Doulos Iesou
- Mar 22, 2013
- 3,498
- 32
Now I would like to begin by saying that I am most certainly not a Calvinist, nor do I enjoy being distinguished as an Arminian. Why? While if I came into a theological discussion with an Arminian, much of what we would say would be indistinguishable. Yet, when one adheres to a theological distinction such as an "Arminian," they then take on a whole lot bunch of baggage. They are then liable to such allegations, "you follow Arminius.. I follow Christ," as some misguided and self-righteous people would say, as this is most certainly not the case.
The reason why I do not enjoy the theological distinction of "Arminianism," is because in my mind it locks the debate into it's 17th Century context (though of course Calvin and Arminius never debated). Most importantly though, it opens me up to many of the poor arguments that I found coming from Arminians. Indeed one of the reasons I became a Calvinist soon after coming to Christ, is because I could not find consistent exegesis from many Arminians and found the same lame arguments to try and force their position.
Here is an example in John 3:16.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Jn 3:16(NASB)
The first problem that arises, is found in the third word "so." How many have heard preachers proclaim, "For God SOOOO loved the world!" As if the word "so" was used in a way a teenage couple would in a moment of great affection, "I love you SOOO much!"
This word "so" is the Greek word οὕτως and it means, "in this way," or, "or in this manner." It is simply saying this, "For God loved the world in this way," What way did he love the world? "That he gave his one and only Son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life."
The next example is the word "world," instead of emphasizing the word "so," in their preaching some of them (mainly in an attempt to refute Calvinism) will proclaim, "For God so loved the WORLD, he didn't just love the elect!!"
Many Calvinists will then rightly object saying that the Greek word κόσμος (Kosmos) has a semantic range that doesn't just mean "all men without exception." They will look to the uses of the Greek word throughout the gospel of John and find the majority of cases referring to the "fallen human system." In essence saying that God loved that which was so contrary to him, fallen humanity that had rebelled and was God's enemy.
My point is to not now defeat the Calvinist argument, but to rather point out that simply claim that the word "world" MUST mean, "all people without exception," and in this instance it is special pleading. The Calvinist will point this out rather quickly and make it look like the Arminian has no leg to stand on.
Perhaps one of the most aggravating examples and maybe the most common is the misuse of the word "whosoever" (as found in the KJV), their preaching goes like this: "That WHOSOEVER! WHOSOEVER! WHOSOEVER!" This actually quoted from Ed Young's irreverent bashing of Calvinists.
This is used by many Arminians that the word "whosoever" stands on it's own and use it referring to the ability of everyone to believe on Jesus.
This has many obvious issues..
The Greek word here is πᾶς is an adjective that is perhaps better translated "everyone," and it modifies the Substantival Participle πιστεύων (who believes). Saying that, "everyone who believes shall not perish," it is not saying everyone CAN or has the ability to believe, but simply everyone that is believing in Jesus shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Such as, if I were to put it in another sentence: "Whosoever is 6 feet tall may ride this roller coaster." We find that this construction is inherently limiting, limiting of course to a certain distinction of people and in John 3:16 it is only those who believe who will have eternal life.
Therefore, we must go other places to have the debate if God has give every man the ability to believe, or is that just for the elect. I of course have a strong opinion on the matter, but this is not the time to voice this.
Why do I so vehemently critic my fellow peers and those whom I mostly agree with? It is because of posters like the one who came on this forum earlier this week, who had been so confused by the Arminianism and Calvinism debate (among others) that he had forsaken his faith in Jesus. Calvinism to him seemed to him the most accurate representation of Scripture, and I believe that is largely because he was probably fed poor arguments like the ones I referenced here to try and debunk Calvinism.
Calvinism, with it's doctrine of predestination and reprobation, that men were elected from the foundation of the world to salvation not based off of any foreseen moral merit or really anything in them, and God then also chose to pass over some of the foreseen fallen humanity to be abandoned to the result of their sin.. eternal hell. Calvinism then, finally proved to be too big of a pill to swallow for our dear brother..
Brothers and sisters who do a great disservice not only to each other, but to others listening when we twist the Word of God to support our own doctrines. When we use demonstrably faulty and fallacious arguments to support our "Sacred Cows." We need to be willing to critic our own position as ardently as we would our opponents and even grant where they have valid objections. We need to discourse these issues differently than the rest of the world. Christian forums shouldn't be the most heavily moderated forums on the internet, but should be the most delightful to moderate on the web.
Let's honor those we discuss with and those who are listening by being as clear, thorough and faithful to Scripture as possible. For I affirm the infallibility of Scripture, and it is wholly consistent with itself (contrary to the opinion of many) and the better we can show it's harmony, the more that faith will increase in those who hear.
