come on warfrog, it's Christ's second coming.
Rockie the parable of the fig tree isnt just about Christ's coming it goes beyond that, the generation is Christ's, the saints and they will not pass away ever, thats the point of the fig tree parable, when you see the things spoken of as previously mentioned, know that it is near, when Christ comes the end is near, heaven and earth will pass away, the coming of God is near, the time where He puts away all rule, all authority and power, wipes away every tear, there is no more death, no more pain, that is near.
Theres a thousand years and a short time, judgement of the damned, the last judged is death, then all things are done and heaven and earth will pass away, God will create new heaven and a new earth.
Which occurs just before God dwells with us and Christ forever and ever
Rev 21:1 thats when the earth passes away, not at Christ's coming.
The parable is telling us, all of these things will happen, God word will never pass away and this generation will also not ever pass away, heaven and earth will pass away but the generation and the Word will never.
And it doesnt. Those who are given a body just like Christ rose in at His coming, when they are gathered to him, the sleeping and those who remain will remain forever, they will be given incorruptibles bodies from thier corruptible ones. They will never be seperated from the Lord, they will not ever pass away "the second death has no power". Amen.
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.