God doesn't give His saving faith until He sees our faith in Him.
I like the way Spurgeon puts it...since we're sharing what those of old taught.
Notice... it's in agreement with the verse Eventide posted.
I can't quite agree with your first statement, but It might be a misunderstanding of terms. However, I like you quote from Charles Spurgeon.
What you have there comes from one of his famous sermons about faith, which is far longer than the one little spec you posted here. You do his words little justice to the man himself, and all he was trying to say.
Because, also in his well known sermon he says things like "2.
But the next argument is, faith is the stooping grace, and nothing can make a man stoop without faith. Now, unless man does stoop, his sacrifice cannot be accepted."
What does he mean by "stoop"? Well, it's a Verb in this sense and it means to bend one's head or body forward and downward: "he stooped down.", but he's using it to suggest giving up, or giving over to the will of God.
nothing can make a man stoop without faith" implies that a man without faith can not stoop or give himself over. But it can also simply mean a man can not stoop unless he has faith...it still does not say where the faith comes from. Hopefully the next part might help shed more light.
He entwines this sermon on faith with the story of Cain and Able and sacfrfice, But here is the kicker, the crest of his Crescendo, and you will no doubt love the read all the way down to the part I've highlighted .
But a man may know a thing, and yet not have faith. I may know a thing, and yet not believe it. Therefore assent must go with faith: that is to say, what we know we must also agree unto, as being most certainly the verity of God. Now, in order to faith, it is necessary that I should not only read the Scriptures and understand them, but that I should receive them in my soul as being the very truth of the living God, and I should devoutly with my whole heart receive the whole of the Scripture as being inspired of the Most High, and the whole of the doctrine which he requires me to believe to my salvation. You are not allowed to halve the Scriptures, and to believe what you please; you are not allowed to believe the Scripture with a half-heartedness, for if you do this wilfully, you have not the faith which looks alone to Christ. True faith gives its full assent to the Scriptures; it takes a page and says, "No matter what is in the page, I believe it;" it turns over the next chapter ands says, "Herein are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable do wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, to their destruction; but hard though it be, I believe it." It sees the Trinity; it cannot understand the Trinity in Unity, but it believes it. It sees an atoning sacrifice; there is something difficult in the thought, but it believes it; and whatever it be which it sees in revelation, it devoutly puts its lips to the book, and says, "I love it all; I give my full, free and hearty assent to every word of it, whether it be the threatening or the promise, the proverb, the precept, or the blessing. I believe that since it is all the Word of God it is all most assuredly true." Whosoever would be saved must know the Scriptures, and must give full assent unto them.
3. But a man may have all this, and yet not possess true faith; for the chief part of faith lies in the last head, namely, in an affiance to the truth; not the believing it merely,"
"affiance" betroth - engage...the giving over of ones self as a woman might be to a man in this way of love, so are we to God and that ....THAT IS FAITH. As Charles Spurgeon put's it "for the
chief part of faith lies in the
last head, namely, in an affiance to the truth." The giving over of ones self completely to the truth, then you have faith and not before. You can not simply say "I believe" That is not enough, and simply saying that comes from man, but true faith comes from God.
Can you pray for faith? can you request faith from God? Sure, you can, and one should because that's the only way one is going to get it and when one does, they become aware of what faith is, regardless if they knew they where asking for it at the time, or like me totally unaware they'd ask for faith when they prayed in this manner of affiance for the first time. ;) better to give up trying to be a Christian and let God make you a Christian, I say.
here is the link to a copy of this sermon.