follower of Christ said:
Imagican said:
I thought that it was for JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you stated. He thought that the CC was TOO slack. He opted for a MUCH MORE strict following of the Gospels and doctrines.
But the point is this: If this man was LITERALLY INSPIRED from above, how could he have been RIGHT about ONE THING and WRONG about SO MUCH MORE?
Thats ridiculous.
So everyone is either 100% right or 100% wrong in your mind ?
Again, that condemns 100% of the church as NONE of us is likely to be 100% right or wrong on every single detail.
We AREN'T discussing every LITTLE detail. We debate DOCTRINE. And there is NO ROOM for 'false doctrine' in a 'worship of God through Christ'.
Now, if you simply want to ADMIT to 'belief', then that takes NO TRUTH. But IF we are to discuss TRUTH, then there is little room for error.
Do YOU believe that there ARE or HAVE been those that are ABLE to discern TRUTH? If NOT, then we have little that we will be ABLE to discuss except in the respect of 'you are wrong and I am RIGHT'. But, we have been given The Word. And IN The Word is to be found that WORTHY of doctrine IN TRUTH. For that IS what was stated by the apostles and Christ Himself.
What this particular subject concerns is the legitimacy of the teachings of 'tertullian'. I was simply pointing out that the church that ADOPTED his teachings concerning 'trinity' is the SAME church that LATER labeled him an 'heretic'. So, which IS IT? Was he TRULY inspired by God through The Spirit, or was he an heretic?
We have much evidence that points to ANYONE refuting the teachings of 'the church' WERE labeled as heretics in order to stiffle any resistance. It had LITTLE to do with TRUTH so much as "THEIR TRUTH''. For to admit to ANY mistake would certainly 'take away' from their TEACHINGS that THEY were the REPRESENTATIVES of Christ here on earth. And THAT, my friends, is what HAPPENS when MEN decide that THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. Eventually, they are going to be challenged with The Truth.
Now, was Tertullian an heretic? And IF SO, then how is it that those that labeled him thus are ABLE to USE him as a legitimate source of INFORMATION so far as present doctrine? It would be NICE if we COULD have it 'both ways'. But the TRUTH is that he either WAS or he WASN'T inspired BY The Spirit.
I, for one, do NOT accept that mentality of; "what HE stated that AGREES with OUR THINKING he WAS inspired, but in that which we DON'T, he wasn't". You are certainly at liberty to BELIEVE whatsoever you CHOOSE to believe. But, unless one can answer the simple questions posted here, then there is little that we can conclude concerning this MAN.