We are essentially saying the same things, just in a different way... and I am in no way riding the tailcoats of Augustine, let alone running down a rabbit hole on whether or not God was created... I do hope you are able to "see" that.
The way I understand it.. and I do hope I don't regret this, but darkness is the absence of light. One could surmise darkness is inactivity... nothingness. However you want to relate to it. In Genesis 1, when God speaks, it is an act. Jesus would say its an act of work for his Father is always working. When God speaks is it then a wonder that light was his first utterance? And what was this utterance other than the word of God? Clearly we see this tone in John's writing "1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." and this is echo'd in Colossians "15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created:"
So we clearly see scripture showing that in the Genesis account that God created all by his word. John tells us that Jesus is the Word, and in John 8 Jesus refers himself to the Light, which echo's back to Genesis 1. Paul affirms this by stating that it was God's son (Jesus) who created all. There is more, and I know you already know this.
We have by way of example God's perfect work in creation. Everything was in harmony and I have to admit John Paul did an excellent "Theology of the Body" where he speaks on the garden very extensively. I would deem it a theological masterpiece. But I digress for fear of straying off topic. We have the words of Jesus stating that his Father is always working, and by way of example we have the works of Jesus and we are taught His ways to live. Jesus even said, "If you love me, keep my commandments". Please don't misunderstand me, we are not working for our salvation, our works are simply a manifestation of our devotion and love to Jesus as we try to mirror his life in our own life as a son would mimic his father in awe and respect, hoping to be like him one day... trying to please him. Simply put, we are His workmanship.
Scripture is clear, we are tasked with living the way of Christ, and that is assuming we have a relationship with Christ... We are part of His Body... the Church. We do not offer lip service when our deeds show otherwise....
Sin is failing to do the right thing. It's not about doing the wrong thing.... it's about doing the right thing and that's where our focus should be. Not on where we fail, but how to suceed. Scripture gives us an example of what repentance is. For example, if one is a thief, he is to stop stealing. But this in itself does not acquit him of being a thief. No, he is commanded to find a job.. and then give to the needy. It is the same with a liar. One does not stop being a liar when one stops lying. Rather, one stops being a liar when one starts telling the truth.
Anytime we fail to be the people God would have us to be.. and that means anytime we fail to do what God would have us to do, then we are in sin. Paul understood this, which I believe is why he says that he does what he doesn't want to do, and doesn't do what he wants to do... Ahh, but thank goodness there is no condemnation in Christ, and can we get an Amen to Paul's insight on the matter.
Back to John's theme on darkness and light. About the easiest example to show is the woman at the well. She is in ruin and in darkness. She is sitting next to the true light who wants to give light, and she responds with an argument... "You Jews"... All she had to do was reach out to the light to find healing, but she didn't do that.. and because she didn't do that, she remained in darkness. In that case, I am glad Jesus was persistent and brought her to the light.