glorydaz said:
As I read about churches that accept homosexuality, I have to wonder if they would be so accepting of couples who like to wife-swap. Surely not. :crazy However, Christians are being pressured to condone the sin of homosexuality and they're caving to the pressure. Not a good sign for the church, is it?
No, they do not say wife swapping is okay.
YOu really want to know what they teach? They teach that Jesus is the only way to heaven, they teach that random anonymous sex is sin. They teach that over sexual activity is sin. They teach that adultery is wrong.
The only difference is that they teach the cultural relavence to what romans 1, leviticus, and Corrientians meant when it stated Homosexual, many of them have taken etymology classes witch is the study of language and its evolution.
If you really want to know what they teach, find a LGBT accepting Church and talk to the Minister.They will explain their position and why they teach what they teach.