They do sell gas strips or beano, pretty much in any grocery or drug store. Home remedies are teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink. And a daily dose of Acidophillus [same bacteria as in yogart] works wonders for regulating your bowels by the good bacteria in Acidophillus consuming the bad bacteria lining the walls of your bowels. When you first start to use it, about the first two to three weeks your urine and bowel moments are going to be very stinky! Put a towel over your lap in the bathroom and bear with it, it's worth the 2-3 week stink's cleaning the lining of the bowels, and cleaning out your bladder of all the impurities.....cuts down on the odor.
You can go to any drug store or health food store, or any place you can get cheap vitamins. You can get the Acidophillus 100 count for about 5-8 dollars [depends where you shop]. Take 4 a day for 2 weeks with plenty of water, and then one, once a day after the clear out. Drinking bottled green tea also helps get the impurities/toxins get out of these areas too while taking Acidophillus
Now here's another thing I've noticed with the Acidophillus, when I've been sick and started on the regement of 4 Acidophillus a day while seemed to help me recover faster, but boy does it stink! Now the acidophillus is all natural, so no way to worry about the dosage being to much, so if you want to up it to 6 capsules daily cause you happen to be a big problem! But the good thing is, is it sure does cut down on the stench when there is gas [bum burps].....then it's just a bunch of hot air! tehe ha he ha ha
BTW......Ahhhh NO, I wont pull your finger! :gah