Not every single translation uses the word "evil."
Oh, I have no 'issues' with believing that statement EXACTLY as the KJV stated. Many can not believe their own eyes, and have sought to RE-WRITE that scripture as they have many others. Though I use the NIV when it suits me, the translation is horrible and the texts are largely decimated therein. Such translations are of the dynamic equivalent style and not an attempt at a literal translation. As such the texts are open to HUGE amounts of error. There are 'word for word' translations, 'thought for thought' translations, and 'paraphrased tranlations.' To me they deteriorate from left to right.
That being said, God still managed to reach my own heart in part by reading The Living Bible, which after reading the first 3 Gospels and actually being able to understand them, I switched to a Revised English Standard and read John. God touched me within, nevertheless, to confirm what I'd read. I will never forget that moment.
God's mind is pure, good, holy and righteous. Now how can the God I just described even think an evil/sinful thought? How can the mind of God create an evil thought? God is incapable of sinning.
Already stated prior. God IS in fact SURPASSINGLY Great Enough to both CREATE and USE evil for HIS INTENDED PURPOSES, which we might even presume to be GOOD upon COMPLETION.
Fairly simple principle. Pick ANY created THING, ANY created POWER...then see GOD IS GREATER and thus ABLE to do these types of things.
How can God estrange Himself from Himself? How can God violate His own laws when God is bound to His word?
See prior. God can create ANYthing and USE IT for His Purposes and still REMAIN PERFECT because HE IS GOD.
If the foundation of the Lord is GOODNESS. Then the ENTIRE Bible testifies to this.
Uh, not by Gods Own Words. It was God speaking through Isaiah that SAID...
There are many more scriptures that show that God does USE evil, particularly in RETRIBUTIVE fashions. The entire O.T. is largely a DEPICTION of Gods USES of 'retributive evil.'
Again, if the foundation is that God is pure goodness then this verse makes perfect sense from within this light.
God IS PERFECT. WE have 'no way' to define 'what that is' or consists of. Only God can know the FULLNESS of HIMSELF. Only God knows FULLY what HE IS. All others are sub-par guessers.
I did not say God is what He creates did I? I said God is INCAPABLE of creating sin because of His purity.
God creates EVIL by His Own Statements and shows same by HIS OWN ACTIONS.
Was it EVIL to see THE PERFECT SON OF GOD killed? There was NO CAUSE for that death and there is NO extracting GOD away from being FULLY INVOLVED in that matter.
From the EVIL displayed IN HIS DEATH, God again MAKES GOOD come from that action. We cannot VAUNT the power of EVIL to be OVER God and God UNABLE to both 'create and use' same for His Greater Purposes.
Paul stated in Romans 11:32 that GOD BOUND all men to disobedience. That BINDING came with A DIVINE PURPOSE at the root of this matter. Go read it and see HOW DISOBEDIENCE serves GOD.
Satan did not create evil in the sense that he has power to create in the way God can. Rather, he killed the goodness within him. Is evil not the absence of good?
No, evil is not the 'absence of good.' Evil is A POWER.
Is God's "evil" that allows a hurricane to ravish a sinful city which in turn leads them to repent and seek the Lord, evil or holy mercy? Is God's "evil" that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in fire and brimstone, evil or holy justice?
You're definition of evil is way off.
Sorry, you may just need to get God a little higher up on the scale to see that He can and does both create and USE evil because HE IS ABLE to make GOOD from the use of same. Not a problem with God.
He Is God, after all.
I believe God created Satan as A PERFECT DEVIL from the beginning. A PERFECT devil is a DEVIL in any case of PERFECTION, and certainly not HOLY PERFECT.
Terms themselves are deceptive. Many people read the word perfect and forget the 'action of resistance' that term is attached to.
God 'created' the destroyer to DESTROY and destroy he does, just as God made him to do.
Isaiah 54:16
"See, it is I who
created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And
it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc
I have no problem with God creating and using evil. I might think it much worse if evil created itself without Gods Involvments and is still creating and flourishing all on it's own.