Now, even Indian tribe gambling has begun to corrupt them. I've read more than a few articles, stating finacial corruption in there ranks.
Money is the root of all . And Power corrupts absolutely. Leaders of these people are being groomed for service into there ranks, like Skull and Bones did for Mr. Bush!
what else is there to do when all of your land (the suitbale land) is stolen from your people? you want to stay your own sovereign nation, as once, but you cant really, so you are oafforded a few abiliteis to make money instead of havign to fall into the suicide holes they call "reservations" that means starting a casino, or selling tax free cigs and gas.. Thats about all we have reduced them to.
Money is the root of all , and power corupts absolutely right?
so don't donate at church, because you are just giving the church money for . Don't think a preacher is a powerful person, because it will corrupt him (her if your in a cool ministry that allows equality) Don't vote republican, or democrat, go independent (still rich, but FAR less)a little is better than the ton we get wiht Bush and Kerry and other presidents (COUGH NIXON)
anywho, back to the beginning. sort of.
It seems that whenever i point out anything that might be against chrsitianity, How it doesn't make sense etc, It is the work of Satan, corrupting me.
Anyone else see this as like, a fail safe? I mean, thats exactly what it comes out to me.
"the bible is the only thing that proves christianity, science disproves it"
"nuh uh, the devil is causing you to believe science"
"whos aid the devil exists"
"the bible"
"thats not making any sense, your defending something, with itself, no other evidence still"
"the devil must have gotten to you"
That seems to be where this conversation is heading again..