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Where is the temple of God now?


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So i ask, where is the temple of God? where does God reside among men?

Please present scriptures if you are able, thank you.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus clearly taught that the time of the temple as a physical building which housed the presence of God came to a permanent end with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD - when He said "this generation shall witness the destruction of the temple", He meant it.

God's new "temple" is, of course, the human person (Romans 8 is temple language, situating the Holy Spirit "inside" the human person).
Then again, amidst all these interesting comments debating on the nature of the temple, let me interject Ezekiel's temple. Looks to me that this temple is physically too large to fit the present temple mount. That is to say unless it's renovated somehow. Well, that could easily be considering in the world to come after Tribulation that a lot of physical features on this earth will be rearranged.
Jesus clearly taught that the time of the temple as a physical building which housed the presence of God came to a permanent end with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD - when He said "this generation shall witness the destruction of the temple", He meant it.

God's new "temple" is, of course, the human person (Romans 8 is temple language, situating the Holy Spirit "inside" the human person).
what is the wailing wall in Israel? is that not a part of the old temple?
Jesus clearly taught that the time of the temple as a physical building which housed the presence of God came to a permanent end with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD - when He said "this generation shall witness the destruction of the temple", He meant it.

God's new "temple" is, of course, the human person (Romans 8 is temple language, situating the Holy Spirit "inside" the human person).
Mark 13.2 Jesus replied, "Yes, look at these great buildings. But they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!"

Again what about the wailing wall? or (western wall) that is one big wall with lots of stones atop each other.
what is the wailing wall in Israel? is that not a part of the old temple?

If the foundation is part of a house, then the foundation wall (which is what the western wall is) is part of the temple.

If you're arguing by this that the temple hasn't been destroyed, I'm sure the Jewish people will be glad to hear they can resume sacrifices in the Holy of Holies again.

(Now where did they put that veil?) :chin
If the foundation is part of a house, then the foundation wall (which is what the western wall is) is part of the temple.

If you're arguing by this that the temple hasn't been destroyed, I'm sure the Jewish people will be glad to hear they can resume sacrifices in the Holy of Holies again.

(Now where did they put that veil?) :chin
If the foundation is part of a house, then the foundation wall (which is what the western wall is) is part of the temple.

If you're arguing by this that the temple hasn't been destroyed, I'm sure the Jewish people will be glad to hear they can resume sacrifices in the Holy of Holies again.

(Now where did they put that veil?) :chin
I'm using it regarding the debate that Jesus was addressing the generation of 70ad as that being the generation of the fig tree as opposed to a future generation, not one stone will be a top another is IMO a good argument that the generation in 70ad is not the generation of the fig tree. If that makes sense.
Jesus clearly taught that the time of the temple as a physical building which housed the presence of God came to a permanent end with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD - when He said "this generation shall witness the destruction of the temple", He meant it.

God's new "temple" is, of course, the human person (Romans 8 is temple language, situating the Holy Spirit "inside" the human person).

Which you would know I agree with if you read the thread.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm using it regarding the debate that Jesus was addressing the generation of 70ad as that being the generation of the fig tree as opposed to a future generation, not one stone will be a top another is IMO a good argument that the generation in 70ad is not the generation of the fig tree. If that makes sense.

The generation of the fig tree is Christ's. Heaven and earth will pass away but all of these things will not pass away.

Heaven and earth pass away at the coming of God, not Christ, therefore all of the generation will experience everything and the words wont pass away, neither will that generation. God, the Son and the saints shall live forever and ever.Amen.
It is a generation that has no end through Christ.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The generation of the fig tree is Christ's. Heaven and earth will pass away but all of these things will not pass away.

Heaven and earth pass away at the coming of God, not Christ, therefore all of the generation will experience everything and the words wont pass away, neither will that generation. God, the Son and the saints shall live forever and ever.Amen.
It is a generation that has no end through Christ.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
What? at the coming of GOD? OK I see we clearly disagree.:lol
The generation of the fig tree is Christ's. Heaven and earth will pass away but all of these things will not pass away.

