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Where Is Whitney Houston Now?

Since Houston was a Baptist; then she had a pretty good chance of making it to safety when she passed.

What's so special about Baptists? Answer: Christ's administration. He's a Melchizedekian high priest rather than an Aaronic high priest (Ps 110:4, Heb 5:4-6, Heb 6:18-20, Heb 7:11) so his constituents aren't subject to the Ten Commandments; and the reason for that is quite simple. Moses' covenanted law isn't retroactive (Gal 3:17) therefore none of Mel's constituents were obligated to comply with it; including Mr. Abraham.

So then; since Christ is Whitney's high priest; then her salvation isn't dependent upon compliance with the Ten Commandments.

†. Gal 5:4 . . For if you are trying to make yourselves righteous with God by keeping commandments, then you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God's kindness and generosity.

†. Gal 2:21 . . I am not one of those who treats the kindness of God as meaningless. For if we could be spared by keeping commandments, then there was no need for Christ to die.

†. Gal 3:21-22 . . If the commandments could have given us new life, then we could have been made right with God by obeying them. But the Scriptures have declared that we are all prisoners of sin, so the only way to receive God's promise is to trust in Jesus Christ.

In other words: Whitney could conceivably thumb her nose at every commandment in the book and still be okay just so long as she was relying upon Christ's crucifixion to protect her from the wrath of God.

Something I almost totally forgot about Melchizedekian priests is that their authority supersedes the authority of any and all priests of the tribe of Levi.

†.Heb 7:4-10 . . Just think how great he was: even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder! Now the law requires the descendants of Levi who become priests to collect a tenth from the people— that is, their brothers —even though their brothers are descended from Abraham.

. . .This man, however, did not trace his descent from Levi, yet he collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. And without doubt the lesser person is blessed by the greater. In the one case, the tenth is collected by men who die; but in the other case, by him who is declared to be living. One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through Abraham, because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the loins of his ancestor.

What that means is: people trying to earn their way into heaven by means of the Ten Commandments are working within the jurisdiction of the wrong priesthood. The Levitical order wasn't established for heavenly people to live by, no, the Levitical order is only for earthly people to live by and it absolutely will not get them into heaven simply because that's not its purpose.

†. Rom 10:5 . . For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law: that the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

In other words: the Levitical order is the law of the land; while the Melchizedekian order is the law of heaven.

†. John 14:6 . . Jesus saith unto him, I am the way . . . no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The primary reason that Jesus went up to heaven is because his priesthood has no jurisdiction down here.

†. Heb 8:4 . . If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law.

So then, in a nutshell: the Levitical order is for earthly people; while the Melchizedekian order is for heavenly people; viz: for people who've made the cut.

†. Col 1:13 . . He has delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son

In other words: the Levitical priesthood serves the dead, while the Melchizedekian priesthood serves the living.

†. John 5:24 . . I assure you: those who listen to my message, and believe in God who sent me, have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.

Not only are believing Christians among the living; but so are Abraham, Isaac, and Mr. Jacob too.

†. Mtt 22:31-32 . . Have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

The judgmental part of me, exposed to lots and lots of fire and brimstone preaching at Jesus Camp, wants to say: HELL!

But God is merciful and just. She had a hard life. I'm not saying she--or anyone--deserves Heaven, but I am saying that we all stumble and fall, some more so than others. I think news reports have her taking a keen interest in her faith towards the end of her life. Maybe God granted another lost soul the ultimate second chance and graced her with Heaven?

Here's hoping, anyway.
Personally, I think Houston made it. Yes; her life as a Christian was a train wreck; but when a high priest of the Melchizedekian order is your mediator between man and God; that's not a deciding factor.

I think her life's fatal error was in marrying a non-Christian.

†. 2Cor 6:14-18 . . Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.

. . . As God has said: I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them and be separate-- says the Lord --touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters-- says the Lord Almighty.

<O:p</O:pI truly believe that Whitney's association with God went on the rocks the day she got hitched to the wrong man.

†. 1John 1:5-6 . .This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.

Houston can still be saved in spite of her marriage to Bobby Brown; though I doubt she'll get much recognition for loyalty to Christ's wishes.

†. 1Cor 3:11-15 . . For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

Some folk attempt to use that passage to prove there's a purgatory, but that's not what it's saying. The last part "as one escaping through the flame" depicts somebody wakened in the middle of the night by their house on fire and they get out just in time but take nothing with them except the clothes they wore to bed. All their mementoes, all their belongings, and sometimes <O:p</O:peven their pets go up in smoke. The person is spared, but everything they owned is gone.

Poor Whitney. She threw away the best years of her life on the wrong man and was out of sorts with God in the process; and now her daughter is paying for Whitney's spiritual indiscretion with depression and drug addiction.

There's a pretty cool scene in the movie "Moonstruck" where a man wants to come inside with Loretta's mom after an impromptu dinner out. Well; she said no and her reason was "I know who I am". In other words: Loretta's mom was married and she was not about to cross that boundary. Houston forgot who she was and crossed 2Cor 6:14-18 and you can see what it got her.

†. Gal 6:7 . . Don't be misled. Remember that you can't ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow.

