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What are you asking God for?

God says in His word that we can ask whatever we shall desire and it shall be given to us. That if we abide in His word and He abides in us...meaning our will is His will. So what prayer are you asking that you feel in your heart is the will of God? Because this prayer HE WILL ANWSER!

For me, I'm asking for more of God's Spirit. Especially in hearing His voice, that there is no other voice around me that I care to hear other than His. I know once I reach that point that it will be easy for me to hear Him and obey. Obey especially what He asks me to do in His ministry. Living in another culture isn't easy; more so that I witness here and my language skills needs lots of improving. God help me hear Your comforting words so I can make it through this lonely road.

Please add to this by posting your prayer. I don't need advice unless God speaks to you, but your welcome to say a short prayer for me :)
I am praying for the salvation of friends, grandchildren, and my husband's family.
I am also praying for healing of several members of my immediate family who are in much pain.
I am praying for the salvation of friends, grandchildren, and my husband's family.
I am also praying for healing of several members of my immediate family who are in much pain.

Word of God says that you and your whole household will be saved. It will be by your faith and your prayers so don't give up! I've seen it happen many times, just continue praying. God will also touch your family who are in pain. Help them to see God. When their eyes are fixed on how big God is, then no problem will be able to over take them. I've been healed more than once and have seen many healings too. Just be persistent, be fervent and don't stop praying and believing. God does have a purpose and sometimes it's for us to be in pain so we can find Him. Sometimes it's also there so He may display His glory through us. God bless you Carolyn!
To help me focus on God instead of everything else, and for the ability to just trust Him again.
Also for the salvation of someone from my past.
To help me focus on God instead of everything else, and for the ability to just trust Him again.
Also for the salvation of someone from my past.

That is a prayer God will answer! At least the trusting in Him. Salvation is a choice the person has, we can never force that.

I want to encourage you too look towards God. It's like this... If you have a bottle water(your problem) and you give it to God, but are still holding onto it. Have you ever really given it to Him? Trust Him as you already know His ways are better than ours.

"we fix our eyes on not what is seen but what is unseen, for what is seem is temporary but what is unseen is eternal" 2nd Cor 4:18

Remember back on how God used to work in your life? Remember the things that He had done for you? He is a good God, but during those struggles it was hard to see the good. Trust Him and remember those things. That is what the OT talked about many times, is to "remember".

Do you wash your feet before you hop in the shower? I doubt it! Likewise, no reason to clean up before you come before God. Come as you are!

Praying for you, you know your blessed!:yes
I mostly ask for mercy

God will give you more than mercy, He will send you the Comforter! All you have to do is ask Him :pray

"“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" Matt 7:7-11
I ask nothing from God other than - he lets me know what he wants me to do.

Still waiting.


Still waiting.
I'm apparently in what the more optimistic (and therefore helpful) mental health people call the "recovery" phase of mental illness. All my electroshock- and drug-induced brain damage seems have been healed or..something. God worked some kinda miracle, which is greatly appreciated.

Anyway, at 28, my life has really just started, what with the new found lucidity, morality, all that. So, I've been asking God to help me build a productive, decent, godly life for myself, one that will hopefully involve financial autonomy (thank God for my comfortable, helpful parents) and respect in the community. Oh, and just as importantly (I know you asked for 1 thing, but you're getting 2, lol), I'm asking for more faith, wisdom, and discernment.
A very good question and had to think about this for a moment. My prayer is simply to have the Lord decrease me so He may increase in me, to give me a heart that is willing to draw near to Him so He will draw near to me. My prayer is to be lead by His Spirit everyday, to denounce myself and take up my Cross as a living sacrifice. My prayer is to be an example at work and at home as a man of God, that God may get the glory of a humble man. My prayer is that God will bless the fruit of my labor and that He will use me as a vessel for His Kingdom. My prayer is that He will put people in my path that I may plant a seed in and others, water.

I ask nothing from God other than - he lets me know what he wants me to do.

Still waiting.


Still waiting.

"You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. " James 4:2

I'm apparently in what the more optimistic (and therefore helpful) mental health people call the "recovery" phase of mental illness. All my electroshock- and drug-induced brain damage seems have been healed or..something. God worked some kinda miracle, which is greatly appreciated.

Anyway, at 28, my life has really just started, what with the new found lucidity, morality, all that. So, I've been asking God to help me build a productive, decent, godly life for myself, one that will hopefully involve financial autonomy (thank God for my comfortable, helpful parents) and respect in the community. Oh, and just as importantly (I know you asked for 1 thing, but you're getting 2, lol), I'm asking for more faith, wisdom, and discernment.

With an attitude like you have.. you've humbled me :) I'll be praying for you and know God will answer as He wants His glory to shine through our lives, I can see how it's taking effect in yours!

A very good question and had to think about this for a moment. My prayer is simply to have the Lord decrease me so He may increase in me, to give me a heart that is willing to draw near to Him so He will draw near to me. My prayer is to be lead by His Spirit everyday, to denounce myself and take up my Cross as a living sacrifice. My prayer is to be an example at work and at home as a man of God, that God may get the glory of a humble man. My prayer is that God will bless the fruit of my labor and that He will use me as a vessel for His Kingdom. My prayer is that He will put people in my path that I may plant a seed in and others, water.


All of what you've said is mostly Scripture, mostly promises that God has given us.

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you" John 15:7

Because you are asking for God's will, of course it will be given to you. Also, I'm encouraged how you desire to plant seeds in other peoples lives. I tell you there is nothing that gives me greater joy than to do this. I'm so blessed because this is my full time job as a missionary/evangelist. I witness many people saved and healed and desire for God's people to take hold of what is going on :) God bless you brother!