Heaven and earth pass away at the coming of God, not Christ, therefore all of the generation will experience everything and the words wont pass away, neither will that generation. God, the Son and the saints shall live forever and ever.Amen.
It is a generation that has no end through Christ.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

come on warfrog, it's Christ's second coming.
Mark 13.2 Jesus replied, "Yes, look at these great buildings. But they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!"

Again what about the wailing wall? or (western wall) that is one big wall with lots of stones atop each other.

God does not dwell in the physical temple, then dwell in us, and then returns to living in a physical temple. it used to be physical and now it's spiritual, that is what the NT is pointing to - the Spiritual.

alot of that wall was erected after the 7th century anyway.
not one stone will be a top another is IMO a good argument that the generation in 70ad is not the generation of the fig tree. If that makes sense.

Did anyone offer sacrifices or prayers in the foundation? Do you know what a foundation even is?
What? at the coming of GOD? OK I see we clearly disagree.:lol

Ok, ddisagreement happens, but why do you disagree, what scriptures cause you to disagree?

Rev 21: 1 clearly shows when earth passes away and if you read those scriptures that is when God comes.

1st Corinthians 15 Shows that 3 things must happen in order for the Father to return. 1. Christ raised. 2. Christ's raised at His coming and 3. judgement of the damned, the last enemy destroyed and the Son subjecting Himself to the Father, that God may be all in all.

The earth passes away at God, the Fathers coming, not Christ's.
2 Peter 3:10-13 God, the Father coming, not Christ's, Christ doesnt destroy the earth at His coming. God does.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
come on warfrog, it's Christ's second coming.

Rockie the parable of the fig tree isnt just about Christ's coming it goes beyond that, the generation is Christ's, the saints and they will not pass away ever, thats the point of the fig tree parable, when you see the things spoken of as previously mentioned, know that it is near, when Christ comes the end is near, heaven and earth will pass away, the coming of God is near, the time where He puts away all rule, all authority and power, wipes away every tear, there is no more death, no more pain, that is near.
Theres a thousand years and a short time, judgement of the damned, the last judged is death, then all things are done and heaven and earth will pass away, God will create new heaven and a new earth.
Which occurs just before God dwells with us and Christ forever and ever
Rev 21:1 thats when the earth passes away, not at Christ's coming.

The parable is telling us, all of these things will happen, God word will never pass away and this generation will also not ever pass away, heaven and earth will pass away but the generation and the Word will never.

And it doesnt. Those who are given a body just like Christ rose in at His coming, when they are gathered to him, the sleeping and those who remain will remain forever, they will be given incorruptibles bodies from thier corruptible ones. They will never be seperated from the Lord, they will not ever pass away "the second death has no power". Amen.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ is the corner stone! He aint marble.

Yup Rockie

1Co 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
1Co 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
1Co 15:48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
1Co 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
1Co 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
the foundation is not the wall.
Christ states not one stone will be atop another, not except the wall. My point is I do not believe the generation of the fig tree is that of Christ, I believe it is a future or perhaps this generation, I believe in a second coming of Christ and that the anti-christ comes first at the sixth trump where Jesus comes at the seventh trump. After being a member of this board for long enough to realize that this same tired argument still sucks me in I am still surprised at the many differences of opinion there is regarding this one subject. Anyway thank you for your response.
I do not believe the generation of the fig tree is that of Christ, I believe it is a future or perhaps this generation

What does the Bible say about it? I believe the moon is made of green cheese and powdered sugar. Doesn't make it so.

The trick is making sure belief aligns with reality. In this case, the Bible is the reality.

I'm tired of people being mislead by a doctrine that allows the kind of insanity preached by the likes of Harold Camping, and that's EXACTLY what a "futurist" view of these things encourages! In the future? When? In our generation? What signs will be fulfilled that haven't been fulfilled in THAT GENERATION???

Futurism encourages abuse and leads people into false hope. Time to get real, people. :nono2


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