- May 2, 2012
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I don't know. I think about my own time suffering, being a village idiot. I'm better now, but those were years I'll never get back. God's plan? Not clear. Does He have one? Absolutely. I think, personally, I forget just how fallen this world is. All of us age, die, sin, are sinned against. God makes use of all this to fulfill His purposes.
So, I don't know. As I type this, there are people--in the US and abroad--suffering. Lack of food, shelter, health care. Lack of connection to God and others. Pain and misery abound. We're not told anywhere in the Bible that life is "fair," of course. In the long run, the wrongs are made right and the evils of this world are rectified. In the meantime, I suppose the thing to do is trust God and strive for "the peace that surpasses all understanding."
Christians/non-christians are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
think about this..
before you were saved, you were not on the devil's radar.
now you are.
and why are so many Christians miserable, hopeless, damaged, and confused?
"destroyed for lack of knowledge". (daily)
And what knowledge is this that they are lacking, that because it is, most believers are just getting the worst end of Satan's boot constantly?
Well, did you ever wonder why you are told that the weapons of your warfare "are not carnal, but "spiritual"?
did you ever realize why you are told you are in a "warfare"?
did you ever wonder how literal the scripture is that says..."fight the good fight of faith"?
Do you know what happens in "war"?
And you , all believers, are from the day you are born again, in a battle.
A battle against your flesh, and a battle against the "devourer"..
The battle against Satan, will be continually lost, until the believer understands that..
A.) you cant play with Christianity, as its not a joke, or a club, or a ritual, or a part time endeavor...
B.) the reason Paul consistently uses military terms to denote the situation that every believer faces, is because he is trying to get you to realize you are in a battle for the rest of your life against principalities and powers of darkness that will cut you and hurt you and deal you some real pain and sorrow as long as you dont understand one simple thing.
But once you get a very simple revelation, you can then move into the Victor's seat and take control.
And the revelation?
That you are a citizen of heaven who is in residence on earth.
And because of this, you are now in a spiritual war, a new dimension of life, and therefore you have to arm yourself with the right "spiritual" equipment every day to face it.
Most believers dont even realize what they have stepped into when they became born again and try to fight their daily spiritual battle using carnal equipment.
And you can never win the victory over the flesh and the devil using non-spiritual weapons.
"the weapons of our warefare are not carnal, but spiritual..
You need to spend time understanding and evaluating the "wiles of the devil" (KJV) and thus clue yourself into the absolute reality of what you are facing now that you have
taken the gift of righteousness by faith.
So, the "revelation" i spoke about is very simple yet its very profound.
You mustunderstand that you have become a citizen of heaven, and now have access to this God powered system of blessing and strength and protection.
This system is what Christ called "The Kingdom Of God" , as THIS is your current position and you have access to all God has available.
And within this position "in Christ", you have access to the very same weapons to battle against the forces of darkness that Jesus himself had available to use.
This is why your bible tells you that..".....1st John 4-17.(KJV)
Believer, the New Birth has given you access to all the spiritual equipment available for daily victory over the enemy and your flesh, but you have to realize what it is, where it is, why it is, and >how to equip yourself<.<
Until you do, you will continue to be defeated and damaged and destroyed and confused.
Get the revelation that you are IN "the kingdom of God", while you are in residence here on earth, and that you currently and continually have access to all the power of Christ, because you are a "joint heir and are currently "seated in heavenly places, IN CHRIST"
get the revelation,
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