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Bible Study What would you do Pt2


(Formerly Soldiers) Philippians 1:21
So if I was an atheist (again I'm not) and I came to you and gave you a set time to prove God's existence over all the insurmountable proof against God's existence, what would you say or point me to?
So if I was an atheist (again I'm not) and I came to you and gave you a set time to prove God's existence over all the insurmountable proof against God's existence, what would you say or point me to?
I can't. Proving God's existence is not something I can prove to you or for you. It's something you must come to by faith. What I can tell you is what Jesus said recorded in Matthew, chapter 7, verses 7 and 8, NKJV.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
So if I was an atheist (again I'm not) and I came to you and gave you a set time to prove God's existence over all the insurmountable proof against God's existence, what would you say or point me to?
I would show you some astounding things from the Bible to help you see that something superior had a hand in it. If you allowed, I would ask if you remember when scientists and the general world discovered the earth was circular rather than flat. Perhaps you remember the jingle we learned in School about Columbus sailed the ocean blue, in 1492? Most do recall that people believed and told him that he would fall off the edge, yet discovered that the ship slowly disappeared as if it were sinking, which would indicating it was going down hill, which all water does, at any given point on water, you are on the top, the highest point. If something moves away from you it will appear to descend.
Next I would take you to Isa 40:22 which was penned around the year 730 BCE. It says:
(Isaiah 40:22) . . .There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth,. . .

Then I would take you to something that Moses said and ask how he could possibly know this: (Job 26:7) . . .He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing; That was written a little after 1500 BCE. That should put some questions in your mind as to how they could have possibly known that when the brightest of scientific minds didn't.

If your interest was aroused, I would set up a time to next look at some other Bible prophecies that came true.
I'ld ask, What insurmountable proof exists that God does not exist?
(Putting on atheist cap)

Hmm, the undefeatable and unrefutable Evolution theory and Big bang theories and common sense.

One is for example:
Christians say that a reality needs a Creator, so who created that Creator, then the creator of the Creator, and so on and so on and that infinite loop?
It's clear nothing blew up into something for no reason and since nothing made everything, we won't have to deal with that infinite creator loop Christians have to deal with.

Plus if God existed why is there so much unGod stuff??

(Takes of athiest cap)
So if I was an atheist (again I'm not) and I came to you and gave you a set time to prove God's existence over all the insurmountable proof against God's existence, what would you say or point me to?

My own personal experience, if you were truly interested in knowing. :)
(Putting on atheist cap)
Hmm, the undefeatable and unrefutable Evolution theory and Big bang theories and common sense.
Your undefeatable theory has been debunked by multiple scientific sources.
Is it common sense to rely on your own feelings about anything when the word of God states a different outcome?
One is for example: Christians say that a reality needs a Creator, so who created that Creator, then the creator of the Creator, and so on and so on and that infinite loop?
God has always been, and wasn't created.
It's clear nothing blew up into something for no reason and since nothing made everything, we won't have to deal with that infinite creator loop Christians have to deal with.
God can do anything He wants, and loves us so much that He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins.
Plus if God existed why is there so much unGod stuff??
(Takes of athiest cap)
Because there are so many people trying to ignore Him.

If I could convince you (the atheist) that God was real, would you serve and obey Him?
So if I was an atheist (again I'm not) and I came to you and gave you a set time to prove God's existence over all the insurmountable proof against God's existence, what would you say or point me to?
A wise and discerning Christian would try to determine how you as an atheist thinks. People aren’t alike in how they think so we see Jesus presented the gospel differently to different people. There’s no one answer fits all.

But in general, those who think we just have to have faith sans evidence miss the intellectual foundation of our faith. Christianity is rooted both in real events in history (not a faith matter) and solid intellectual coherence. We believe because it’s the rational conclusion, not because we like to do so.

So I would need to know how you think. Is science of value to you? Is human internal workings of value to you? Few today are persuaded by majority positions (unless it’s their own already.)

And believing in God has a high price that it’s good to know if you want truth enough to pay this. Most don’t believe because they don’t want truth bad enough. Do this would be an effort in futility if the passions are stronger than the mind.
(Putting on atheist cap)

Hmm, the undefeatable and unrefutable Evolution theory and Big bang theories and common sense.
It’s a theory in deep crises as real science refuses to show evidence of it being true.
One is for example:
Christians say that a reality needs a Creator, so who created that Creator, then the creator of the Creator, and so on and so on and that infinite loop?
No, God is uncreated. This is outside of our experience so we don’t understand it but a newborn cannot understand how they came into being. It is nevertheless true even if not understood.
It's clear nothing blew up into something for no reason and since nothing made everything, we won't have to deal with that infinite creator loop Christians have to deal with.
That’s impossible. Nothing never becomes something.
Plus if God existed why is there so much unGod stuff??

(Takes of athiest cap)
Because the created refuse to obey the Creator.
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Tell them you show me the proof that God does not exist and I will show you the proof He does by His mercy and grace in my own life.