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Was Jesus Christ a copy of Horus, Mithras, Dionysus and other pagan gods?

"This question is often asked especially in light of the viral film ‘Zeitgeist’ a mega-popular documentary about the New World Order and Illuminati. The movie spent over 30 minutes attacking the Bible and the Christian faith and specifically the idea that the story of Jesus Christ in the Gospels is nothing more than a copy of the story of the Egyptian God Horus, Mithras and other pagan gods. This article will demonstrate that when examining the historical evidence and research, Jesus Christ was clearly not a copy of Horus, Mithras, Dionysus and other pagan gods."

Full story
there is none like our God

Isaiah 45:5 " I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me,
Nope. They were Satanic copies of Christ. Satan knows the scriptures, he knew the prophecies and knew how it would come to pass, so he produced his counterfeits.
Similarities do not mean copying. To give a quick example the burrito (a latin american food) looks an awful lot like a crepe ( a european food) from a distance but that doesnt mean that the inventers of the crepe copied the burrito inventors or vice-versa. And i agree with the above post that satan might imitate Christ to try to detract followers.
Here is another perspective..... What we think of as Christianity may be identical to those ancient "myths."

Maybe the ancients were doing it wrong, and God sent Jesus to bring the "core" religion back to its roots, or correct for human error, misrepresentation of God, or misunderstanding of God.

Maybe the ancients had the right idea, but didn't know exactly what they were worshiping until Jesus came to earth.

If anything, the existence of similarities to Christianity could be more evidence that it is correct, not less.

Think about Gravity. Everyone know of its existence. Some even tried making formulas to describe it. Some even founded theories to explain its workings. Then Sir Isaac Newton came around and hit the nail on the head with his theory of gravity...or so we thought until Einstein came around and founded general relativity!

Einstein wouldn't say that those before him were completely wrong. He also wouldn't say that those before him threaten his theory. They had the right idea, and were describing the exact same process. It just so happens to be that they were not entirely correct. In this analogy, Newton and Einstein would be the equivalent of Jesus....bringing something felt but not known to something both felt and known.

Just a thought. In no way am I claiming to be correct.
It's also said that the Bible "copies" the creation store of many mythologies. Heck I even heard one very bold, and evidently stupid, atheist trying to tell me that the Bible is a copy of Norse mythos on creation and such. Perhaps the real answer is as follows:

The myths are a bit more true then we think. Maybe the fact that myths from the world around share many common threads (like world floods and such) speaks to the truth of such events. Maybe these same myth writers knew about the the Jews and God and knew what the Jews thought and about a coming Christ and copied them. If we date back the Bible story and the rough time estimation on these various myths you'll find they are pretty darn close, which would lead me to believe that maybe they were just copying a good thing.
in a comedic way.

perhaps indeed the egyptian pyramids were landing platforms and horus and dionysius were parasites.
Hi all,

I watched the movie "Zeitgeist" and was sickened in its breadth of misnomers and untruths. The movie was quite hypocritical in the third part where it actually references the scripture. In the first part there is a chart that lines up all the similarities between Horus (Egytpian mythology) and Jesus. I slowed down the video and paused it. I went through line by line what they thought were similarities. It was laughable at best. There were no scriptural basis for one on the similarities of Jesus. They couldn't get the facts of who Jesus was and what he did right. What I also found was that they didn't even get Horus right. He is a god of the underworld not of light. Ra is the god of light in egyptology.

Of course, if you make a movie and reference 300 hundred similarities and state these are all fact. Most people without critical thinking will say it seems reasonable. The one line I laughed out loud on was about the mouse of Jesus. This is a story from Catholic tradition. Has no scriptural basis, now if the moviemakers had clued in that the RCC is paganized by Roman mythology. Which incidently is very close to Egyptian mythology then they have a case.

I was in fact, mostly disgusted that other "believers" were taken in by this. The truth is the truth and it will set you free.

God bless!
Hi all,

  • In the first part there is a chart that lines up all the similarities between Horus (Egytpian mythology) and Jesus.
  • I slowed down the video and paused it.
  • Of course, if you make a movie and reference 300 hundred similarities and state these are all fact.
  • Most people without critical thinking will say it seems reasonable.

God bless!

Yes, all of the above are techniques used by videos like these. Anytime you're watching videos like these:
+Watch them slowly, listening to each part more than once.
+Read the small print in the back ground, if there is any.
+Check out the "similarities" and/or "differences", and see if you can come up with your own.
+When they say "it has been proven" or "it is a fact": Check up on this,.
+If they interview people, make sure they're not idiots or biased. Usually the Christians are idiots, and the atheists are biased.
+Don't let the graphics "sweep you away".
+And be careful as they will get you, without realizing it, with personal stuff. "You're s smart person, you know facts. How could you accept this?

There's much more. Just be VERY critical when watching these videos.
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