Oh Lord, why do I even get involved with these threads? :-?
- Genesis 1:1-31
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
If you don't believe in the bible as it stating God as being the creator, then where do we have a meeting ground? What foundation do we establish? Some unknown that most atheists cling to or do we go by the truth which all Godly people came to understand? (which is not easily explained in just a few short postings :roll: It takes a lifetime of study and growing in the Spirit of the Lord God, and also through knowing Christ Jesus our Lord and savior. ) So a thread is only a grain of sand in the vast sea shores. If you know what I mean. :bday: (one must be "born again" in the "spirit", the "holy" spirit) If you are not "christian, then you wouldn't grasp this. And I'm assuming you are not because of your accusing God of being a "vulgar display" of Power. :-? I suppose in one sense, if you look at the creation of evil from out of the fallen angel's choices. then yes, that is a vulgar display of contorted, pervertedness of the Will of God in respect to it being in opposition to His Good will for his chosen ones, those that are called according to His purpose.
Is your point being that God creates bad people to prove his goodness comes out from it? What are you getting at?
I stated what I believe about choices, freely choosing.
This is a Christian Forum. And we "Christians" do believe in a Sovereign God, in his "Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence".
In my understanding, we are all in process, in the growth stages. Eternity is a course by which we continually grow and change. Yes? If that be true then would it not be that, we would in the course of our eternal journey, in growing to know God, as we are now in bodily form, to experience error?
It is not much different than our own children do and we must then extend our discipline upon them.
How else can we come to know His Goodness if we are not made aware of the opposing forces to his goodness?
That does not necessarily mean that we are all going to be forced to do bad things. The evil that we experience is a matter of choice or out of ignorance, and through those choices, which some of them are of the evil, we suffer the consequences, or we reap the rewards of the goodness from them.
Who are we to say that we should not experience or come to know these things if we are to use our wills as freely as we choose without giving credence to the Good Will of God for us. It is all explained in the beginning books of the bible, that man fell away from God and thereby came to know the forces of evil. Satan the tempter, the one who was once himself, an angel of God is a result of the turning away from our relationship, our intimacy with God.
It is spiritual, One can't understand it if they don't have a spiritual eye to see, and a spiritual ear to hear what is in the message. Would you agree?
I know you are an intelligent person, and I know you can give a good argument about physics and science. But if you don't give credit to God as being the divine source of and in all things, then what have we left but bickering back and forth? :-?
I'm not riled, and I'm not upset or anything to that effect. 8-) :wink: However, I have to tell you, I'm not into playing cat and mouse games. I know well enough from reading some of your previous postings that you can be as precise or as vague as you want in order to get a point across or in order to toy with someone just for the heck of it. :wink:
Please do tell me, exactly what is your point? And tell exactly where have I written things of a dubious nature? Precisely.
Maybe then the obscure matters here will be settled and the playing games will be minimized. Then, we can get down to the meat of the matter. Which is, what I think you are trying to imply.... is that the God in which Christians believe is a God who bullies us into obeying Him and that we have no free choice in any matter, that God controls every move we make as if we are puppets on his strings. As depicted in a very old Star Trek Episode in which the baby giant alien controlled the crew of the ship in holding them hostage to staged shows as if they were nothing but toys for this giant baby alien from another world/universe. Is that what you are trying to prove? If not then what is it you are getting at? Please do tell.
Since I haven't kept up with the whole lot of your previous postings which are well over the 1000 mark and I do know you have been a member of this forum for quite a while, So, I must ask this of you to clear up some things, so as I know who and what I am dealing with so we can carry on without things being unclear and dangling in .
Are you atheistic? Are you muslim or of any other religion than Judeo Christian?