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Growth What are some examples of calling evil good and good evil

This is something I have needed some clearcut examples on the only examples Ive gotten from others is calling shacking up good and calling marriage a bad thing.Anyway I could use some extra examples and your thoughts .Thank you in advance .
The saying if it feels good do it.... as apposed to self control.
Being way over concerned about the way we look not caring about who we are on the inside.
A lot of this is connected to sex
Abortion v. life
teaching kids they are the to be worshiped in place of honor your father and mother.
Classic marriage is put down and others relationships are elevated
A family was grandparents parents and kids... now days it is any one living in your house...
the all important ME time instead of doing for others.
free expression v. discipline
You are referring to Isaiah 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

It might be important to note that the book of the prophet Isaiah starts by establishing the themes of judgement and subsequent restoration for the righteous in terms of Israel. So, in this verse we see one of many where Isaiah is describing, or establishing, Gods judgment upon the nature of sin, or sinfulness, the lost in terms of examples of nature and such; IE in this case, those who call evil good, and good evil.

Some examples? Perhaps examples we might see today? We don't have to look too far. Cultural Relativism is good place to start and you can see it all around us. Gay marriage is a good example. If you call homosexuality "evil", people are going to take quite an offense to that. They may confuse such a statement as hate, as we see in the Westboro group, but if you call gay marriage a good thing you will not have much throwback about that in our culture today.

I purposely picked a controversial example like this because I think it best to speak about the word evil. Typically, the bible refers to evil as anything not of God, and Good as everything of God only. Jesus called people in general "evil". The bible makes a clear distinction between good and evil in this way, where as we tend to attach much more strict terms to the word evil.
money being made at the expense of morals, and family.
sports figures failures overlooked because of money and if they commit a crime so what. kobe. im not saying they cant be forgiven just how some seem to idolize them. yes they have talent but we also must say you had a chance to be an example and you didn't.
Geez. Most things in life nowadays. Homosexuality, being single, the police, money is a big one. Profiteering. morals. Diversity. Acceptance, tolerance, discipline. Paying taxes, lol.
any abortion

Agreed. Pro choice indeed, Ha! It's been said by some that it isn't a baby until it takes it's first breath, and they try to link it to and god breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul...but I don't buy that. I think life begins at conception. I have even watched (quite a few) video testimonies of people who were taken up to the (third heaven?) and saw many children in heaven who were 'died in the womb' and so forth and immediately go to heaven to be raised (makes me jealous in a way). The Colton Burpo child that we were discussing recently in another thread is a good example. He met his sister in heaven, which had been a miscarriage of her mothers. The boy couldn't have known about it and came back to testify of the the same to his mother and father...
This is something I have needed some clearcut examples on the only examples Ive gotten from others is calling shacking up good and calling marriage a bad thing.Anyway I could use some extra examples and your thoughts .Thank you in advance .
I think you've asked a really hard question to answer unless you're just looking for endless lists of some people's opinions on what is bad and good. Some if it may be actually bad or good in scripture, and much may just be personal opinions and preferences. Is that what you are looking for? Or did you mean to find a deeper answer?
I think drugs should be legalized and made readily available and taxed. Dr.Thomas Szasz came up with that idea, and I agree. I also think we should do away with Rx restrictions on drugs. It'll drive costs down (free market forces) and reduce the power of the medical establishment.
I think drugs should be legalized and made readily available and taxed. Dr.Thomas Szasz came up with that idea, and I agree. I also think we should do away with Rx restrictions on drugs. It'll drive costs down (free market forces) and reduce the power of the medical establishment.
it went from 30 dollars an ounce in Colorado to 90 dollars and an ounce legally. so If I wanted it illegally where would I go? oh yeah the black market. that is a problem that Colorado is starting to see. regulations cost. and what about those that use and people that don't want to support for programs that free them? ie like the tea party(via taxes).

so we make it illegal to be homeless. that is already illegal in Orlando, la, san fran. what solution was that?
so if its legal to sell any illicit drug, and we are on this topic of calling what the bible says is sorcery. then its calling an evil good? think about a Christian pot dealer tithes to his church? we already have saints selling legal beer, and nicotine. why not then other more deadly stuff?

I will not work in that line. sorry I cant.
I think drugs should be legalized and made readily available and taxed. Dr.Thomas Szasz came up with that idea, and I agree. I also think we should do away with Rx restrictions on drugs. It'll drive costs down (free market forces) and reduce the power of the medical establishment.
It's true that it doesn't seem that requiring prescriptions for certain drugs has done even one thing to prevent drub abuse and has only served to increase costs.
Szasz was a psychiatrist. I think if we took at least some of his ideas and applied them to healthcare, the economy, and mental health treatment, the world would be a much better, much more humane place.
How about something we never think about or hear about and that is genetically modified food? The people making this stuff is saying we need it to feed the world. In truth it is killing people, the environment, but the profits of those selling it is out of this world. We all need to eat. If you can control the food supply, you control the world. This is more dangerous to me than abortion or homosexuality.