It is clear that we have some problems here.It's you that said what was spoken on the mount of Olives was only for the disciples that sat with Jesus as I never said otherwise. Where have I placed words in your mouth?
What does Mark 16:14 which is about the resurrection and the great commission have to do with the Olivet Discourse that came before Jesus was crucified?
No, we are not on the same page. In Matthew 24 the first thing Jesus told the Disciples was about Jesus foretelling them about the destruction of the Temple, then tells the disciples of the signs of the end of the age and His second coming. These teachings of Jesus was/is to all who will have ears to hear.
Most all Bible scholars from all theological persuasions have understood that the text we are talking about was added in the form of a footnote, or addendum, which was mistakenly absorbed into the text itself by a later scribe. Two of the oldest and most respected manuscripts, the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, do not contain the longer ending to the Gospel of Mark. Both of those ancient Greek manuscripts end at Mark 16:8. That means we are talking about something that does not matter or even exist.