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Bible Study What - exactly - is "The New Covenant" ...?



The New Covenant and how it applies to post-scriptural Christians is bandied about constantly on this and other Christian forums. Is it possible for someone to explain exactly how - in relatively simple terms - the New Covenant differs from the Old Covenant? By doing so, this may alleviate the difficulties some might have when discussing controversial scriptural issues.
The New Covenant is God's offer of Salvation to ALL who believe on His Son, Jesus Christ.

Hi Sputnik,

God's agreement with mankind.

Sputnik: Hi noble :smt039

That's absolutely true. But wasn't the Old Covenant the same thing?


The New Covenant is God's offer of salvation to ALL who believe on His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sputnik: But wasn't salvation ALWAYS available to those who believed? Granted, before Jesus faith was expressed in a different way (animal sacrifices) but I believe the basics were still the same. Other than the sacrificial system, what differentiates the New Covenant from the old?
Hi Sputnik,

But people didn't keep their end of the bargain in the Old Agreement so God scrapped it and made a new one. In the new agreement mankind can receive the eternal life that was denied Him in the past.

No one had ever gone to Heaven when Jesus was here on earth.

John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heavenâ€â€the Son of Man.

noblej6 said:
Hi Sputnik,

But people didn't keep their end of the bargain in the Old Agreement so God scrapped it and made a new one. In the new agreement mankind can receive the eternal life that was denied Him in the past.

No one had ever gone to Heaven when Jesus was here on earth.

John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heavenâ€â€the Son of Man.


Sputnik: Hi noble. So, are you saying that no one was saved under the Old Covenant?
PotLuck said:
Read Hebrews. :wink:

Sputnik: Yes, as long as one reads this book with a holistic approach. But, isn't this where we run into problems because of the way people pick and choose to suit their own designs? In order to understand Hebrews, one needs to have a grasp of its OT roots, otherwise we draw incorrect conclusions from the book, i.e. through the lens of contemporary culture.
Hebrews deals heavily with who Christ is. And isn't Christ the focus of the bible? He brought in the new agreement with man, that whosoever believes on Him shall have everlasting life. The people of the OT looked forward by faith to the coming of the Messiah and we look back by faith that He did as promised. Christ is the common denominator between the OT and the NT. By the gospel that He died, was buried and rose again we have a high priest from everlasting to everlasting. By the prophets there was communication to the people, by the high priest was communication to God. After Christ's glorification on the cross we no longer have need of an earthly high priest who by nature died and during their service made sacrifice over and over again to atone for the sins of the people.

But Christ, the Lamb of God put away forever the ongoing sacrifice of the blood of animals with His own blood taking on all the sins of those who believe becoming a high priest forever and ever.

Through Christ we can come to the Father. At His death the veil separating the Holy of Holies from the people was torn asunder making communication between God and the people possible through the gift of the Holy Spirit. No longer do we have need of prophets or high priests for Christ is our mediator, our link to God the Father. Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Only by Him can we come to the Father.

To understand the difference between to OT and the NT is to know who Christ is. Any explanation of the two must include Christ for it is He who is the cornerstone of both.
I agree with that, PotLuck. Seems to me, however, that many mainstream Christians - possibly you too - also equate the New Covenant with an obedience to God that requires no outward sign. ??? I believe that the New Covenant relates specifically to the completed sacrificial system of the OT (as you mentioned) and NOT with the abolition of any of the moral commands of God. The OT sacrificial system is out but one's obedience to God's Law remains. Do I have it wrong?
Hi Sputnik,

I think there were some saved under the old covenat, but they did not recieve the eternal life until after the new came into effect.

I see the new covenant as being an acceptance of Christ as the main point. That brings about obedience automatically , I guess?????

noblej6 said:
Hi Sputnik,

I think there were some saved under the old covenat, but they did not recieve the eternal life until after the new came into effect.

I see the new covenant as being an acceptance of Christ as the main point. That brings about obedience automatically , I guess?????


Sputnik: Hi back, noble.

Your responses are always so non-threatening that I can't help but appreciate them ...thanks! :
SputnikBoy said:
Seems to me, however, that many mainstream Christians - possibly you too - also equate the New Covenant with an obedience to God that requires no outward sign. ???

Nah. Ask anyone who knew me 8 years ago :D

The OT defines sin and through the law we are condemned to pay the price.

Moral commands abolished? No but some would like to think so.
I believe that we must obey God's law, but it is the spirit of that obedience that matters most to God. We strive for the right, but His grace abounds in our failures. He alone is completely faithful. As we grow in Christ, we sacrifice more self, and conform to His image, we bear fruit. The fruits of the Spirit begin to come to fruition, as we endure trials, and grow in patience, and trust in the Lord through obedience. If we focus on the inward, the outward gets taken care of by God, through sanctification. We must honestly seek God, study and rightly divide the Word of truth.

David lauds God's law in Psalm 119. As believers we should love His law, and rest under the umbrella of protection it provides. However, we should not make the law our idol, or a way to be self-righteous towards others. It I am able to obey God, it is only by His grace, and I have no cause to be proud. If I fail, I do not have to quit, or feel I am not saved. This is also pride to think that an act of sin on my part can make God a liar. God cares for me, and He forgives. Nothing will break the covenant He has made with me, not even my own failings. So, my heart should desire to glorify God, through obedience, and I will by His grace. But I do not seek to do those outward things first, and then make myself good enough to come to God and receive His grace...this is a spirit of self-righteous pride, and an impossibility.

