1 Corinthians 13
1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
You will note here that it is NOT the 'tongues' that is being focused on, but CHARITY.
11When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
And HERE is the 'truth' in the matter of 'tongues'. Offered as plainly as anything could be. When I was a 'CHILD' I SPOKE AS A CHILD, I UNDERSTOOD AS A CHILD, I THOUGHT AS A CHILD; but when I BECAME A MAN, I PUT AWAY 'CHILDISH THINGS'.
Paul is plainly offering that those to whom he wrote had insisted upon REMAINING as 'children' in their coveting of those things that were immature. Instead of 'growing UP in Christ', they had remained stagnant in their FIRST steps. Choosing to covet that which brought about SELF edification when the WHOLE POINT of BEING a 'follower of Christ' concerns the WELLFARE of OTHERS instead of SELF.
The Corinthians desired to continue to experience the FIRST sensation 'felt' upon the INTRODUCTION of Christ. So, what they were DOING is attempting to REGAIN these 'feelings' each time they gathered. Tongues was but ONE way in which this attempt was being perpetuated.
And Paul offers that it is TIME to 'grow up'. To PUT AWAY their 'childish mentality' and become MATURE in Christ.
Question: What LANGUAGE would angels SPEAK IN?
Question: Does God HAVE 'A' LANGUAGE? If so, what IS IT?
Since Hebrew was spoken by HIS Chosen People, it would stand to reason that IF there IS a 'language of God' it would be Hebrew.
But, the reality is that IF God were to SPEAK to man, it would be understood no matter WHAT language the PERSON spoke.