What is it that matters most in your life? Is it all the stuff that the Western World accumulates? Is it a career in the greatest company in corporate America? Is it making millions of dollars in your own business? No, it is none of those things. When you are on your deathbed are you going to ask for all the diplomas you accumulated? Will you say give me my medals, awards, and show me how much money I have in my bank account? No, when you die the one thing that you will want is your family and friends gathered around you. The stuff, careers, awards, and bank accounts won’t matter at all. So what does matter most?
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:2, “I may understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and, and I have all faith that could remove mountains, but have not love, It profits me nothing.” So the greatest thing we can have in our lives is love. Life is all about love and relationships.
The best use of our life is to love one another. It should be top priority in your life. Love should not be just in the top 10 list or something that you aspire to do, it should be what you are about. Why?
- 1. A life without love isn’t worth much. We have such busy schedules these days. We are always on the go. Time for family and friends is something we have to find time to do. But aren’t relationships what life is all about? We give our lives away to building our careers, our businesses, and other things that don’t really matter. Then we have to FIND time to spend with our children, aging parents, good friends, and family. Children grow up without parents as role models, elderly parents are forgotten about, and family get togethers turn into nothing but fights because we don’t even know the family given to us by God. If you make love your first priority then relationships will also be a priority.
- 2. Love is eternal. The Bible says, “Faith, hope, and love abide, but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor. 13:13) Love leaves a legacy. How you treated people in this life endures on this earth and into the next life. Mother Teresa said, “It’s not what you do, but how much love you put into it that matters.” Don’t wait until you are on your deathbed to figure that out.
- 3. You will be measured by your love. God measures us by the relationships that we have and how we treat others, particularly those in need. God will not measure your career, your hobbies, or your bank account. When you die you will leave nothing behind except the people you have touched and how you touched them. You should wake up every morning and ask God how you can be more loving to people.
Now is the time to start loving people. Don’t get all involved with the political debates, the hatred, and arguments that happen every day. Learn to love. You learn to love from God because God is love. Live your days to love and help others.