I don't think its a result of feminism, lol...some sociologists have written about stuff like this...men (especially in the US) have long been given conflicting ideas on what constitutes a "real man." Maybe feminism relates to this because women now make their own money, sometimes as much or more than men in their demographic bracket, and so...looks matter more, men have to do more than earn a paycheck to keep marriage going, etc. (not that there's anything wrong with 50s, worker+provider model...its just not what's curren in most strata of society now).
I dunno...I think, personally, that we're going into an age when more men care more about their appearance than ever before. Something like 10% of men in the US dye their hair, mostly to cover gray. Loads of affluent men get Botox and such, and upper class men in some areas even get special "manly" facelifts (pulled tight...but not too tight...lol).
I don't think feminism is the problem. I think its more the economy and an increasingly youth-obsessed culture, plus urbanization, plus a high divorce rate....oh, yeah, and speaking as an ex-gay: I think gay men + the gay community have seriously changed the way society as a whole looks at relationships, personal appearance, etc. Let's call it...The queer-ification of America.