forgivenWretch said:
Biblereader said:
forgivenWretch said:
We even had this one couple who had not been to church for over three years come back and visit, simply because of my newsletter.
God rewards gracefully!
WOW! How marvelous! The Lord spoke to them through your newsletter.
What denomination are you?
I used to be Baptist. I've dropped out of church, lately. Here's why:
the preacher at one church talks very little about the Gospel. The preacher at another
church is a homosexual. The preacher at another church is all about saying whatever
the congregation wants to hear, as long as no one says anything about hell, penalty for sin,
or anything against his preaching.
So, I'm kind of at a loss right now. I don't want to go Episcopalian, or Catholic, nor do I want a charismatic church, or a dry, dull presbyterian preacher, nor do I like the non denominational,
"God is awesome, oh wow! let's sing and play guitars and let's never sing the old hymns, we're
a YOUTH group...."
I don't fit in around here.