A heart that loves God, desires to obey His Word, but in loving obedience. We must love God first, and then obey. John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments." We must also understand fully, that nothing we do is apart from His grace, and if we fail, He is faithful to forgive.

To outwardly obey the law, and have not the love of God in our hearts is wrong, there is no heart obedience. For one to say they know Christ, and yet they live in disobedience to His Word is wrong, there is no heart obedience. Both scenerios are rooted in the same thing. Neither love God, because He says if you love me, keep my commandments. This is an act of love, an act of one with heart obedience to Christ. So, a believer has both the love of God, and understands His wondrous grace, while striving for the right, and seeking to bear fruit unto Him.

So, the New Covenant is that we no longer need those priestly things as before, no longer need to make sacrificial offerings of blood, Christ's blood accomplished our forgiveness for sins once and for all. Praise God. The curtain was torn, and we can all now enter into the Holy of Holies, we are the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. That is the New Covenant.

Christ told us that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, minds, and souls...and our neighbors as ourselves...all the laws and the prophets hang on these two commandments. The spirit of the law, not the letter...Christ did not do away with it, He fulfilled it...we are required to do both in heart obedience.

The Lord bless you all.
Hi Lovely,

Great post.

The only difference between the OC and the NC is the fact that Jesus took the place of the animal sacrifices. All else is the same. We should endeavour to keep the commandments of God because we love Him. His grace is however, sufficient for when our human desires cause us to fail in our attempts to do so.

Thank God for Jesus' death and resurrection.

Radlad72 said:
Hi Lovely,

Great post.

The only difference between the OC and the NC is the fact that Jesus took the place of the animal sacrifices. All else is the same. We should endeavour to keep the commandments of God because we love Him. His grace is however, sufficient for when our human desires cause us to fail in our attempts to do so.

Thank God for Jesus' death and resurrection.


Sputnik: Agreed. The New Covenant is the difference between the sacrificial system of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament. Are we in agreement that the 'criteria' for salvation otherwise remains exactly the same?
lovely and Radlad72

Great posts. Exactly what I was going to say but you beat me to it :D

I would also note a couple other differences between the OT and the NT covenant.

Circumcision is no longer a requirement.
Romans 2:26
Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?

Dietary rules were lifted.
Matthew 15:11
Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.â€Â

Both of these deal with the heart of the person and not the outward appearance as Lovely has pointed out.
I somehow missed this forum. I'm glad to be able to respond to it.

God's agreement with mankind.

The Bible says nothing about the NC being an agreement with mankind. It says the agreement is with the house of Israel.

The New Covenant is God's offer of Salvation to ALL who believe on His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Bible doesn't say that anywhere about the New Covenant. It is a specific covenant to a specific people, namely those of the house of Israel. It was never offered to ALL.

But wasn't the Old Covenant the same thing (as tne New)?

Yes, it is. If you look at the Old and New Covenants, you'll see that there are NO changes made other than one: THE PEOPLE. It's the only change described between the Old and New Covenants. God says He will make changes to THE PEOPLE, not to any laws.

But wasn't salvation ALWAYS available to those who believed? Granted, before Jesus faith was expressed in a different way (animal sacrifices) but I believe the basics were still the same. Other than the sacrificial system, what differentiates the New Covenant from the old?

Great question! It's also the basis of my point. The fulfilled requirements were made by Christ to the Old Covenant. The New Covenant was never in place. Where does the Bible say that the New Covenant began? It doesn't. Does anyone know when it would have begun? So why do we insist we're under a covenant not promised to us?

I think there were some saved under the old covenat, but they did not recieve the eternal life until after the new came into effect.
I disagree. I think we're under the same promise those saved in the OT are under (Gal. 4:28).

So, the New Covenant is that we no longer need those priestly things as before, no longer need to make sacrificial offerings of blood, Christ's blood accomplished our forgiveness for sins once and for all. Praise God. The curtain was torn, and we can all now enter into the Holy of Holies, we are the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.

I couldn't agree more with your statement other than the fact that it's not the New Covenant.

That is the New Covenant.

With this statement I disagree. There is no scripture that makes this statement.

The only difference between the OC and the NC is the fact that Jesus took the place of the animal sacrifices.
Jesus ended animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant because He was the final sacrifice, leaving no need for another sacrifice. He didn't change the law of animal sacrifices, He fulfilled this law. The law of an animal sacrifice never changed, it was just fulfilled.

I apologize for such a long post. I just thought it was important to address all of these things. I look forward to all of your responses.

God Bless!
NRoof said:
Dietary rules were lifted.
Matthew 15:11
Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.â€Â

Both of these deal with the heart of the person and not the outward appearance as Lovely has pointed out.

Actually, this is not correct.

First of all, Christ was speaking about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees with their dietary rituals of cleanliness, not the clean or unclean nature of the food. All comments about food would have automatically been considered within the scope of clean animals and not all animals in general. The issue here that Christ was talking about would have been concerning clean animals made 'unclean' (according to the Pharisees) by the violation of these 'cleanliness rules'. In Pauls' time, the same issue was concerning foods sacrificed to idols.

Second, the dietary laws of clean and unclean animals were in place at the time of Noah and not as a Jewish law given at Sinai