- May 2, 2012
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What do YOU do, believer.... when you face a very important doctrine, like Salvation <> Redemption <> Justification by Faith.... and you have your theological point of view, and your church and your Pastor and your family and friends believe just like you, and probably taught you what you believe.... and then one day you see something in the New Testament that is a complete contradiction to everything you believed about a doctrine, and its a complete contradiction to everything your particular church or denomination believes and teaches?
What do YOU do then? then?
Suddenly, God has given you Light and you now know what you know what you know, and they dont know it, not any of them.... and they are not going to want to know it, and they are not going to listen because they are still as mentally locked into the wrong understanding and teaching as you are now become as Unlocked in your revelation by the Light of Revelation.
So, what will YOU do then?
This happens a lot to true believers who have the bible as their final authority and seek God for His help so that they can "rightly divide the word"..
Now, let me show you 3 New Testament scriptures that will totally seem to contradict,
(2-1) IF you are not careful....... and careful means "study to show thyself approved unto GOD", as you are told to Study the Word and not to just read it.
Look at this 1st verse
This is doctrinal for salvation for millions who believe that Jesus saves them, then the next day they become unsaved or sinful because they sin, and have to get this sin back under the blood by confession.....And then, for the rest of their lives, they have to be really careful to keep confessing to keep the blood atonement active to keep being saved
That is their doctrine of "Salvation" and its their denomination's also.
Here it is....
1st John 1:9....."if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
So, this verse is quoted by millions and used by many denominations to prove you are saved... then you sin, then you confess and you are forgiven again, all over again, and if you dont keep this all your life, you'll end up going to hell like a bullet and burning like a torch after you die.
But THEN...... you have these verses, in the New Testament.
Hebrews 8:12 : For I (God) will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more. (believers).
There you have Eternal God not remembering your sins, for as long as HE Lives.
Romans 4:8 : Blessed is the man (believer) whose SIN the Lord will never count against him.
Notice the tense of "sin".....that tense is not means ALL of them, exactly the same as SINS, that you find in Romans 4:8
Now, believer, who IS this person whose sins are no longer remembered, and whose sins are no longer counted against them.
And NOTICE.......The verse didnt say you would not sin....It said that your sinning is not held against you, and that ALL YOUR SINS God will remember NO MORE.
Thats YOU., if you are a Christian.
And it means that all Judgement for your lifetime of sin, is removed, so that you are not JUDGED after you die.
The Cross took care of this for you.
Now,.....very important..... go back to 1st John 1:9, and ask yourself if John is going to be telling >Christians< to confess THEIR sins, when Paul in Romans and Hebrews just told you that your sins are forgotten by God and never held against you again for eternity.
Ask yourself.....why would John be telling Christians to confess what GOD said he FORGOT and does not charge you with forever????
See it?
Once you SEE this, then you've seen the LIGHT, and once you see this Light you can be FREE and are FREED.
What do YOU do, believer.... when you face a very important doctrine, like Salvation <> Redemption <> Justification by Faith.... and you have your theological point of view, and your church and your Pastor and your family and friends believe just like you, and probably taught you what you believe.... and then one day you see something in the New Testament that is a complete contradiction to everything you believed about a doctrine, and its a complete contradiction to everything your particular church or denomination believes and teaches?
What do YOU do then? then?
Suddenly, God has given you Light and you now know what you know what you know, and they dont know it, not any of them.... and they are not going to want to know it, and they are not going to listen because they are still as mentally locked into the wrong understanding and teaching as you are now become as Unlocked in your revelation by the Light of Revelation.
So, what will YOU do then?
This happens a lot to true believers who have the bible as their final authority and seek God for His help so that they can "rightly divide the word"..
Now, let me show you 3 New Testament scriptures that will totally seem to contradict,
(2-1) IF you are not careful....... and careful means "study to show thyself approved unto GOD", as you are told to Study the Word and not to just read it.
Look at this 1st verse
This is doctrinal for salvation for millions who believe that Jesus saves them, then the next day they become unsaved or sinful because they sin, and have to get this sin back under the blood by confession.....And then, for the rest of their lives, they have to be really careful to keep confessing to keep the blood atonement active to keep being saved
That is their doctrine of "Salvation" and its their denomination's also.
Here it is....
1st John 1:9....."if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
So, this verse is quoted by millions and used by many denominations to prove you are saved... then you sin, then you confess and you are forgiven again, all over again, and if you dont keep this all your life, you'll end up going to hell like a bullet and burning like a torch after you die.
But THEN...... you have these verses, in the New Testament.
Hebrews 8:12 : For I (God) will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more. (believers).
There you have Eternal God not remembering your sins, for as long as HE Lives.
Romans 4:8 : Blessed is the man (believer) whose SIN the Lord will never count against him.
Notice the tense of "sin".....that tense is not means ALL of them, exactly the same as SINS, that you find in Romans 4:8
Now, believer, who IS this person whose sins are no longer remembered, and whose sins are no longer counted against them.
And NOTICE.......The verse didnt say you would not sin....It said that your sinning is not held against you, and that ALL YOUR SINS God will remember NO MORE.
Thats YOU., if you are a Christian.
And it means that all Judgement for your lifetime of sin, is removed, so that you are not JUDGED after you die.
The Cross took care of this for you.
Now,.....very important..... go back to 1st John 1:9, and ask yourself if John is going to be telling >Christians< to confess THEIR sins, when Paul in Romans and Hebrews just told you that your sins are forgotten by God and never held against you again for eternity.
Ask yourself.....why would John be telling Christians to confess what GOD said he FORGOT and does not charge you with forever????
See it?
Once you SEE this, then you've seen the LIGHT, and once you see this Light you can be FREE and are FREED.
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