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Growth What are some examples of calling evil good and good evil

1Co 7:8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
1Co 7:9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

We see a direct command of good and evil just in these two verses. It's the same with everything in life as we have become such a politically correct society. What God has set forth that is good and that which is evil has never changed, but man changes his thought pattern like the wind changes direction just to be socially acceptable even knowing it comes against Gods word.
another prison topics...letting the corporations that run our prisons (for profit, of course) lobby for "tough on crime" legislation.
the state of florida has those but those are juvenile faciilites. hardly what I call a prison.

I will have to ask , I know whom to ask and where to get it.
This is something I have needed some clearcut examples on the only examples Ive gotten from others is calling shacking up good and calling marriage a bad thing.Anyway I could use some extra examples and your thoughts .Thank you in advance .

okay, i'm going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but it is true.

society, the government, the schools, even the pastors and rabbis and doctors, all lie. (except a few by sheer grace).

if i state clearly and plainly one lie, or two, or a dozen, they may be just contradicted by other posters. this usually happens as most people believe things they've been told since birth by their parents etc etc etc..... (you know, "to get people to believe a lie, just say it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again." so most people believe lies all of their life.).... ... so, for now, go see what Scripture says about people of earth/flesh/mankind ... ... ... examples specific will be given as God allows, enables, or provides them ...

shalom to all, everyone and their families, who love the truth and seek God to live His Life...
okay, i'm going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but it is true.

society, the government, the schools, even the pastors and rabbis and doctors, all lie. (except a few by sheer grace).

if i state clearly and plainly one lie, or two, or a dozen, they may be just contradicted by other posters. this usually happens as most people believe things they've been told since birth by their parents etc etc etc..... (you know, "to get people to believe a lie, just say it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again." so most people believe lies all of their life.).... ... so, for now, go see what Scripture says about people of earth/flesh/mankind ... ... ... examples specific will be given as God allows, enables, or provides them ...

shalom to all, everyone and their families, who love the truth and seek God to live His Life...
Very good point indeed. Except I'm not so sure all those people are intentionally lying. Probably just repeating what they themselves have always believed. That's why whenever someone tells me something is wrong I always ask myself "Why?" and if I don't already know the answer, I ask them why. Some people are offended by this when it points out to them that they really don't know why what they said is true. They realize, maybe for the first time, that they have simply been repeating a traditional belief without knowing why or if it was even true.

The concept of "evil" comes from God, and God has told us in his word what is evil. Sometimes the thing in question may be mentioned directly, sometimes only the principle it represents is mentioned. But if there is evil, it has to be something God has told us is evil. If He has not told us it is evil, it is not. So the place to look is in scripture. There's nothing wrong with listening to parents, Christian friends, pastors, Bible teachers, etc. We just need to be sure to check everything they say with scripture and if we can't find it, ask them to show us. If they can't show us, then they are probably wrong about it being evil and your questioning them and challenging them to back it up with scripture may very well be the very thing that showed them their error.
Very good point indeed. Except I'm not so sure all those people are intentionally lying. Probably just repeating what they themselves have always believed. That's why whenever someone tells me something is wrong I always ask myself "Why?" and if I don't already know the answer, I ask them why. Some people are offended by this when it points out to them that they really don't know why what they said is true. They realize, maybe for the first time, that they have simply been repeating a traditional belief without knowing why or if it was even true.

The concept of "evil" comes from God, and God has told us in his word what is evil. Sometimes the thing in question may be mentioned directly, sometimes only the principle it represents is mentioned. But if there is evil, it has to be something God has told us is evil. If He has not told us it is evil, it is not. So the place to look is in scripture. There's nothing wrong with listening to parents, Christian friends, pastors, Bible teachers, etc. We just need to be sure to check everything they say with scripture and if we can't find it, ask them to show us. If they can't show us, then they are probably wrong about it being evil and your questioning them and challenging them to back it up with scripture may very well be the very thing that showed them their error.

true that - they don't know when they lie, or may not know that they are lying. probably, sometime in their life, they were given the opportunity to learn and know and choose the way of truth --- (that happened to me) --- (and others) --- but if they don't choose the way of truth, if they don't choose to pay the price, or if they don't choose to ask Yhvh the Creator and/or Yeshua to reveal the truth..... well, they may end up without the ability to tell the difference after some point, Yhvh deciding.

we who , by sheer grace and gift of Yhvh in Yeshua, chose to love the truth, to bring everything out in the light, to abide in the light,
are attacked relentlessly by the world and all it's minions (demons, prince of the power of the air, governments, authorities, etc etc).

if Yhvh did not protect/shelter/harbor/strengthen/nourish us, we would already be gone from this earth.
Very good point indeed. Except I'm not so sure all those people are intentionally lying. Probably just repeating what they themselves have always believed. That's why whenever someone tells me something is wrong I always ask myself "Why?" and if I don't already know the answer, I ask them why. Some people are offended by this when it points out to them that they really don't know why what they said is true. They realize, maybe for the first time, that they have simply been repeating a traditional belief without knowing why or if it was even true.

