The Lord God Almighty has promised me soooo much :D . Through dreams/visions, prophesies & his written word. I KNOW he doesn't lie & he honors his promises, but why does my life seem to be heading in the opposite direction of where/what he promised me ? I am REALLY struggling now. Think: Joseph while he was in prison...after Potipher's house, except I have NO favor whatsoever from my "captors". EVERYTHING is crumbling . Where is my God? Please pray for me. I need strengths of all types to continue this race. I need my Lord to bring me through this junk to my promised land. I need for him to close the mouths of the lions that are in my life...because they seem to be pretty successful @ what they're doing against me :bigfrown . I know that is Daniel's story, but it makes the perfect analogy for my situation right now .