You realize, I hope, that this highly-generalized thinking which produces the sort of sweeping statements about an entire group that you offer here is the very same thinking that afflicts the racist. He, too, over-generalizes in his thinking, casting all members of various ethnic/cultural/skin-color groups in the same mold. You might want to consider whether or not you want to have in common with him his reprehensible, over-generalized reasoning. Just a thought.
I agree with you that my post shows deliberate completely intolerant attitude towards the protesatnts who simple refuse to learn about the fact saturday is the Sabbath.
I have low (= NO) tolerance level in this matter For many good reasons I am seemingly Unreasonable.
Now why do the protestants (yes lumped all in one group The A = Z sects) not wish to understand that they fellowship on the wrong day.
1) Embarssment = How could we get it wrong these 500 yrs?? How could we ever admit we were blind = Pride goes BEFORE a fall)
2) Protestant's could not ever consider following a **Hewish thing/law** God forbid we ever NEVER bc judaized christians. Never considering its a Goid thing, not a Jewish thing, The Jews did not sponsor the Saturday fellowship.
3) The protestants know if we announce one sunday,, **well we now will all meet up on Saturday, which is the Sabbath** Can you imagine what the members might begin to say,,**well if you protestant leaders got that wrong,,, what else do we need to know/have you not told us about as yet..**
= The Assemblies now all on life support, will be splintered into a 50/50 division. Hlaf will flat out refuse , the others will believe and fellowship on saturday,, = Divisions only mean more death to The Institution.
There no doubt are others reasons why the protestant leadership can not calla Council to make it official, that Sunday is not fellowship day, it will be ever on Saturday.
That woukd be suicide. CNN would have it on the headlines... = More anarchy added toi the US social fabric.
Sure pastors would be out of jobs,
Now you ask me,
what if I were a pastor of a big, even mid size church that paid all my bills, car, home, vacations etc etc.
Could I announce the new day to fellowship as Saturday,, knowing full well, I will lose 1/2 OR MORE of my congreation, = now I am near homeless, as tithes has been cut AND the sunady group has decided to stay in the building, and that I as Sabbath preacher have to look for a new place. + I have no other incomke other than **tithes(( ..MY WIFE WOULD KILL ME, as we are now near homeless vs our nice laid back life PRE announcement.
You ask could I do it??
Risk divorce, poverty....ahhh very tough Q,, sure its very easy for me to say ((yes I would for God's Kingdom***
Thank God I am not a pastor nor ever NEVER would be a podium sunday leader thing.
Praise God I never have to face that decision, as i have suffered too long too harsh all my life.
God saved me from that hell of a decision.
Saying I love you God will all my heart,,, yet coping out in sharing with my church that we got it wrong we will meet Saturdays.
That saturday is the sabbath is the very very 1st item to know as a follower of Yeshua, Thats PRE KINDERGARTEN stuff there, NOT EVEN 1st grade, Like a new born knowledge. = Pauls idea of milk vs meat levels of knowledge.
If the protesatnts can not even get a understanding about the sabbath, why should i even open discussing hell, not eternal, No such thingy as Trinity 3 eternal beings, and countless other errors that have insidiously infected the protestant sects.