Have you seen my video shared or the nuns and popes abusing natives and using scriptures, that native women was sexually assaulted. That is not Christianity. That is satanic behaviour.
I know the fellowship that I worship with teaches that we are all sinners. Not only those who are born again among us, but also those among us who are not so born. Because we are all sinners, and not all born again repentant sinners, there is sin even among the fellowship of the church on the earth. Yes, we should speak out about such abuses and, whenever it is within our power, do what we can to put a stop to such abuses. But just because you have some video that shows a group of nuns abusing natives using Scripture, doesn't mean that the process is all flawed. Personally, having the measure of faith that I have today, i would expect such abuses from a Catholic organization. That particular branch of the practice of the christian faith, has long had problems with forcing God's authority on the people and wielding what they believe to be God's authority as a weapon of pain, suffering and murder.
True story. Friend of mine had fairly rough marital relations throughout her life. She had two sons who were born when she was living with a man for many, many years, but had never 'officially' married. The Catholic organization refused to baptize her sons because they were, in the eyes of the Catholic organization, bastard children. Not worthy of God's mercy and grace. So yea! You want to talk about some pretty serious wrong application of Scriptural truths?
True story. My father was married to my mother for 25 years and there were four children from the marriage and two were grown and gone from home and the other two, one died and the other was probably 7-8 when my father fell enamored with his secretary. It was, as I have now been told, a fairly regular event that he would be looking for some satisfaction outside of his marriage. Anyway, the young (my age) secretary was a devout Catholic. She refused to marry my father unless it could be done within the church.
Now, I digress, but it makes me laugh to think that this woman must have thought that having an affair with a married man was all fine and dandy so long as if they were to get married it would be only with the Catholic organization's approval.
So, my parents get divorced and over the next couple of years my father works through whatever the channels are to have the 25 year marriage annulled. Really!?!?!?! Of course, my grandfather, who married my mother and father was a devout teacher of the truth of God's word and a fully ordained minister all of his life. But apparently that doesn't count as a 'valid' form of marriage within the Catholic organization. Anyway, they issued a decree of annulment, or however that works, and my father and his devout Catholic girlfriend got married.
So yea, I would not be surprised that you have some evidence that a Catholic organization would twist the Scriptures. And before everyone jumps in with their random stories about groups from other denominations practicing some sinfulness...I get it! We're all sinners. I'm merely pointing out an issue of preponderance. That these things are more likely under the auspices of an organization that has, as far as I understand them, a pretty warped understanding of what the Scriptures tell us.
So, for me, let's set aside any big confrontation with colonialism and racism among those who are born again. Let's understand that we live in a sin cursed world and such issues with sinful living have been a part of human life now for about 6,000 years. Let's try rather, to do what Jesus asked us to do. Go out and tell everyone who will listen the good news of God's salvation offered through His Son. For those who will believe, let's baptize them. Then take them into the fellowship of believers and teach them all that Jesus has taught us.
God bless,