I am very blessed that you are able to say that.It might not be done in your church, but I have been in many church's where this Spiritual gift is exercised for the lifting up and edifying of the body of Christ and also in my private prayer time.
You said.......
"I have been in MANY church's where this Spiritual gift is exercised for the lifting up and edifying".
In your thinking, does "MANY" constitute doing it Biblically?
I believe that I am older than you and I have attended lots and lots of churches. That was my job before retiring. I can say with 100% clarity that I have NEVER seen speaking in tongues done Biblically.
In simple English Here is the Assembly of God Pentecostal logic at = Source...https://news.ag.org/en/article-repository/spiritual-life/2019/05/faq-speaking-in-tongues.
1. All followers of Jesus should be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
2. The initial physical evidence of this baptism is speaking in tongues.
3. Therefore, all believers should speak in tongues.
There you will read........
"The Spirit's fullness, evidenced initially by the phenomenon of speaking in other tongues, is the common experience all celebrate with joy."
One paragraph down from that is this.....
"There is an essential link between that experience and speaking in other tongues, as pointed out above."
In common, easy to understand English, they are going around the bush to say that IF you are saved you will speak in tongues.