Sandy Zalecki
“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith, in their greediness and pierced themselves though with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6:10) NKJ
Money in and of itself is not a problem, but the love of money is. Love of money is the root of greed and it will drive a person to do all kinds of things and stray from the faith. Christians may be blinded by greed and materialism to such a degree that they break away from their faith. Materialism is the root of pain.
Many of us are having issues with money today. We all seem to be coming up short. The economy is bad and people just don’t have as much money as they have had in the past. It isn’t getting any better.
Others have their worth tied to money. They feel that success is tied to the big house, the nice car, and all the stuff. Do you feel worthless when your self worth goes down?
Still others get frustrated when they don’t get the sale or they lose money on a business deal. Others go through life miserable because they have a job that they hate yet they must keep the job because they have so many bills to pay.
Do you connect with any of these scenarios? I am starting a five-day series on “What is your relationship with money?” We know that the Lord will provide everything we need, but do you trust Him to provide for you?
So, please tell me, what is your number one Challenge with Money? I would like to address some of the issues that really bother you on our Wednesday night call.
Money in and of itself is not a problem, but the love of money is. Love of money is the root of greed and it will drive a person to do all kinds of things and stray from the faith. Christians may be blinded by greed and materialism to such a degree that they break away from their faith. Materialism is the root of pain.
Many of us are having issues with money today. We all seem to be coming up short. The economy is bad and people just don’t have as much money as they have had in the past. It isn’t getting any better.
Others have their worth tied to money. They feel that success is tied to the big house, the nice car, and all the stuff. Do you feel worthless when your self worth goes down?
Still others get frustrated when they don’t get the sale or they lose money on a business deal. Others go through life miserable because they have a job that they hate yet they must keep the job because they have so many bills to pay.
Do you connect with any of these scenarios? I am starting a five-day series on “What is your relationship with money?” We know that the Lord will provide everything we need, but do you trust Him to provide for you?
So, please tell me, what is your number one Challenge with Money? I would like to address some of the issues that really bother you on our Wednesday night call.