God used some train wrecks of people to shape the Bible. People who are Saved can fall too. Whitney loved the Lord until the end. The last song that she ever sang was Jesus Loves Me, 2 days before she died. She always talked about Jesus, but she was fighting a drug addiction and I understood her fight. Because like they say, the only person who can understand one is another one. We have people on this board who are former drug users and they know the fight. God did not send her to hell, because Hr knew her heart. she always teach her daughter the Bible no matter what state she was in. But Whitney fell a lot and so have I. You know sometimes even the Saved will be in for the fight of their lives with drugs, sex, and alcohol. Sometimes allowing you to die is a act of Mercy when it comes to God intervening. But my whole thing is, Whitney loved the Lord, through it all. And she talked about Jesus constantly, and she would fight and sometimes lose. And so have billions of us. Take a look at Revelations 18:23 for instance, and look up the word Sorceries, and then translate it back into the Greek and you will come up with the word Pharmakeus, a druggist or poisoner. We get our word "pharmacy" from this Greek word.There is a big struggle against this evil and God knew it was coming, better yet read it for yourself below, but it does not mean that Jesus is going to send you to hell.
Lewis W

If you expand your vocabulary can it increase your knowledge of Revelation? There are a few Greek words in Revelation that your knowing them can greatly increase your knowledge base of this wonderful book.
Revelation isn't hard to understand even if you do not expand your vocabulary or your knowledge base. However, some knowledge of a few words can increase your understanding tremendously.
For instance, look at the word sorcery or witchcraft in 9:21. Whenever the words sorcery or witchcraft is used elsewhere in the Bible it means an enchantment of spell cast by magic.

We see the word sorcery throughout the Old Testament. Always it has the same meaning. No surprises or shifts in meaning anywhere. However, in the ninth chapter of Revelation, you need to know the vocabulary for the word in order to have knowledge of its usage.
In 9:21 the Greek word which has been interpreted "sorcerer" is pharmakeus, a druggist or poisoner. We get our word "pharmacy" from this Greek word. Therefore, the implication is that a sorcerer is one who sells, makes, supplies or uses drugs.
Other forms of the word is pharmakos and pharmakeia. We only find the forms of this Greek word the last five times that sorcerer, sorceries or witchcraft is used in our Bible: Galatians 5:19; Revelation 9:21, 18:23; 21:8 and 22:15. This would indicate that in the end times, drugs-illegal or legal-will increase greatly. I think we are seeing this take place today. There is a major increase in the use of legal drugs!

The end of Revelation 9 indicates roving bands of terrorists going about stealing, killing and raping. Drugs have always been a catalyst for these activities, and it appears that nothing is changing except there's a greater use of drugs at this time.
In 18:23 the statement is made, "...because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery." By the buying, supplying and using of drugs the whole world was deceived by this political and economical Babylon.
Yes, you can build your knowledge of Revelation when you expand your vocabulary. This is only one place in our study of Revelation where understanding vocabulary can indeed help you understand this fantastic book. Get your copy of our study or visit our blog today.

There is so much information about this book and a literal understanding of it in our study of the Book of Revelation. It's a must read for serious Bible enthusiasts. Order your copy today. To obtain your copy of the study of Revelation from B. C. Ministries, Inc. simply visit and order your copy. You can learn how to get a FREE copy, too!
As Christians we are to use Matthew 7 as a basis for judgment and we most certainly cannot judge her final destination. Only God sits on the judgment seat and to think that we can say where someone goes after they die removes Him from His place and puts us onto the judgment seat.

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?--James 4:12
1Cor 3:11-15 . . . Some folk attempt to use that passage to prove there's a purgatory
Rome's purgatory is interesting.

CCC.1030 . . All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven.

CCC.1031 . .The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire:

The "holiness necessary" to enter the joy of heaven is achieved via discipline. Let me explain.

When David committed the capital crimes of premeditated murder and adultery, he was permitted to live rather than be executed in accordance with Moses' covenanted law for those kinds of sins. However, though he wasn't prosecuted, he was taken to the wood shed.

In other words; the punishment God prescribed for David's crimes was in the category of discipline rather than criminal justice-- discipline's purpose is to build character rather than even the score.

So then, though Catholics obtain forgiveness via the sacrament of reconciliation, they are not let off Scott free. No; they have to be taught a lesson; if not in this life, then in the next. (cf. Heb 12:5-13)

I was very curious as to the status of repeat offenders in purgatory until I was informed of Pope Leo X's Bull of Exurge Domine. In the year 1520 he stated, along with some other things, that death is the termination not of nature but of sin, and this inability to sin makes [purgatorial souls] secure of final happiness; viz: according to Leo X, the occupants of purgatory are unable to sin; subsequently, they are sinless and don't commit new sins while undergoing purgatorial discipline and purification

Obviously it's essential for souls in purgatory to be sinless, because if they weren't, then Rome’s promise in CCC.1030 of an assured eternal salvation for purgatorians would be a tenuous guarantee indeed since each new sin committed while interred in purgatory would add time to the penitent’s original sentence; with the very real possibility of potentially snow-balling to the point where they would never be released.

None of this of course has anything to do with Whitney Houston. I just thought it might be interesting.

I hope that this dear lady is in heaven and I will be able to greet her one day. I can't even began to know what an addiction must be like. I hope she came to know Christ at an early age and just strayed as she got older. 2 Peter 3:9 reminds us...The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.