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We haven't reached a consensus.

Dear friends, In these debates or discussions as the case may be regarding Calvinism versus Arminianism or other views that are neither Calvinist nor Arminian on predestination (election) and free will, and these debates on infant baptism and believers only baptism, and the times when anyone mention RC (Roman Catholicism) or EO (Eastern Orthodox), these are side-stepped, as most posters are P (Protestants) of some kinds, we have not reached any consensus in WHICH ALL OF US AGREE TOGETHER AS CHRISTIANS. Why is that, if the BIBLE IS EASILY UNDERSTOOD THE SAME WAY BY ALL OF US? In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington

Dude. Did this really merit a new thread?
Dear friends, In these debates or discussions as the case may be regarding Calvinism versus Arminianism or other views that are neither Calvinist nor Arminian on predestination (election) and free will, and these debates on infant baptism and believers only baptism, and the times when anyone mention RC (Roman Catholicism) or EO (Eastern Orthodox), these are side-stepped, as most posters are P (Protestants) of some kinds, we have not reached any consensus in WHICH ALL OF US AGREE TOGETHER AS CHRISTIANS. Why is that, if the BIBLE IS EASILY UNDERSTOOD THE SAME WAY BY ALL OF US? In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington

Mainly, NOT ALL OF US ARE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE! People who belong to an organization with a cult like authority figures such as Roman Catholics with their papacy and Seventh-Day Adventists with Ellen White are not seeking to understand the Bible themselves. They only accept what the authority tells them and attempts to prove them with the Bible. The same is true for anyone who mindlessly accepts any system of theology, be it Christian (such as Arminianism, Calvinism and Dispensationalism) or non-christian (such as Emergent, Liberal and Arian). People who mindlessly (which is not all people who adhere to any system of theology including those mentioned above) accept their theology will not try to understand the Bible but force his system into the Bible. MOST DOCTRINAL DISAGREEMENTS ARE A RESULT OF PEOPLE NOT TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE BUT TRYING TO USE THE BIBLE TO SUPPORT WHAT THEY ALREADY BELIEVE OR WANT TO BELIEVE. There are some honest disagreements, I concede, but most of the time people are just believing what they want and making the Bible fall in line. It really is easy to understand. The honest misunderstandings often come from not understanding what the text actually is saying, often due to a bad translation of the original language or trying to read their cultural ideas into a first century (or before) context. As well as drawing conclusions with limited knowledge. The more times I read the whole Bible the more I understand it's parts.
Who ever said the bible is to be easily understood? How can any of us today understand Christianity in the exact same way as a 7th century Christan? Ultimately we will never quite fully understand it in this earthly life. Yet we all eventually, regardless the extent and duration of our studies, must realize that we accept the Gospel on faith as a gift freely given despite our various levels of heavenly ignorance. If you desire a consensus then simply look to the fundamentals of Christianity.:waving
Mainly, NOT ALL OF US ARE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE! People who belong to an organization with a cult like authority figures such as Roman Catholics with their papacy and Seventh-Day Adventists with Ellen White are not seeking to understand the Bible themselves. They only accept what the authority tells them and attempts to prove them with the Bible. The same is true for anyone who mindlessly accepts any system of theology, be it Christian (such as Arminianism, Calvinism and Dispensationalism) or non-christian (such as Emergent, Liberal and Arian). People who mindlessly (which is not all people who adhere to any system of theology including those mentioned above) accept their theology will not try to understand the Bible but force his system into the Bible. MOST DOCTRINAL DISAGREEMENTS ARE A RESULT OF PEOPLE NOT TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE BUT TRYING TO USE THE BIBLE TO SUPPORT WHAT THEY ALREADY BELIEVE OR WANT TO BELIEVE. There are some honest disagreements, I concede, but most of the time people are just believing what they want and making the Bible fall in line. It really is easy to understand. The honest misunderstandings often come from not understanding what the text actually is saying, often due to a bad translation of the original language or trying to read their cultural ideas into a first century (or before) context. As well as drawing conclusions with limited knowledge. The more times I read the whole Bible the more I understand it's parts.

I agree and would have to include just about every 'denomination' in this. Every one of them has a set line of beliefs, and if you do not fit the belief then your not 'accepted'. Oh, they will let you in the doors, they may even talk to you, but you are never one at heart if you try to discuss different beliefs.

Most everyone wants to shy away from disagreements. That is why there is a proliferation of different views. I have a different view, so I am going to go over here and start something new.


Its not so easily understood. People want to take some of it and leave other parts. And then when others want to talk about it, the walls go up instead of talks ensuing. The only thing the Bible talks about being easy is the manipulation of thoughts and ideas.

We walk after the flesh, and that is precisely why we argue and will not come to an agreement. Instead we "say" we should agree to disagree. But really we still hold to our thoughts as higher than another's. We will not dare even consider that God has given him or her words of wisdom, so they cannot be right.
Certain churches/denominations don't encourage members to read the Word and go so far as to advise against it. There is a very real danger in this as they are left to simply accept what is espoused by their leaders.

But I agree with those who have said scripture is not so easily understood, so we need to keep our heads in it constantly to grow in its Truth. That said, I believe even if we were all honest in our search for the Truth, there would be disagreement among us. Actually, I don't just believe this; I know it, because I see it. We have many Godly members here on this board alone who disagree. Until Christ returns, I'm convinced this will always be the case.
The word of God is imo like the Lord's creation... take sight for example.. let's say we're looking at a tree in a field.. we see the obvious and it's very simple to see that it's a tree in a field.. although at the same time it is infinitely complex in its structure... we know there's a tree there although we could study it for a lifetime and not understand all that it entails... we're examining things on the atomic level now although who knows how much more there is to it.

Sound is very similar... we hear a fundamental pitch although along with that fundamental there are a limitless series of harmonics associated with it..

See what I mean... it's a crude example perhaps although it's how the word of God can be as well.. there's usually a simple story whcih teaches a fundamental lesson although because it's living and powerful, we can meditate upon it for a lifetime and never fully understand all that it has to say.. for example...

Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures..

Seems simple enough right... ? IMO we could meditate on this verse for an entire lifetime (understanding its fundamental teaching) and still not exhaust all that it means.

Christians start out as babes in Christ.. we learn and grow from the sincere milk of the word.. and there's not a Christian in the world who knows it all.
I would like to add something to this also.

We start out as babes, feeding on milk, but it does seem that we should be eventually moving on to meat.

The thought is also very prevalent in the NT that there are quite a few things we should all "understand" and be in agreement on. They are scattered through the letters, but I am sure if someone wanted to dig them up we could examine them.