Blessings in Christ,
Servant of Jesus
Now I would like to begin by saying that I am most certainly not a Calvinist, nor do I enjoy being distinguished as an Arminian. Why? While if I came into a theological discussion with an Arminian, much of what we would say would be indistinguishable. Yet, when one adheres to a theological distinction such as an "Arminian," they then take on a whole lot bunch of baggage. They are then liable to such allegations, "you follow Arminius.. I follow Christ," as some misguided and self-righteous people would say, as this is most certainly not the case.
The reason why I do not enjoy the theological distinction of "Arminianism," is because in my mind it locks the debate into it's 17th Century context (though of course Calvin and Arminius never debated). Most importantly though, it opens me up to many of the poor arguments that I found coming from Arminians. Indeed one of the reasons I became a Calvinist soon after coming to Christ, is because I could not find consistent exegesis from many Arminians and found the same lame arguments to try and force their position.
Here is an example in John 3:16.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Jn 3:16(NASB)
The first problem that arises, is found in the third word "so." How many have heard preachers proclaim, "For God SOOOO loved the world!" As if the word "so" was used in a way a teenage couple would in a moment of great affection, "I love you SOOO much!"
This word "so" is the Greek word οὕτως and it means, "in this way," or, "or in this manner." It is simply saying this, "For God loved the world in this way," What way did he love the world? "That he gave his one and only Son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life."
The next example is the word "world," instead of emphasizing the word "so," in their preaching some of them (mainly in an attempt to refute Calvinism) will proclaim, "For God so loved the WORLD, he didn't just love the elect!!"
Many Calvinists will then rightly object saying that the Greek word κόσμος (Kosmos) has a semantic range that doesn't just mean "all men without exception." They will look to the uses of the Greek word throughout the gospel of John and find the majority of cases referring to the "fallen human system." In essence saying that God loved that which was so contrary to him, fallen humanity that had rebelled and was God's enemy.
My point is to not now defeat the Calvinist argument, but to rather point out that simply claim that the word "world" MUST mean, "all people without exception," and in this instance it is special pleading. The Calvinist will point this out rather quickly and make it look like the Arminian has no leg to stand on.
Perhaps one of the most aggravating examples and maybe the most common is the misuse of the word "whosoever" (as found in the KJV), their preaching goes like this: "That WHOSOEVER! WHOSOEVER! WHOSOEVER!" This actually quoted from Ed Young's irreverent bashing of Calvinists.
This is used by many Arminians that the word "whosoever" stands on it's own and use it referring to the ability of everyone to believe on Jesus.
This has many obvious issues..
The Greek word here is πᾶς is an adjective that is perhaps better translated "everyone," and it modifies the Substantival Participle πιστεύων (who believes). Saying that, "everyone who believes shall not perish," it is not saying everyone CAN or has the ability to believe, but simply everyone that is believing in Jesus shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Such as, if I were to put it in another sentence: "Whosoever is 6 feet tall may ride this roller coaster." We find that this construction is inherently limiting, limiting of course to a certain distinction of people and in John 3:16 it is only those who believe who will have eternal life.
Therefore, we must go other places to have the debate if God has give every man the ability to believe, or is that just for the elect. I of course have a strong opinion on the matter, but this is not the time to voice this.
Why do I so vehemently critic my fellow peers and those whom I mostly agree with? It is because of posters like the one who came on this forum earlier this week, who had been so confused by the Arminianism and Calvinism debate (among others) that he had forsaken his faith in Jesus. Calvinism to him seemed to him the most accurate representation of Scripture, and I believe that is largely because he was probably fed poor arguments like the ones I referenced here to try and debunk Calvinism.
Calvinism, with it's doctrine of predestination and reprobation, that men were elected from the foundation of the world to salvation not based off of any foreseen moral merit or really anything in them, and God then also chose to pass over some of the foreseen fallen humanity to be abandoned to the result of their sin.. eternal hell. Calvinism then, finally proved to be too big of a pill to swallow for our dear brother..
Brothers and sisters who do a great disservice not only to each other, but to others listening when we twist the Word of God to support our own doctrines. When we use demonstrably faulty and fallacious arguments to support our "Sacred Cows." We need to be willing to critic our own position as ardently as we would our opponents and even grant where they have valid objections. We need to discourse these issues differently than the rest of the world. Christian forums shouldn't be the most heavily moderated forums on the internet, but should be the most delightful to moderate on the web.
Let's honor those we discuss with and those who are listening by being as clear, thorough and faithful to Scripture as possible. For I affirm the infallibility of Scripture, and it is wholly consistent with itself (contrary to the opinion of many) and the better we can show it's harmony, the more that faith will increase in those who hear.
Blessings in Christ,
Servant of Jesus