The concept of "evil" comes from God, and God has told us in his word what is evil. Sometimes the thing in question may be mentioned directly, sometimes only the principle it represents is mentioned. But if there is evil, it has to be something God has told us is evil. If He has not told us it is evil, it is not. So the place to look is in scripture. There's nothing wrong with listening to parents, Christian friends, pastors, Bible teachers, etc. We just need to be sure to check everything they say with scripture and if we can't find it, ask them to show us. If they can't show us, then they are probably wrong about it being evil and your questioning them and challenging them to back it up with scripture may very well be the very thing that showed them their error.
:lol I am the "WHY" lady and I have been since I could talk.Sometimes I ask someone "WHY" and they look at me like I am crazy.Maybe it is too simple or they simply do not know why :shrug
:lol I am the "WHY" lady and I have been since I could talk.Sometimes I ask someone "WHY" and they look at me like I am crazy.Maybe it is too simple or they simply do not know why :shrug

in the Hebrew/Jewish life of Yhvh's people, Yhvh did not tell them "WHY". Yhvh told them what to do, when to do it, and who was to do it. "WHY" was usually understood to be simply because YHVH SAID TO.
Yeshua likewise did not tell (most people) 'why'..... He told men and women and children what ABBA told Him to tell them. that simple. He did what ABBA said to do. that simple. and He told His disciples likewise to seek the Father and do what Father did, to speak what Father spoke. not 'why'. when someone asked 'why' to do something, it was(or may be) likened to idolatry - as if they could chose on their own volition whether to obey Yhvh the Creator or not, if they 'wanted' to, or 'agreed' with Him !?
Very good point indeed. Except I'm not so sure all those people are intentionally lying. Probably just repeating what they themselves have always believed. That's why whenever someone tells me something is wrong I always ask myself "Why?" and if I don't already know the answer, I ask them why. Some people are offended by this when it points out to them that they really don't know why what they said is true. They realize, maybe for the first time, that they have simply been repeating a traditional belief without knowing why or if it was even true.

The concept of "evil" comes from God, and God has told us in his word what is evil. Sometimes the thing in question may be mentioned directly, sometimes only the principle it represents is mentioned. But if there is evil, it has to be something God has told us is evil. If He has not told us it is evil, it is not. So the place to look is in scripture. There's nothing wrong with listening to parents, Christian friends, pastors, Bible teachers, etc. We just need to be sure to check everything they say with scripture and if we can't find it, ask them to show us. If they can't show us, then they are probably wrong about it being evil and your questioning them and challenging them to back it up with scripture may very well be the very thing that showed them their error.

This is a good point. It's amazing the places that one can learn from if they listen, and also amazing the places that lies (unintentional or intentional) can come from. I notice that you did not list children in your short list of people that there's nothing wrong with listening to them. I have learned (over time) quite a bit from children. It's amazing the things which come from children's mouths! Children have not been indoctrinated into all of the lies of the world yet, and they seem to have a wonderful grasp and insight at times of some very profound things. They will babble on like children do most times, but sometimes, they can teach you things that professors can not. I think that we should talk to children like little people instead of children because they understand more than most people give them credit for.

On the other hand...many times people will take what respected Pastors say as the gospel and take their word for it, without double checking it against scripture. Because they are good Pastors, and they respect them. But we should still (always) check things for ourselves against scripture, because even very wise and respected pastors can make mistakes unintentionally. It might not mean that they're a false prophet or teacher and should be ignored totally, just that they may be wrong here and there. No one has all of the answers except the Lord Himself. So do your own homework and double check everything for yourself.

This is a good point. It's amazing the places that one can learn from if they listen, and also amazing the places that lies (unintentional or intentional) can come from. I notice that you did not list children in your short list of people that there's nothing wrong with listening to them. I have learned (over time) quite a bit from children. It's amazing the things which come from children's mouths! Children have not been indoctrinated into all of the lies of the world yet, and they seem to have a wonderful grasp and insight at times of some very profound things. They will babble on like children do most times, but sometimes, they can teach you things that professors can not. I think that we should talk to children like little people instead of children because they understand more than most people give them credit for.

On the other hand...many times people will take what respected Pastors say as the gospel and take their word for it, without double checking it against scripture. Because they are good Pastors, and they respect them. But we should still (always) check things for ourselves against scripture, because even very wise and respected pastors can make mistakes unintentionally. It might not mean that they're a false prophet or teacher and should be ignored totally, just that they may be wrong here and there. No one has all of the answers except the Lord Himself. So do your own homework and double check everything for yourself.

