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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

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What does condemnation mean?


I have intentionally made the topic rather vague to bring out the two aspects of condemnation. There are two, distinct condemnations mentioned in Scripture. The first condemnation is called 'positional' condemnation. This is given to each person born into the world. In other words, it is the condemnation of being "in Adam." See Romans 5 for the contrast between Christ and Adam's positional truth. God condemns each person who enters this world with positional condemnation (i.e., in Adam). With this positional condemnation, we are immediately born qualified to be the recipients of God's grace and mercy. This is illustrated in Rom 11.32.

The other condemnation is 'eternal' condemnation. This is what happens when a person rejects Christ as Savior, see Matt 12.37. A person is eternally condemned by rejecting Jesus as Savior. It is by his words that he is condemned. The important thing to remember is nobody is born eternally condemned, only positional condemnation. As an illustration of this, see 2 Sam 12. David's new born child died and went to Paradise. This is why David says he will see his son again, because there is no basic for the child's eternal condemnation, only positional condemnation.

Another important point to bring out is that unbelievers are not eternally condemned for their personal sins. All sins were paid for by Christ on the Cross. That is why the gospel is the good news to unbelievers. The issue is no longer sin, but a Son. Go to any judgment passage for believers or unbelievers, you will not see the word sin mentioned. For the believer, he goes to the Rewards Ceremony (mistranslated Judgment Seat of Christ) after being rewarded for his works. For the unbeliever, he goes to the Lake of Fire based on his works (his works will not get him into heaven). Not by works of righteousness which we have done...
Another important point to bring out is that unbelievers are not eternally condemned for their personal sins. All sins were paid for by Christ on the Cross.

Only those who repent are forgiven their sins.

Yes Jesus paid for all sins but only those obey the Gospel are saved.

  • with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…
But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our report?”
Romans 10:9-10,16
Only those who repent are forgiven their sins.
My contention is that Christ paid for all sins, and that payment is not contingent of human response. The unbeliever's sins have been paid for and no unbeliever is eternally condemned because of their personal sins. In fact, 2 Peter 2.1 tells us that the unbelievers have been bought with the blood of Christ. The payment of the sins of unbelievers does not equate to Salvation. Salvation is based on accepting or rejecting Christ.
The unbeliever's sins have been paid for
Why are unbeliever's condemned if all their sins have been paid for?

no unbeliever is eternally condemned
If God the Great I AM knows for all eternity an unbeliever is condemned, how is it you can say God is incorrect for always believing the unbeliever is condemned? When did God approve of the unbeliever. (Definition of condemn: To express strong disapproval of)
Why are unbeliever's condemned if all their sins have been paid for?

If God the Great I AM knows for all eternity an unbeliever is condemned, how is it you can say God is incorrect for always believing the unbeliever is condemned? When did God approve of the unbeliever. (Definition of condemn: To express strong disapproval of)
Please read my OP (#1) above. your question is answered.
My contention is that Christ paid for all sins, and that payment is not contingent of human response.

That payment for sin is absolutely contingent upon the human response of obedience.

Only those who repent will be saved.

Believing the Gospel is obeying the Gospel.

Believe and obey are used interchangeably in scripture.

And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. Hebrews 5:9

  • He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him

Eternal salvation is only for those who obey Him.
