- Aug 16, 2015
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Do you think that a plant would not survive a few days of no sun. Also, it does say that He created light before anything else. I'm sure a few days would not kill the brand new plants.
Under regular conditions and regular days, I'm sure a plant would do fine to be in the dark. But if a day isn't a 24 hour period. Just a cycle of light and darkness, it could be moments or millions of years. Either way though if it's under God's protection, and in His care, it would be alright. Jesus is said to be the light of the world, and the word of God. If that's the case applied here, then anything God creates through Jesus might be like the light cycle of the days. On the other hand the light and darkness of the days and night could be cosmic events that occured while the earth was being formed into what we know it as today.
On a level of plants existing without the sun, one theory of earth's history is a rich carbon dioxide filled planet that plants thrived on, but animals did not exist on yet. The theory has in it's foundation that the plants survived because of the carbon dioxide and the sun's light, and because of that vast plant life, the waste product oxgyan made earth viable for animal species to develope. However if you take the theory and figure in that the solar system was a nebula instead, not quite a formed star, who knows, it could be possible that planets could form in those conditions, and both light and plant life could take place in that enviornment.
The current theory of planet formation (as I understand it) is on a basis of a gravational anchor. The sun is needed to be the gravational center of the solar system which puts the other matter in the system into an orbital fall and eventually mass together to form planets at the different ranges in the solar system. I think one theory/explaination is that the elements in the solar system that are heaviest are closest to the sun while the lightest elements are farther away and formed planets in the outer rings if the solar system. That said, that's where my knowledge base stops. I don't know enough about the planets to confirm or reject that explanation.
If it's possible for the earth, or other planets to form in conditions without a sun, in a pre sun state, then perhaps plants could exist on that planet too.
Assuming day one is God's spirit over a formless matter. Day Two is the matter of the solar system separating from itself and forming planet bodies instead of a formless mass, very much like God separating the waters, and creating a vault between the waters that is the heavens and space between the planets. Then Day Three is on Earth the plants filling the earth. Then so far this is very simular to the scientific theory of the develope,net of the solar system and of Earth. Day 4 is what throws a wrench into the mix and separates the Genesis account from our current scientific understanding. The sun and moon are made in that day instead of having the sun made much earlier, and plants later then both the sun and the moon finding their places.