Children are very honest and very trustworthy.You take an adult who they love and they trust and they violate them that is the saddest thing in the world.Think how that is going to effect their life.
This is a good point. It's amazing the places that one can learn from if they listen, and also amazing the places that lies (unintentional or intentional) can come from. I notice that you did not list children in your short list of people that there's nothing wrong with listening to them. I have learned (over time) quite a bit from children. It's amazing the things which come from children's mouths! Children have not been indoctrinated into all of the lies of the world yet, and they seem to have a wonderful grasp and insight at times of some very profound things. They will babble on like children do most times, but sometimes, they can teach you things that professors can not. I think that we should talk to children like little people instead of children because they understand more than most people give them credit for.

On the other hand...many times people will take what respected Pastors say as the gospel and take their word for it, without double checking it against scripture. Because they are good Pastors, and they respect them. But we should still (always) check things for ourselves against scripture, because even very wise and respected pastors can make mistakes unintentionally. It might not mean that they're a false prophet or teacher and should be ignored totally, just that they may be wrong here and there. No one has all of the answers except the Lord Himself. So do your own homework and double check everything for yourself.


Well, right now my darling grandson thinks I'm somewhat evil. He gets EVIL homework, even though he is being home schooled.
Hoping he catches on soon that usually he has his classes and homework done while the other kids are still at their desks in school. And when he doesn't it's because he's messing around, a pencil becomes a catapult !!
But in the meantime Grandma is a little evil. :grumpy
Well, right now my darling grandson thinks I'm somewhat evil. He gets EVIL homework, even though he is being home schooled.
Hoping he catches on soon that usually he has his classes and homework done while the other kids are still at their desks in school. And when he doesn't it's because he's messing around, a pencil becomes a catapult !!
But in the meantime Grandma is a little evil. :grumpy
There were times that my kids especially my daughter thought I was evil.But they both thank me for that now.There are some things they look back at and laugh.
There were times that my kids especially my daughter thought I was evil.But they both thank me for that now.There are some things they look back at and laugh.

My kids too. It's fun having Lexy and Jake living here. I especially interesting when he's giving his mom a hard time. You know that old saying about paybacks. :biggrin2
Well, right now my darling grandson thinks I'm somewhat evil. He gets EVIL homework, even though he is being home schooled.
Hoping he catches on soon that usually he has his classes and homework done while the other kids are still at their desks in school. And when he doesn't it's because he's messing around, a pencil becomes a catapult !!
But in the meantime Grandma is a little evil. :grumpy

Oh, I hear you. But you can't give up on them and have to be disciplined with them. i think a lot of parents go wrong with their children, by trying to be their friend, and not hurt their poor little feelings. This is wrong. Even though they may not understand now, they'll get it later and appreciate it. I used to think that my grandma was always hassling me, and I did resent it. But after I grew up, I was able to recognize that she loved me a lot and was simply teaching me.

There were times that my kids especially my daughter thought I was evil.But they both thank me for that now.There are some things they look back at and laugh.

Yeah. Just like that. :)
This is a good point. It's amazing the places that one can learn from if they listen, and also amazing the places that lies (unintentional or intentional) can come from. I notice that you did not list children in your short list of people that there's nothing wrong with listening to them. I have learned (over time) quite a bit from children. It's amazing the things which come from children's mouths! Children have not been indoctrinated into all of the lies of the world yet, and they seem to have a wonderful grasp and insight at times of some very profound things. They will babble on like children do most times, but sometimes, they can teach you things that professors can not. I think that we should talk to children like little people instead of children because they understand more than most people give them credit for.

On the other hand...many times people will take what respected Pastors say as the gospel and take their word for it, without double checking it against scripture. Because they are good Pastors, and they respect them. But we should still (always) check things for ourselves against scripture, because even very wise and respected pastors can make mistakes unintentionally. It might not mean that they're a false prophet or teacher and should be ignored totally, just that they may be wrong here and there. No one has all of the answers except the Lord Himself. So do your own homework and double check everything for yourself.

I didn't mention children, but I didn't purposely exclude them either. (I did put an "etc" at the end. :yes) I couldn't agree with you more on what you're saying about children here!
My kids too. It's fun having Lexy and Jake living here. I especially interesting when he's giving his mom a hard time. You know that old saying about paybacks. :biggrin2
Oh yes.My mom used to say that to me all the time."Payback time Kathi". Your daughter and grandchildren are living with you?
Oh yes.My mom used to say that to me all the time."Payback time Kathi". Your daughter and grandchildren are living with you?

Yes, Lexy and her son Jake have always lived with us. They are a blessing.
My middle daughter lives three miles from me with her dh and two little ones. I wish the other two were closer to here, too. I really miss them.
Yes, Lexy and her son Jake have always lived with us. They are a blessing.
My middle daughter lives three miles from me with her dh and two little ones. I wish the other two were closer to here, too. I really miss them.
With my first divorce my parents were a blessing.They were so very supportive when I was going through a very difficult time.They died in the 70's.
With my first divorce my parents were a blessing.They were so very supportive when I was going through a very difficult time.They died in the 70's.

I'm glad they were there for you. That means so much.
I lost my parents when I was in my early twenties, it's hard.