- Aug 10, 2016
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[/QUOTE]I don't have any theories. I simply write down the words that our Father has the Holy Spirit put in my mind. If you want to argue with our Father, then go right ahead but all I am is the Messenger.
Explain this to me:
Both Trees are only symbolic names for the different thoughts of God. The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil consists of two different kinds of thoughts ( knowledge ) of God's plan. The first set of thoughts called Satan, or Lucifer, Devil, Wicked One, the World, etc. are converted into the visible world filled with visible objects including the flesh that we appear to be walking around on a visible planet with. Once Adam and Eve and all their offspring including all of us who woke up in the World in a visible flesh, we were all convinced that these visible objects were real and made of material things because they feel hard, soft and everything in-between. Our created sense of touch was designed to make us feel the different hardness and textures. Our created sense of sight was created to sense invisible light waves that make those invisible waves appear as visible light. Our created senses of smell and taste also give those visible objects some reality. However, all these visible things are not made of material things. They are illusions formed in our minds within the Mind of God ( Tree of Life ). It was impossible for God to explain to Adam and Eve they were living in a computer simulation program called Eternal Life.
Absolutely not. God had to create the good and evil thoughts and visible objects to make the characters ( people and animals ) more real like. Also, by making all these evil looking images and evil thoughts, it was the perfect contrast of thoughts that were necessary in the minds of His chosen prophet and saints to hear His thoughts without those evil thoughts in them. So we prophets and saints who testify to his pure thoughts are the thoughts that He teaches us everything with. We also have to deal with the evil thoughts from Satan and also the thoughts of the Beast which is what God used to teach his people how to build visible objects with their human hands.
The more knowledge that is given to us by our Father, the easier it is for us to understand the difference between the purified thoughts we get taught with and all the thoughts that we had to live with called Satan and the Beast before God began speaking His pure thoughts into our minds.
God can't teach any of us saints anything until He gets us to confess all our sins and repent of them. These are the thoughts of Satan and the Beast that is necessary for Him to get out of the way before He starts the process or revealing his PURE thoughts called Christ.
Yes. God is totally responsible for everything that us characters called people have experienced. There is no place called hell but it worked great through Satan and the Beast to keep many of his people focused on what the Beast was up to. The Beast was the thoughts of God that taught man how to build false gods which is where all religions come from. A religion is started with the various sets of knowledge required to make plans for a false god. built them, maintain and clean them and also knowledge ( language ) that people get in their minds to describe the false gods and the stories that they develop in their minds while using or living in those false gods.
The Beast was used to eventually get His people to build the computer technology we have today with the voice recognition software and also the software and computer called Watson that IBM has built with their human hands. This is the technology that our Father needed built so He could teach me how He was able to speak His thoughts into some unknown technology that we can't possibly see and convert those thoughts into a simulation program just like his people called computer programmers are doing today. They use voice recognition software to speak their planned thoughts into a computer processor that processes those thoughts into any kind of image they planned to show up on a computer video screen. However, our Creator ( Master Programmer ) can build much better simulation programs that His people can because His technology is much more advanced than what He had His Beast teach us to build.
Hopefully God gave you spiritual ears to understand these words that contain knowledge about how we're created in His simulation program.
hello Witness2u, dirtfarmer here
Hope you don't mind if I enter into this conversation.
You made the statement: "However all these visible things are not made of material things. They are illusions formed in our minds within the mind of God." So if there is nothing material, only illusions, how can your statement, "God taught people how to build visible objects with physical hands"? Are hands not material made from dust by God?