- Dec 10, 2010
- 1,369
- 19
Yes this has to do with End times.
Where is the temple of God among us?
They had it prior to the Jesus's ministry and afterwards also for a little while, but when Jesus ministered He did not regard the temple itself as the temple of God and further on through the Holy Spirit this is also confirmed.
So i ask, where is the temple of God? where does God reside among men?
Please present scriptures if you are able, thank you.
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
At this time, much like the time before the children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness, God does not "tent" among men on the Earth. There was not always a Tabernacle or the later Temple. The only time in history that there has been one is from the time of Moses to the time of Jesus with some breaks in between.
We have all likely read that since the death of Jesus it had been stated that God does not dwell in temples made with hands and that the saints were the actual temple (that is dwelling place), of God's Holy Breath. But what are we to make of these truths?
First we must realize that there is at this time NO earthly temple and no one is spoken of needing to come about again according to scripture. Secondly, and this is harder to accept but true nonetheless; God does not currently make His dwelling place among the peoples of the Earth. According to scripture (Rev 21), God will not dwell among man on the land (earth) until He has make all things new, wiped away all tears, and brought death to an end. So we must conclude that the "temple" of God is at this time a heavenly one and in no way, shape, or form a part of the current world's arrangement.