I think marketing does have a huge influence on society today and it is a key component to a lot of first world problems. For me, I think Maslow had it right when it came to the hierarchy of needs. We need shelter, food, water, people we care for and people to care about us, we need to feel fulfillment in our lives, and a sense of purpose. Marketing exploits these needs because its how we come to value a product.
When it comes to wage slavery, its a disservice compared to actual slavery but there is some weight to it. We aren't necessarily slaves to a physical master, but to our own insecurities and delusions of a need.
Marketing will take something like the need to feel love and attack our idea of self. According to marketing we are all ugly, unhealthy, unloved, and stupid. In Marketing our lives are always one burden to the next.
Innovation is amazing, but I think people get to wrapped up in having things rather than utilizing things. They want people to look at them, but don't focus on the few that actually care about them.
Wage slavery, to me is a real issue in some instances, but I think its a small issue and the real problem lies in a much bigger problem.